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[[Image:Final.gif]] [MMRO-III] [[Multimodality Image Registration for Radiation Oncology 2013]] extends MMRO-II to allow additional modalities other than CT as the primary dataset  
[[Image:Final.gif]] [MMRO-III] [[Multimodality Image Registration for Radiation Oncology 2013]] extends MMRO-II to allow additional modalities other than CT as the primary dataset  
[[Image:Final.gif]] [TPPC] [[Treatment Planning - Plan Content]] updates ATRI and adds additional RT treatment techniques to those defined in BRTO-II
[[Image:Trial.gif]] [TDOR] [[Treatment Delivery Offline Recording]] is an extension to the Treatment Delivery Workflow - II (TDW-II) Profile dealing with the recording of treatment sessions in case of system outages and/or crashes
[[Image:Trial.gif]] [TDOR] [[Treatment Delivery Offline Recording]] is an extension to the Treatment Delivery Workflow - II (TDW-II) Profile dealing with the recording of treatment sessions in case of system outages and/or crashes
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[[Image:Trial.gif]] [TDRC] [[Treatment Delivery Record Content]]
[[Image:Trial.gif]] [TDRC] [[Treatment Delivery Record Content]]
[[Image:Final.gif]] [TPPC] [[Treatment Planning - Plan Content]] updates ATRI and adds additional RT treatment techniques to those defined in BRTO-II
[[Image:Comment.gif]] [TPPC-ION] [[Treatment Planning - Ion Plan Content]] - defines the content of Ion treatment plans
[[Image:Comment.gif]] [TPPC-ION] [[Treatment Planning - Ion Record Content]] - defines the content of Ion treatment records
[[Image:Comment.gif]] [TPPC-Brachy] [[Treatment Planning - Brachy Content]]- defines the content of Brachytherapy treatment plans
[[Image:Comment.gif]] [TPPC-ION] [[Treatment Planning - Ion Plan Content]]
[[Image:Comment.gif]] [TDRC-Brachy] [[Treatment Record - Brachy Content]]- defines the content of Brachytherapy treatment records
:'''Profiles for Workflow'''  
:'''Profiles for Workflow'''  
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==[[Radiology| IHE Radiology]] Profiles==
==[[Radiology| IHE Radiology]] Profiles==

Revision as of 11:11, 18 December 2023

IHE Profiles describe specific solutions to interoperability problems. Profiles specify how "Actors" use standards to address a specific healthcare use case.

Each domain defines and publishes profiles to address interoperability issues related to its clinical and operational scope.

For ease of reference, each Profile is given a full name and a short acronym. Referencing IHE Profiles gives implementers and users a common language for solutions backed by detailed specifications to ensure interoperability.

The list of Profiles below is organized by the IHE Domain that produces them. The list of IHE Profiles can also be viewed:

Full documentation for each Profile is contained in IHE Technical Frameworks published on https://profiles.ihe.net/.

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Profiles are listed in one of the following states:

Final.gif - Final Text (FT) - stable
Trial.gif - Trial Implementation (TI) - frozen for trial use; changes permitted prior to FT
TIBackToPC.gif - Public Comment (PC) - a TI profile republished for PC (not implementation)
Comment.gif - Public Comment (PC) - a new profile published for PC (not implementation); not all PC profiles are listed here
Draft.gif - Draft Supplement - not yet ready for Public Comment; most Draft profiles are not listed here
Retired.gif - Deprecated/Retired - no longer recommended or maintained by IHE

The links below provide brief overviews of each profile (based on the Profile Overview Template).

IHE Cardiology Profiles

Cardiac Profiles

Final.gif [CATH] - Cardiac Cath Workflow integrates ordering, scheduling, imaging acquisition, storage and viewing for Cardiac Catheterization procedures

Final.gif [ECHO] - Echocardiography Workflow integrates ordering, scheduling, imaging acquisition, storage and viewing for digital echocardiography

Final.gif [ECG] - Retrieve ECG for Display provides access throughout the enterprise to electrocardiogram (ECG) documents for review purposes

Final.gif [ED] - Cardiology Option on Evidence Documents adds Cardiology-specific options to the Radiology ED profile for DICOM Structured Reports

Trial.gif [STRESS] - Stress Testing Workflow provides ordering and collecting multi-modality data during diagnostic Stress testing procedures

Trial.gif [DRPT] - Displayable Reports manages creation and distribution of “display ready” (PDF or CDA) clinical reports from the creating application, to the department, and to the enterprise.

Trial.gif [REWF] - Resting ECG Workflow workflow for collecting ECG data in both ordered and unordered procedures, data storage and access, and ECG reporting

Trial.gif [IEO] - Image-Enabled Office Workflow integrates an imaging suite with an EHR system in an ambulatory office, including ordering, imaging, reporting, and web-based review.

Trial.gif [CIRC] - Cardiac Imaging Report Content format for a CDA report of a cardiac diagnostic imaging procedure, including discrete data elements

Trial.gif [CPN] - Cardiac Procedure Note implementation guide for a cardiac procedure note, including Cath/PCI, Structural Heart Interventions and Electrophysiology Implant/Explant procedure.

Trial.gif [CRC] - Cath Report Content format for a CDA report of a cardiac Cath/PCI procedure, including discrete data elements

Trial.gif [EPRC] - Electrophysiology Report Content format for a CDA report of a Electropshyiology Implant/Explant Procedure including discrete data elements.

Trial.gif [RCS-C] - Registry Content Submission-CathPCI format for a CDA report to facilitate submission of NCDR® CathPCI V4.4 data elements to the NCDR® CathPCI Registry®.

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IHE Dental Profiles

Dental Profiles

Trial.gif [SEDI] - Secure Exchange of Dental Information transmits dental documents using a point-to-point reliable web system.

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IHE Devices Profiles

DEV Profiles

Final.gif [ACM] Alert Communication Management communicates alerts (alarms - physiological or technical, or advisories), ensuring the right alert with the right priority gets to the right individuals with the right content.

Final.gif [DEC] Device Enterprise Communication transmits information from medical devices at the point of care to enterprise applications.

Final.gif [IDCO] Implantable Device Cardiac Observation transfers information from an interrogated implantable cardiac device to information management system.

Final.gif [IPEC] Infusion Pump Event Communication communicates clinical and technical events from an infusion pump to an information system for recording, action or presentation to a user.

Final.gif [PIV] Point of Care Infusion Verification communicates medication orders to an infusion pump or pump management system.

Final.gif [RTM] Rosetta Terminology Mapping harmonizes ISO/IEEE 11073-10101 nomenclature standard terms used in PCD transactions.

Trial.gif [MEMDMC] Device Management Communication sends device information and status observations to CMMS/CEMS for equipment management purposes.

Trial.gif [MEMLS] Location Services abstracts device and people location observations and events from location tracking implementation technology.

Trial.gif [POU] Personal Health Device Observation Upload describes a standardized means of representing Personal Health Data (PHD) data as FHIR® Resources. FHIRLogoGeneric.png

Trial.gif [PCIM] Point-of-Care Identity Management

Trial.gif [POI] Pulse Oximetry Integration guides implementation of pulse oximetry devices using IHE PCD profiles.

Trial.gif [RDQ] Retrospective Data Query queries archived point-of-care device observations for clinical decision support or other data analysis purposes.

Trial.gif [SPD] Subscribe to Patient Data

Trial.gif [SDPi] Service-oriented Device Point-of-care Interoperability profiles enable device-to-device plug-and-trust interoperability around high acuity beds.

Trial.gif [WCM] Waveform Content Module includes waveform data in IHE PCD profiles such as DEC and ACM.

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IHE Endoscopy Profiles

Endoscopy Profiles

Trial.gif [EIA] - Endoscopy Image Archiving defines a workflow focusing on the image information communication during the endoscopy procedure.

Trial.gif [ERPO] - Endoscopy Report and Pathology Order specifies a series of workflows where gastroenterological endoscopy is conducted on the order from the hospital information system located outside of the endoscopy department and the endoscopy report returned to the system.

Trial.gif [EWF] - Endoscopy Ordering Workflow

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IHE Eye Care Profiles

(list organized alphabetical by status)

Eye Profiles

Final.gif [EC-CHG] - Eye Care Charge Posting collects and posts timely billable claims related to Eye Care procedures.

Final.gif [ECDR] - Eye Care Displayable Report supports the creation, query/retrieve and reading of ubiquitous display–ready eye care reports.

Final.gif [ECED] - Eye Care Evidence Documents manages observations, measurements, and peri-procedural results.

Final.gif [U-EYECARE] - Unified Eye Care Workflow combines the best features of prior Profiles with more flexible real-world implementation models for systems such as EHRs and PACS.

Trial.gif [ECAS] - Eye Care Appointment Scheduling standardizes the means of requesting patient appointments.

Trial.gif [EC-Summary] - Eye Care Summary Record defines the C-CDA document collected for a patient's eye care summary medical record.

Trial.gif [GEE] - General Eye Evaluation defines the C-CDA document collected during a patient's eye examination.

Retired.gif [A-EYECARE] - Advanced Eye Care Workflow manages and distributes the workflow across equipment within the eye clinic.

Retired.gif [B-EYECARE] - Basic Eye Care Workflow manages and distributes the workflow across equipment within the eye clinic. A subset of A-EYECARE.

Retired.gif [C-EYECARE] - Core Eye Care Workflow manages and distributes the workflow across equipment within an eye clinic without a centralized, integrated, image archive (PACS).

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IHE IT Infrastructure Profiles

ITI Profiles

Final.gif [ATNA] Audit Trail and Node Authentication Basic security through (a) functional access controls, (b) defined security audit logging and (c) secure network communications. FHIRLogoGeneric.png

Final.gif [BPPC] Basic Patient Privacy Consents records a patient's privacy consent acknowledgement (for enforcing privacy appropriate to the use).

Final.gif [CT] Consistent Time synchronizes system clocks and time stamps of computers in a network (median error less than 1 second).

Final.gif [XCA] Cross-Community Access queries and retrieves patient electronic health records held by other communities.

Final.gif [XCPD] Cross-Community Patient Discovery locates communities with electronic health records for a patient and translates patient identifiers across communities.

Final.gif [XDM] Cross-enterprise Document Media Interchange transfers documents and metadata using CDs, USB memory, or email attachments.

Final.gif [XDR] Cross-enterprise Document Reliable Interchange exchanges health documents between health enterprises using a web-service based point-to-point push network communication.

Final.gif [XDS] Cross Enterprise Document Sharing shares and discovers electronic health record documents between healthcare enterprises, physician offices, clinics, acute care in-patient facilities and personal health records.

Final.gif [XDS-SD] Cross-enterprise Sharing of Scanned Documents shares unstructured electronic documents including scanned legacy paper and film.

Final.gif [XUA] Cross-Enterprise User Assertion communicates claims about the identity of an authenticated principal (user, application, system...) across enterprise boundaries - Federated Identity.

Final.gif [XDW] Cross Enterprise Workflow coordinates human and applications mediated workflows across multiple organizations.

Final.gif [DSG] Document Digital Signature specifies digital signatures for documents.

Final.gif [DSUB] Document Metadata Subscription subscribes for metadata-triggered notifications within an XDS Affinity Domain and across communities.

Final.gif [EUA] Enterprise User Authentication enables single sign-on inside an enterprise by facilitating one name per user for participating devices and software.

Final.gif [MPQ] Multi-Patient Queries aggregates queries to a Document Registry for data analysis such as provider accreditation, clinical research trial data collection or population health monitoring.

Final.gif [PAM] Patient Administration Management establishes the continuity and integrity of patient data in and across acute care settings, as well as among ambulatory caregivers.

Final.gif [PDQ] Patient Demographics Query queries by patient demographics for patient identity from a central patient information server.

Final.gif [PIX] Patient Identifier Cross Referencing queries for patient identity cross-references between hospitals, sites, health information exchange networks, etc.

Final.gif [PDQv3] Patient Demographics Query HL7 v3 extends the Patient Demographics Query profile leveraging HL7 version 3.

Final.gif [PIXv3] Patient Identifier Cross-Reference HL7 v3 extends the Patient Identifier Cross-Reference profile leveraging HL7 version 3.

Final.gif [PSA] Patient Synchronized Application allows cooperating applications on a workstation to synchronize to selected patient context.

Final.gif [PWP] Personnel White Pages provides basic directory information on human workforce members within an organization.

Final.gif [RFD] Retrieve Form for Data Capture requests forms from clinical trial sponsors and public health reporting.

Final.gif [RID] Retrieve Information for Display provides simple (browser-based) read-only access to clinical information (e.g. allergies or lab results).

Final.gif [SVS] Sharing Value Sets distributes centrally-managed, common, uniform nomenclatures.

Final.gif [XPID] XAD-PID Change Management updates the relationship between XDS Affinity Domain patient identifiers and other patient identifiers.

Trial.gif [APPC] Advanced Patient Privacy Consents defines a structural representation of a patient-specific Privacy Policy.

Trial.gif [BasicAudit] Basic AuditEvent Log Patterns (BALP) defines some basic and reusable AuditEvent patterns. FHIRLogoGeneric.png

Trial.gif [CSD] Care Services Discovery queries directories containing data about organizations, facilities, services, and providers.

Trial.gif [XCF] Cross Community Fetch fetches a single or small pre-negotiated list of documents from another community.

Trial.gif [XCDR] Cross-Community Document Reliable Interchange (XCDR) pushes documents to systems in another community.

Trial.gif [DEN] Document Encryption encrypts individual documents and portable media content.

Trial.gif [HPD] Healthcare Provider Directory supports discovery and management of healthcare provider information, both individual and organizational, in a directory structure.

Trial.gif [IUA] Internet User Authorization provides user authorization for RESTful interfaces. FHIRLogoGeneric.png

Trial.gif [mACM] Mobile Alert Communication Management(mACM) provides a RESTful interface to an alert infrastructure. FHIRLogoGeneric.png

Trial.gif [MHD] Mobile access to Health Documents provides a RESTful interface to Document Sharing including XDS. FHIRLogoGeneric.png

Trial.gif [MHDS] Mobile Health Document Sharing (MHDS) provides a Document Sharing using only FHIR. FHIRLogoGeneric.png

Trial.gif [mCSD] Mobile Care Services Discovery (mCSD) provides a RESTful interface to discover Care Services: Organization, Location, Practitioner, and Health Services. FHIRLogoGeneric.png

Trial.gif [mXDE] Mobile Cross-Enterprise Document Data Element Extraction accesses data elements extracted from shared structured documents. FHIRLogoGeneric.png

Trial.gif [NPFS] Non-patient File Sharing (NPFS) provides a RESTful interface enable sharing of non-patient files such as clinical workflow definitions, domain policies, and stylesheets. FHIRLogoGeneric.png

Trial.gif [PCF] Privacy Consent on FHIR (PCF) provides support for patient privacy consents and access control where a FHIR API is used to access Document Sharing Health Information Exchanges. FHIRLogoGeneric.png

Trial.gif [PDQm] Patient Demographics Query for Mobile (PDQm) provides a RESTful interface to a patient demographics supplier. FHIRLogoGeneric.png

Trial.gif [PIXm] Patient Identifier Cross-Reference for Mobile (PIXm) provides a RESTful interface to patient identifier cross-references. FHIRLogoGeneric.png

Trial.gif [PLT] Patient Location Tracking tracks the location of a patient within a facility.

Trial.gif [PMIR] Patient Master Identity Registry (PMIR) provides a RESTful patient identity management. FHIRLogoGeneric.png

Trial.gif [RMD] Remove Metadata and Documents (RMD) removes documents and related metadata.

Trial.gif [RMU] Restricted Metadata Update (RMU) provides the ability to update document metadata in a local or remote community.

Trial.gif [SeR] Secure Retrieve defines a model for Access Control for XDS environments that have a centralized Access Control Decision, with Document Repository enforcement.

Trial.gif [SVCM] Sharing Valuesets, Codes and Maps (SVCM) provides a RESTful access to ValueSets, CodeSystems, and ConceptMaps. FHIRLogoGeneric.png

Trial.gif [sIPS] Sharing of IPS (sIPS) defines how HL7 FHIR IPS is communicated using IHE Document Sharing Health Information Exchange. FHIRLogoGeneric.png

Comment.gif [DSUBm] Document Metadata Subscription for Mobile (DSUBm) defines how HL7 FHIR is used for subscription and notification for IHE Document Sharing Health Information Exchange. FHIRLogoGeneric.png

Retired.gif [DRR] Document-based Referral Request transfers referral requests by document sharing (e.g., XDS, XDR, XDM).

Retired.gif [NAV] Notification of Document Availability supports out-of-band notifications of documents of interest between systems or users.

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IHE Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Profiles

Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Profiles

Trial.gif [ARPH] - Anatomic Pathology Reporting to Public Health transmits anatomic pathology reports to public health organizations (registries, CDC, etc).

Trial.gif [APSR] - Anatomic Pathology Structured Report templates anatomic pathology structured reports for cancers, benign neoplasms and non-neoplastic conditions.

Trial.gif [APW] - Anatomic Pathology Workflow integrates ordering, imaging and reporting for basic pathology exams.

Trial.gif [DPIA] - Digital Pathology Workflow - Image Acquisition

Final.gif [LAW] - Laboratory Analytical Workflow Profile supports the workflow of test orders and results with IVD specimens on Analyzers.

Final.gif [LBL] - Laboratory Barcode Labeling integrates robotic specimen container labeling systems with sources of order-related labelling information.

Trial.gif [LCC] - Laboratory Clinical Communications Profile supports the workflow of updating/suggesting replacment of test orders from the filler side and requesting follow up studies (Fullfillment) based on specific results.

Final.gif [LCSD] - Laboratory Code Sets Distribution distributes managed sets of clinical laboratory codes (battery, test and observation codes).

Final.gif [LDA] - Laboratory Device Automation integrates an Automation Manager and robotic laboratory equipment (pre-analytical, analyzers, post-analytical) in a clinical lab.

Final.gif [LPOCT] - Laboratory Point Of Care Testing integrates performing and collecting the results of in-vitro testing at the point of care or patient’s bedside.

Final.gif [LTW] - Laboratory Testing Workflow integrates ordering and performance of in-vitro diagnostic tests by a clinical laboratory inside a healthcare institution.

Trial.gif [ILW] - Inter Laboratory Workflow supports the workflow of orders and results with a subcontracting laboratory.

Trial.gif [RPC] - Radiology Pathology Concordance describes how discrete data elements are collected from structured reports to create an integrated report, where concordance of results is assessed, and reports are shared to an EMR or system in use by a health facility. FHIRLogoGeneric.png

Final.gif [XD-LAB] - Sharing Laboratory Reports describes the content (human and machine readable) of an electronic clinical laboratory report.

Trial.gif [SET] - Specimen Event Tracking defines use cases and transactions related to the tracking of biological specimens in vitro collected for the purpose of diagnostic testing, during their entire lifecycle, from creation to storage inside a laboratory specimen archive or a biobank for future usage, and to final disposal.

Trial.gif [TMA] - Transfusion Medicine - Administration communicates the status and outcomes of administration of prepared blood products to a patient.

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IHE Patient Care Coordination Profiles

Patient Care Coordination Profiles

Final.gif [XDS-MS] Cross Enterprise Sharing of Medical Summaries describes the content and format of Discharge Summaries and Referral Notes.

Final.gif [EDR] Emergency Department Referral communicates medical summary data from an EHR System to an EDIS System.

Final.gif [XPHR] Exchange of Personal Health Record describes the content and format of summary information extracted from a PHR system for import into an EHR system, and visa versa.

Final.gif [IC] Immunization Content describes the content and format of documents for exchange of immunization data.

Trial.gif [360X] 360 Exchange Closed Loop Referral Referral using PUSH mechanisms including Direct, XDR, and MHD.

Trial.gif [APE] Antepartum Education records educational material provided during the office visit(s) for the antepartum episode.

Trial.gif [APHP] Antepartum History and Physical records data often collected at the initial ambulatory office visit for a pregnant patient.

Trial.gif [APS] Antepartum Summary records the aggregation of significant events, diagnoses, and plans of care during an antepartum episode.

Trial.gif [APL] Antepartum Laboratory records results from standard laboratory tests administered during an antepartum episode.

Trial.gif [ACDC] Assessment Curation and Data Collection distributes assessment instruments to healthcare providers and collects assessment results. FHIRLogoGeneric.png

Trial.gif [BED] Bed Management augments ITI PAM to communicate bed management for admissions.

Trial.gif [CM] Care Management exchanges information to manage care for specific conditions.

Trial.gif [CDA-DSS] CDA Document Summary Sections Describes the different types of CDA section templates that summarizes content in the CDA document or add summary content that is not already included in the CDA document.

Trial.gif [XCHT-WD] Cross Enterprise Cardiovascular Heart Team orchestrates the creation of a dynamic network of cardiovascular professionals called a Heart Team.

Trial.gif [XBeR-WD] Cross-enterprise Basic eReferral Workflow Definition

Trial.gif [XTHM-WD] Cross-enterprise TeleHome Monitoring Workflow Definition

Trial.gif [XTB-WD] Cross-enterprise Tumor Board Workflow Definition

Trial.gif [DCP] Dynamic Care Planning shares and updates patient care plans.FHIRLogoGeneric.png

TIBackToPC.gif [DCTM] Dynamic Care Team Management shares information about a patient's care teams.FHIRLogoGeneric.png

Trial.gif [CTNN] Emergency Department Encounter Summary Composite Triage and Nursing Note records both triage and nursing care delivered to a patient in the emergency department.

Trial.gif [EDPN] Emergency Department Encounter Summary ED Physician Note records care delivered to a patient in the emergency department.

Trial.gif [NN] Emergency Department Encounter Summary Nursing Note records nursing care delivered to a patient in the emergency department.

Trial.gif [TN] Emergency Department Encounter Summary Triage Note records triage of a patient upon presentation to the emergency department.

Trial.gif [ENS] eNursing Summary

Trial.gif [GAO] Guideline Appropriate Ordering supplies a mechanism by which EHR and departmental systems can evaluate orders to determine whether these orders conform to guidelines. FHIRLogoGeneric.png

Trial.gif [IPS] International Patient Summary profiles IPS based on HL7's IPS Implementation Guides. FHIRLogoGeneric.png

Trial.gif [LDHP] Labor and Delivery History and Physical records data often collected during initial admission to a birthing facility.

Trial.gif [LDS] Labor and Delivery Summary records data often collected during the labor and delivery period at a birthing facility.

Trial.gif [MDS] Maternal Discharge Summary records data often collected post-delivery until discharge from the birthing facility.

Trial.gif [MCV] Multiple Content Views tags CDA text to achieve different rendering behaviors.

Trial.gif [NDS] Newborn Discharge Summary

TIBackToPC.gif [PCS] Paramedicine Care Summary maps the flow of the patient information from the ambulance patient record, commonly known as the electronic Patient Care Record (ePCR), to the hospital Electronic Medical Record (EMR). FHIRLogoGeneric.png

Trial.gif [PtCP] Patient Care Plan

Trial.gif [PPOC] Patient Plan of Care exchanges data related to creating and managing individualized patient care.

Trial.gif [PW] Perinatal Workflow

Trial.gif [PMDT] Point-of-Care Medical Device Tracking records medical device information acquired at the point-of-care. FHIRLogoGeneric.png

Trial.gif [PPVS] Postpartum Visit Summary

Trial.gif [QED] Query for Existing Data queries for clinical data elements (e.g. observations, allergies, conditions, diagnostic results, medications, immunizations, procedures, etc).

Trial.gif [QEDm] Query for Existing Data for Mobile queries for clinical data elements (e.g. observations, allergies, conditions, diagnostic results, medications, immunizations, procedures, etc). FHIRLogoGeneric.png

Trial.gif [RECON] Reconciliation of Clinical Content and Care Providers communicates lists of clinical data that were reconciled, who did the reconciliation and when. FHIRLogoGeneric.png

Trial.gif [ROL] Referral Order Linking communicates and links the referral and/or order number in documentation and metadata associated with services requested by an order placer.

Trial.gif [RPM] Remote Patient Monitoring

Trial.gif [RCK] Retrieval for Clinical Knowledge retrieves clinical knowledge on topics for presentation to a clinician or patient.

TIBackToPC.gif [RIPT] Routine Interfacility Patient Transport supports interoperability between systems used on transport vehicles between healthcare facilities. FHIRLogoGeneric.png

Trial.gif [RCG] Request for Clinical Guidance obtains decision support when ordering medications, determining appropriate immunizations, diagnostic tests, et cetera.

Retired.gif [CMAP] Clinical Mapping translates codes from one terminology to another for exchange of information between systems. FHIRLogoGeneric.png

Retired.gif [ETC] EMS Transfer of Care

Retired.gif [ETS] EMS Transport Summary shares information during situations where patients are being transported to a hospital emergency department facility.

Retired.gif [ITS] Interfacility Transport Summary shares information during situations where patients are being transported between two healthcare facilities.

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IHE Pharmacy Profiles

Pharmacy Profiles

Trial.gif [DIS] Community Dispense records the dispensation of medication to a patient.

Trial.gif [CMA] Community Medication Administration records the administration of medication to a patient.

Trial.gif [PML] Community Medication List carries a list of planned, prescribed, dispensed or administered medication to a patient.

Trial.gif [CMPD] Community Medication Prescription and Dispense integrates prescription, validation and dispensation of medication in the ambulatory sector.

Trial.gif [MTP] Community Medication Treatment Plan records the planning of medication to a patient.

Trial.gif [PADV] Community Pharmaceutical Advice records a pharmaceutical advice (validation outcome, management command, etc.) for a planned or prescribed medication.

Trial.gif [PRE] Community Prescription records a prescription to a patient.

Trial.gif [HMW] Hospital Medication Workflow integrates prescription, validation, dispensation, distribution and administration of medication inside healthcare institutions.

Trial.gif [MMA] Mobile Medication Administration connects EHRs with devices such as smartphones and smart pill boxes using RESTful web services. FHIRLogoGeneric.png

Trial.gif [UBP] Uniform Barcode Processing returns a FHIR resource (for a medication, device, patient, etc) corresponding to a submitted barcode.FHIRLogoGeneric.png

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IHE Quality, Research, and Public Health Profiles

QRPH Profiles

Trial.gif [ADX] Aggregate Data Exchange captures and communicates information for birth and fetal death reporting for vital registration purposes.

Trial.gif [ADX-HIV] Aggregate Data Exchange - HIV describes content used with the ADX profile for transmission of HIV information.

Retired.gif [BFDR] Birth and Fetal Death Reporting describes the content and format used in the pre-population data part of the Retrieve Form Request transaction from the RFD Integration Profile.

Trial.gif [BFDR-E] Birth and Fetal Death Reporting Enhanced Profile captures and communicates information for birth and fetal death reporting for vital registration purposes. FHIRLogoGeneric.png

Trial.gif [BFDR-LDS-VR] Birth and Fetal Death Reporting-Labor and Delivery Summary for Vital Records Profile

Trial.gif [BFDR-v2.6 Messaging] Birth and Fetal Death Reporting -v2.6 Messaging Profile

Final.gif [CRD] Clinical Research Document describes the content pertinent to the clinical research use case required within the Retrieve Form for Data-Capture (RFD) pre-population parameter.

Trial.gif [CRPC] Clinical Research Process Content shares information among systems during the clinical research process.

Draft.gif [CCG] Computable Care Guidelines encodes care guidelines in a format that can be understood by health software FHIRLogoGeneric.png

Trial.gif [DEX] Data Element Exchange adds mapping metadata to an annotated data capture form at the point of form design instead of the exchange of data instances.

Final.gif [DSC] Drug Safety Content describes the content pertinent to the drug safety use case required within the Retrieve Form for Data-Capture (RFD) pre-population parameter.

Trial.gif [FP] Family Planning describes the use of ITI’s RFD to report encounter-level family planning clinical visits.

Trial.gif [FPv2] Family Planning v2

Trial.gif [HW] Healthy Weight supports electronic information capture and exchange for managing and monitoring healthy weight among clinical systems and public health surveillance systems.

Trial.gif [mADX] Mobile Aggregate Data Exchange (mADX) supports interoperable public health reporting of aggregate health data. FHIRLogoGeneric.png

Trial.gif [mRFD] Mobile Retrieve Form for Data Capture describes the exchange of context data to allow a seamless form launch with supporting clinical context. FHIRLogoGeneric.png

Trial.gif [PRPH-Ca] Physician Reporting to a Public Health Repository – Cancer Registry defines data elements retrieved from the EMR and transmitted to the cancer registry or to a healthcare provider.

Trial.gif [PRQ] Prescription Repository Query (PRQ) defines a Retrieve query and HTTP GET transaction that specifies the dispensed medication history information that should be seen by primary care givers to assist in making an informed decision prior to prescribing additional medications to a patient. FHIRLogoGeneric.png

Trial.gif [QORE] Quality Outcome Reporting for EMS describes content used for continuity of care between the emergency transport scene records and destination hospital where the emergency will be treated. FHIRLogoGeneric.png

Retired.gif [RSP] Redaction Services redacts data from a document in a user's application to meet requirements for exporting to an external system.

Retired.gif [RM] Research Matching publishes research process definitions to EHR systems to match patients and investigators with appropriate research studies.

Trial.gif [RPE] Retrieve Process for Execution accesses a process definition, such as a research protocol, and executes automated activities without leaving an EMR session.

Trial.gif [SDC] Structured Data Capture retrieves and submits forms in a standardized and structured format.

Trial.gif [VRDR] Vital Records Death Reporting defines a Retrieve Form for Data Capture (RFD) content profile that will specify derivation of source content from a medical summary document. by defining requirements for form filler content and form manager handling of the content. FHIRLogoGeneric.png

Early Hearing Detection and Intervention - Family of Profiles

Retired.gif [EHCP] Early Hearing Care Plan communicates care plans to care providers to assist early detection, documentation and intervention for hearing loss.

Trial.gif [EHDI-HPoC] Early Hearing Detection and Intervention-Hearing Plan of Care communicates care plan information to assist early detection, and document interventions for hearing loss.

Trial.gif [EHDI-HSDmsg] Early Hearing Detection and Intervention-Hearing Screening Device Message automates collection of hearing screening results from screening devices.

Trial.gif [EHDI-WD] Early Hearing Detection and Intervention-Workflow Document orchestrates the collection and exchange of EHDI data between clinical and public health information systems.

Final.gif [NANI] Newborn Admission Notification Information communicates basic newborn demographic data to public health programs from a birthing facility.

Trial.gif [QME-EH] Quality Measure Execution-Early Hearing communicates patient-level data used to monitor the performance of EHDI initiatives for newborns.

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IHE Radiation Oncology Profiles

Radiation Oncology Profiles

Profiles for Content

Final.gif [BRTO-II] Basic Radiation Therapy Objects-II updates BRTO

Final.gif [MMRO-III] Multimodality Image Registration for Radiation Oncology 2013 extends MMRO-II to allow additional modalities other than CT as the primary dataset

Final.gif [TPPC] Treatment Planning - Plan Content updates ATRI and adds additional RT treatment techniques to those defined in BRTO-II

Trial.gif [TDOR] Treatment Delivery Offline Recording is an extension to the Treatment Delivery Workflow - II (TDW-II) Profile dealing with the recording of treatment sessions in case of system outages and/or crashes

Trial.gif [TDPC] Treatment Delivery - Plan Content defines the information necessary in an RT Plan when being transferred to a Treatment Delivery Device (TDD)

Trial.gif [TDRC] Treatment Delivery Record Content

Comment.gif [TPPC-ION] Treatment Planning - Ion Plan Content - defines the content of Ion treatment plans

Comment.gif [TPPC-ION] Treatment Planning - Ion Record Content - defines the content of Ion treatment records

Comment.gif [TPPC-Brachy] Treatment Planning - Brachy Content- defines the content of Brachytherapy treatment plans

Comment.gif [TDRC-Brachy] Treatment Record - Brachy Content- defines the content of Brachytherapy treatment records

Profiles for Workflow

Trial.gif [TDW-II] RT Treatment Delivery Workflow-II describes the necessary workflow between a Treatment Management System (TMS) and Treatment Delivery Device (TDD) for treatment delivery

Retired or Deprecated

Retired.gif [BRTO] Basic Radiation Therapy Objects integrate the flow of treatment planning data from CT to Dose Review for basic treatments

Retired.gif [DRRO] Deformable Registration in Radiation Oncology specifies how images, RT Structure Sets, RT Doses, and associated deformable registration information can be exchanged, stored, processed, and displayed.

Retired.gif [PDR] Planning and Delivery of Radiation HIS Integration

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IHE Radiology Profiles

Radiology Profiles

Profiles for Workflow

Final.gif [SWF] Scheduled Workflow integrates ordering, scheduling, imaging acquisition, storage and viewing for Radiology exams.

Final.gif [SWF.b] Scheduled Workflow.b integrates ordering, scheduling, imaging acquisition, storage and viewing for Radiology exams.

Final.gif [PIR] Patient Information Reconciliation coordinates reconciliation of the patient record when images are acquired for unidentified (e.g., trauma), or misidentified patients.

Final.gif [PWF] Post-Processing Workflow provides worklists, status and result tracking for post-acquisition tasks, such as Computer-Aided Detection or Image Processing.

Final.gif [RWF] Reporting Workflow provides worklists, status and result tracking for reporting tasks, such as dictation, transcription and verification.

Final.gif [IRWF] Import Reconciliation Workflow manages importing images from CDs, hardcopy, XDS-I, etc. and reconciling identifiers to match local values.

Trial.gif [EBIW] Encounter-Based Imaging Workflow links images acquired in the context of a healthcare encounter with critical metadata and notifies the EMR.

Trial.gif [MAWF] Mammography Acquisition Workflow handles mammography-specific exceptions to routine image acquisition based on Scheduled Workflow.

Trial.gif [PAWF] Post-Acquisition Workflow provides worklists, status and result tracking for post-acquisition tasks and application hosting.

Trial.gif [RRR-WF] Radiology Remote Reading Workflow provides worklists, status and result tracking for imaging studies distributed to other locations for review and return of a diagnostic report.

Trial.gif [XRR-WD] Cross Enterprise Remote Read Workflow Definition provides a workflow definition to enable remote interpretation of imaging studies.

Trial.gif [IDEP] Import and Display of External Priors automates the discovery and import of relevant prior imaging studies and reports from affiliated facilities, i.e., “external priors”.

Profiles for Content

Final.gif [NMI] Nuclear Medicine Image specifies how Nuclear Medicine images and result screens are created, exchanged, used and displayed.

Final.gif [MAMMO] Mammography Image specifies how Mammography images and evidence objects are created, exchanged, used and displayed.

Final.gif [ED] Evidence Documents specifies how data objects such as digital measurements are created, exchanged, and used.

Final.gif [SINR] Simple Image and Numeric Report specifies how Diagnostic Radiology Reports (including images and numeric data) are created, exchanged, and used.

Final.gif [REM] Radiation Exposure Monitoring specifies how radiation details from imaging procedures are created, exchanged and used.

Final.gif [REM-NM] Radiation Exposure Monitoring for Nuclear Medicine specifies how radiation details from procedures using radiopharmaceuticals are created, exchanged and used.

Trial.gif [CAM] Contrast Administration Management specifies how contrast administration details from imaging procedures are created, exchanged and used.

Trial.gif [MAP] Management of Acquisition Protocols specifies how acquisition protocols are exchanged between scanners and a protocol management workstation.

Trial.gif [PERF] CT/MR Perfusion Imaging specifies encoding of Contrast Perfusion imaging data using Enhanced CT/MR DICOM objects.

Trial.gif [DIFF] MR Diffusion Imaging specifies encoding of MR Diffusion imaging data using Enhanced MR DICOM objects.

Trial.gif [CXCAD] Chest X-ray CAD display specifies how Chest X-Ray images and evidence objects are created, exchanged, used and displayed.

Final.gif [DBT] Digital Breast Tomosynthesis specifies how Mammography and Digital Breast Tomography images and evidence objects are created, exchanged, used and displayed.

Trial.gif [RD] Results Distribution specifies how radiology results (i.e., radiology reports) are exchanged.

Trial.gif [SMI] Stereotactic Mammography Image specifies how Stereotactic Mammography images are created, exchanged, used and displayed.

Final.gif [MRRT] Management of Radiology Report Templates specifies how templates for Radiology Reports are created, exchanged, and used.

Trial.gif [AIR] AI Results specifies how medical imaging analysis results are exchanged, stored, and displayed.

Trial.gif [IMR] Interactive Multimedia Reporting (IMR) specifies how a diagnostic report with interactive multimedia content can be reliably encoded, communicated and presented. FHIRLogoGeneric.png

Profiles for Presentation

Final.gif [KIN] Key Image Note lets users flag images as significant (e.g., for referring, for surgery, etc.) and add notes.

Final.gif [CPI] Consistent Presentation of Images maintains consistent intensity and image transformations between different hardcopy and softcopy devices.

Final.gif [PGP] Presentation of Grouped Procedures helps view and report individual requested procedures (e.g., head, chest, abdomen) that an operator has grouped into a single scan.

Trial.gif [FUS] Image Fusion integrates systems creating, registering and displaying fused image sets and storing their results.

Trial.gif [BIR] Basic Image Review defines baseline features and user interface for simple review of DICOM images.

Profiles for Infrastructure

Final.gif [PDI] Portable Data for Imaging stores image data and diagnostic reports on CDs, DVDs or USB for importing, printing or displaying in a browser.

Final.gif [XDS-I.b] Cross-enterprise Document Sharing for Imaging.b extends XDS to share images, diagnostic reports and related information across a group of care sites.

Final.gif [TCE] Teaching File and Clinical Trial Export lets users flag images and related information for automatic routing to teaching file authoring or clinical trials management systems.

Final.gif [ARI] Access to Radiology Information shares images, diagnostic reports, and related information inside a single network.

Final.gif [ATNA] Audit Trail and Node Authentication - Radiology Option defines Radiology-specific audit trail messages and security measures to protect patient information confidentiality.

Trial.gif [WIA] Web-based Image Access shares and views (interactively) imaging studies using RESTful services.

Final.gif [XCA-I] Cross-Community Access for Imaging extends XCA to share images, diagnostic reports and related information across communities.

Trial.gif [XDR-I] Cross-Enterprise Reliable Document Interchange for Imaging extends XDR to push images, diagnostic reports and related information between healthcare providers.

Final.gif [IOCM] Imaging Object Change Management communicates image replacement or deletion instructions between multiple imaging systems.

Trial.gif [IID] Invoke Image Display allows an EHR/PHR/RIS to request a PACS (IM/IA/ID) to display images of a patient or study.

Trial.gif [CDS-OAT] Clinical Decision Support Order Appropriateness Tracking communicates Appropriate Use Criteria (AUC) results downstream for inclusion in reporting and billing.

Trial.gif [WIC] Web-based Image Capture stores imaging objects using a DICOM RESTful API.

Trial.gif [WIA] Web-based Image Access shares and views (interactively) imaging studies using RESTful services.

Trial.gif [SOLE] Standardized Operational Log of Events stores and retrieves logs of operational events (patient arrives, scan complete, etc.). FHIRLogoGeneric.png

Trial.gif [POWR] Prioritization of Worklists for Reporting standardizes the interfaces to provide details relevant to the prioritization of studies on a medical imaging reading worklist.

Trial.gif [IRA] Integrated Reporting Applications (IRA) profile helps applications that are used together during reporting (e.g., image display, report creator, clinical applications, AI tools, etc) to share information using a standard called FHIRcast. Each application can share what it is doing and the data it is creating, referred to as Context and Content. FHIRLogoGeneric.png

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