Prescription Repository Query

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This Prescription Repository Query defines a Retrieve query and HTTP GET transaction that specifies the dispensed medication history information that should be seen by primary care givers to assist in making an informed decision prior to prescribing additional medications to a patient.


PRQ defines services that allow physicians to retrieve their patients’ current dispensed medications. This can be useful for identifying potentially deadly drug to drug interactions and over prescribing for opioids.


  • Prevent doctor shopping
  • Prevent opioid abuse
  • Prevent drug diversion
  • Prevent life threatening drug to drug interactions
  • Provide physicians with vital information to help make an informed decision before prescribing medications.


Prescription drug repositories collect data on prescribing and dispensing of controlled substances. This Prescription Repository Query utilizes Pharmacy and FHIR transactions to query a prescription repository for a patient's dispensed medication history. This dispensed medication history can be utilized by providers, pharmacists, and others to address overuse of opioids, drug diversion, physician shopping, and prevent accidental, life threatening, drug to drug interactions. Integrating this information into an Electronic Health Record (EHR) can help simplify the workflow and inform the physician when prescribing medications to a patient.

Systems Affected

  • EHR Systems
  • Prescription Drug Repository Systems

Actors & Transactions:


The Query Pharmacy Documents [PHARM 1] - This transaction defines how a querying actor has to query the Community Pharmacy Manager for Community Medication Treatment Plans (MTP), Community Prescriptions (PRE), Community Dispenses (DIS) and Administrations (CMA) and their related documents.

Dispensed Medication Query [QRPH-57] - The Data Consumer retrieves a patient’s dispensed medications form the Data Creator.


Content Creator - The Content Creator shall be responsible for the creation of content and sharing of the patient’s dispensed medications containing the data elements defined in QRPH TF-3: 6.3.1.D.4.

Content Consumer - A Content Consumer is responsible for viewing, importing, or other processing options for PRQ document content created by a PRQ Content Creator. This is specified in [PCC-1] document sharing transaction in PCC TF-2: 3.1.

Data Creator - The Data Creator shall be responsible for the creation of content and the transmission of PRQ data elements to a Data Consumer.

Data Consumer - The Data Consumer is responsible for initiating a query to the Data Creator system for data elements meeting certain criteria and can retrieve selected data supplied by the Data Creator.>


Profile Status: Public Comment


  • Vol. 1 - Section 5 (SWF Profile)
  • Vol. 2 - Sections 4.8 to 4.10, 4.14 to 4.19, and 4.23
  • Vol. 3 - Appendix E
  • PHARM Common parts document [1]
  • PHARM Community Medication list [2]
  • PHARM Community Medication Prescription and Dispense Integration Profile (CMPD) [3]
  • HL7 FHIR US Meds Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) FHIR Implementation Guide [4]

Underlying Standards:

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