Referral Order Linking

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The Referral/Order Linking profile describes what is necessary to communicate and link the referral and/or order number in documentation and metadata associated with services requested by an order placer.


One of the challenges for users of XD* based exchanges is that there is no profiled mechanism to indicate the order numbers associated with the outstanding orders. This makes it difficult to manage inbound and outbound referral, and /or order transactions for the same patient to and from the same providers exchanging information related to a referral or order.

The Referral/Order Linking profile solves this problem by documenting specific locations and formats, which will facilitate programmatic matching and or linking of related documents for both outbound and inbound transactions for the same patient to and or from the same provider. XD* provides metadata, and CDA provides discrete elements when structured documents are used; both can be constrained for defining order and referral number locations.

The referral, and or order number sent with one or more documents in an XD* submission set can be managed by receiving systems and returned in response fulfillments. This profile defines where these numbers are placed in XDS metadata for submissions and where fulfillments of orders are conveyed in CDA documents.



This profile facilitates programmatic matching and or linking of related documents for both outbound and inbound transactions for the same patient to and or from the same providers. It is intended to support care coordination in situations where outstanding requests for referrals, consultations, studies, lab tests or other services may need to be tracked or followed. These requests can be tracked using identifiers, often referred to as referral numbers or order numbers depending upon the type of service requested.


The Referral/Order Linking Profile describes the content and bindings used to convey order numbers between systems. The matching of content to order numbers happens in two directions. For example:

  1. submitted content in support of a healthcare referral needs to be matched and or linked by receiving systems
  2. content in response to a referral needs to be matched and or linked by receiving systems

Systems Affected

  • EHR systems may provide and consume order numbers to support the referral/order workflow

Actors & Transactions:



Profile Status: Trial Implementation


<Provide direct links to the specific volumes or supplements, and list the volume sections relevant to this profile. This is a simple inventory of official normative and informative text. If you would like to provide a reading guide or walkthrough of what is in each of the different sections for implementers or users, do that in the Profile FAQ or the Profile Implementation Page linked below. If the profile uses transactions from multiple Tech. Frameworks, repeat the structure below.>

Underlying Standards:

<list all the standards on which the profile is based; if possible with links to sources>

See Also

<The following sections can be left out if there is nothing to point to. This is just to show where such information can go.>

Related Profiles

<List profiles this one depends on, profiles that depend on this one, profiles that are synergistic with this one. Start with the name of the other profile as a link and then explain the relationship.>

Consumer Information

The Profile FAQ Template answers typical questions about what the Profile does. <Replace the link with a link to the actual FAQ page for the Profile>

The Profile Purchasing Template describes considerations when purchasing equipment to deploy this Profile. <Replace the link with a link to the actual Purchasing page for the Profile>

Implementer Information

The Profile Implementation Template provides additional information about implementing this Profile in software. <Replace the link with a link to the actual Implementation page for the Profile>

Reference Articles

<List References (good and bad) (with link if possible) to Journal Articles that mention IHE's work (and hopefully include some analysis). Go ahead, Google: IHE <Profile Name> abstract or Google: IHE <Profile Name> and under the "more" select "Scholar". You might be surprised. >

This page is based on the Profile Overview Template