Cardiology Technical Committee

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The Cardiology Technical Committee performs the technical work of the IHE Cardiology Domain. It works under the direction of the Cardiology Planning Committee.

Current Activities

Cardiology Profile Supplement Development: 2017/2018

Work items for this development cycle:

  • Extensions to CPN profile for additional structural heart procedure types [1]

White Papers for this development cycle:

  • Companion Guide for the CPN profile [2]
  • Analysis of Intravascular Imaging for Cath workflow [3]
  • Cardiology Domain Landscape - this is a joint effort with the Planning Committee to define areas that should be addressed in the next years

Cardiology Change Proposals

The TF Maintenance Folder holds:

  • the Cardiology CP Tracking spreadsheet which lists all CPs, their current status and assigned editors
  • copies of all CPs grouped by current status

Important: CPs should only be edited and renamed by their assigned editor. CPs should only be moved between folders by the CP Coordinator.

The Change Proposal Process describes the steps for submitting and managing Change Proposals. In addition to the standard naming, IHE Cardiology uses RJ when a CP has been rejected (e.g. CP-CARD-098-RJ.doc), CA when a CP has been cancelled, and CM when a CP is completed and ready for ballot.

CP Ballots and Comments may be submitted to ihe-cardio-tech. Please note that only ballots from Member Organizations with active voting privileges will be counted.

Cardiology Technical Framework Editorial Maintenance

The TF Section Number Assignments spreadsheet tracks the main profile chapter numbers (in Volume 1) and the transaction numbering (including Volume 2 and 3 section numbering).

Current Meetings

Some key meetings are shown here for convenience. See the IHE Calendar for the official listing of all T-Cons and meetings.

Meeting notifications and reminders are sent to the Committee Mailing list. T-Cons may be added or re-scheduled periodically.

All Dates and Times are Eastern Time (Washington UTC-0500) (unless otherwise stated)

Date Time (EDT/ EST) Location Topic Agenda Minutes
most recent - 2018.10.24 10am-11am EST WebEx TBD Agenda Minutes
2018.10.17 10am-11am EST WebEx Domain Transition Update Agenda Minutes
2018.10.10 10am-11am EST WebEx Domain Updates Agenda Minutes
2018.10.03 Cancelled Cancelled Cancelled Agenda Minutes
2018.09.26 10am-11am EST WebEx Domain Updates Agenda Minutes
2018.09.19 Cancelled Cancelled Cancelled Agenda Minutes
2018.09.12 Cancelled Cancelled Cancelled Agenda Minutes
2018.09.05 Cancelled Cancelled Cancelled Agenda Minutes
2018.08.29 10am-11am EST WebEx PC and TC Charter Documents Discussion Agenda Minutes
2018.08.22 Cancelled Cancelled Cancelled Agenda Minutes
2018.08.15 10am-11am EST WebEx Connectathon @ ACC.19 Discussion Agenda Minutes
2018.08.10 10am-11am EST WebEx Inside IHE: Cardiology (CARD) - Webinar Series 2018 Agenda Minutes
2018.08.08 10am-11am EST WebEx Review final presentation for webinar Agenda Minutes
2018.08.01 10am-11am EST WebEx Review content for webinar presentation Agenda Minutes
2018.07.25 10am-11am EST WebEx Voting Meeting for (1) CPN Extensions profile for TI publication and (2) CPN Companion Guide for Public Comment publication Agenda Minutes
2018.07.18 10am-11am EST WebEx (1) Review CPN Extensions updates (2) Review complete CPN Companion Guide Agenda Minutes
2018.07.09-11 8am-5pm EST Washington DC Face to Face Meeting Agenda Minutes
2018.07.04 Cancelled Cancelled Cancelled Agenda Minutes
2018.06.27 10am-11am EST WebEx CPN Companion Guide: Full Document Check-In / Update Agenda Minutes
2018.06.20 10am-11am EST WebEx CPN Companion Guide: Audience Review Agenda Minutes
2018.06.13 10am-11am EST WebEx CPN Companion Guide: Clinical and Technical Document addition reviews Agenda Minutes
2018.06.06 10am-11am EST WebEx CPN Companion Guide: Technical Document Review Agenda Minutes
2018.05.30 10am-11am EST WebEx TBD Agenda Minutes
2018.05.23 Cancelled Cancelled Cancelled Agenda Minutes
2018.05.16 10am-11am EST WebEx CPN Companion Guide: Technical Document Check-In Agenda Minutes
2018.05.09 10am-11am EST WebEx Review of Data Harmonization Meeting / CPN Companion Guide: Review Clinical Document Agenda Minutes
2018.05.02 10am-11am EST WebEx CPN Companion Guide: Review Exec Document Agenda Minutes
2018.04.27 2pm-3pm EST WebEx CPN Extensions Voting Agenda Minutes
2018.04.25 10am-11am EST WebEx CPN Extensions Further Review and Discussion Agenda Minutes
2018.04.18 10am-11am EST WebEx CPN Extensions Review, Status Update Discussion [30 min] / CPN Companion Guide Check-In [30 min] Agenda Minutes
2018.04.11 10am-11am EST WebEx CPN Extensions Value Sets Update [30 min] / CPN Companion Guide Check-In [30 min] Agenda Minutes
2018.04.10 11am-12pm EST WebEx CPN Companion Guide Technical Planning Agenda Minutes
2018.04.3-5 8am-5pm EST Washington DC Face to Face Meeting Agenda Minutes
2018.03.28 10am-11am EST WebEx CPN Companion Guide [30 mins] CPN Extensions [30 min] Agenda Minutes
2018.03.21 10am-11am EST WebEx CPN Extensions [30 min] CPN Companion Guide [30 mins] Agenda Minutes
2018.03.14 10am-11am EST WebEx CPN Extensions [30 min] CPN Companion Guide [30 mins] Agenda Minutes
2018.03.07 10am-11am EST WebEx White Paper [30 mins] CPN Companion Guide [30 mins] Agenda Minutes
2018.02.28 10am-11am EST WebEx CPN Companion Guide [30 mins] CPN Extensions [30 mins] Agenda Minutes
2018.02.21 10am-11am EST WebEx CPN Extensions [15 mins] CPN Companion Guide [30 mins] Agenda Minutes
2018.02.14 10am-11am EST WebEx CPN Companion Guide [60 mins] Agenda Minutes
2018.02.07 10am-11am EST WebEx CPN Extensions [15 mins] CPN Companion Guide [30 mins] Agenda Minutes
2018.01.31 10am-11am EST WebEx White Paper [60 mins] Agenda Minutes
2018.01.24 10am-11am EST WebEx CPN Extensions [15 mins]/ CPN Overview, continued [45 mins] Agenda Minutes
2018.01.17 10am-11am EST WebEx CPN Companion Guide / CPN Overview, continued [60 mins] Agenda Minutes
2018.01.16 11pm-12am (Midnight) EST WebEx IVI Discussion [60 mins] Agenda Minutes
2018.01.10 10am-10:45am EST WebEx CPN Extensions [45 mins] Agenda Minutes
2018.01.03 10am-11am EST Cancelled Cancelled Agenda Minutes
2017.12.27 10am-11am EST Cancelled Cancelled Agenda Minutes
2017.12.20 10am-11am EST WebEx CPN Companion Guide / CPN Overview Agenda Minutes
2017.12.11-13 8:30am-5:30pm EST Heart House, Wash DC Joint Planning and Technical Committee Face to Face Meeting Agenda Minutes
2017.12.06 10am-11am EST WebEx Planning for F2F meeting Agenda Minutes
2017.11.29 Cancelled Cancelled Meeting Cancelled Agenda Minutes
2017.11.22 10am-11am EST WebEx Strategy and Work Item Discussion Agenda Minutes
2017.11.15 Cancelled Cancelled Meeting Cancelled Agenda Minutes
2017.11.08 10am-11am EST WebEx Strategy and Work Item Discussion Agenda Minutes
2017.11.01 10am-11am EST WebEx Strategy Discussion and Publication Schedule Planning Agenda Minutes
2017.10.25 10am-11am EST WebEx Strategy Discussion Agenda Minutes
2017.10.18 10am-11am EST WebEx Discussion of CTA Status, Domain Strategy Agenda Minutes
2017.10.11 10am-11am EST WebEx Review of Profiles 03 and 04 Agenda Minutes
2017.10.04 10am-11am EST WebEx Review of Profiles 01 and 02 Agenda Minutes
2017.09.27 10am-11am EST WebEx Updates Agenda Minutes
2017.09.20 10am-11am EST WebEx Brief Review of Profiles Submitted and CTA Update Agenda Minutes
2017.09.15 5pm EST WebEx CARD Call for Proposals Closes Agenda Minutes

Cardiology Technical Committee Roster

The Cardiology Technical Committee Roster is maintained by the Secretariat for IHE Cardiology. If you would like to suggest changes or corrections to this page, please contact the commitee co-chairs and secretaries at

Participation in IHE domain committees is open to representatives of all IHE member organizations. Information about IHE's governance, including how to apply to become an IHE member organization, is available on the IHE governance Web page. The current list of member organizations is available at

Past Technical Committee Activities

See Also

The Cardiology Domain Page

Cardiology strategic planning

The Main Committees Page

IHE Mailing Lists

This page is based on the Committee Template. Add any good ideas you have to the template.