Card Tech Minutes 2018.05.16

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Nick Gawrit, Co-Chair, heartbase
Paul Dow, Secretary, ACC
Rebecca Baker, ACC
Dan Murphy, Epic
Charles Thomas, University of Washington
Sophia Chaidez, HCA
Antje Schroeder, Siemens Healthineers


Update of CPN Technical Document - Rebecca Baker (35 minutes)
The goal is have these documents provide insight into the benefits of CPN, and not full technical details for an implementation. The Executive document was reviewed and the changes were accepted. Some further edits for the Executive version are still underway.
Clinical CPN Document Time Line:
  • Last review of the Executive Document - May 18th.
  • Full document finalized by May 25th and
  • Document posted to FTP by May 30th
  • Review during Face to Face July 9th-11th
  • August 1st is the delivery date to Mary Jungers for public comment.
Technical Section: By May 25th, we'll assess where the document is and continue the editorial cycle.
Each of the three sections may require editing to harmonize the tone and style of the text. Paul will attempt to find a style guide to help the look and feel of the document. The ACC uses the AP style guide, to access the latest version online would cost approximately $35/year.
Note: The T-con scheduled for May 23rd will be cancelled to allow time for further writing of the documents.