Card Tech Minutes 2017.11.22

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Chris Melo, Co-Chair, Philips Healthcare
Paul Dow, Secretary, ACC
Charles Thomas, University of Washington
Rebecca Baker, ACC
Antje Schroeder, Siemens Healthineers
Nakano Shinichi, Toshiba, IHE Japan


  • Additional Procedure with CPN Profile
Charles Thomas would like to request some times in the next two weeks, as well as, two, two-hour sessions at the face to face meeting to discuss the new work effort and documentation.He will post items on the FTP site and post items by December 6th, for review.
  • Document Update
Rebecca has made some changes to the companion guide. The current version is produced for implementer, and the goal is target clinicians, and management roles. She will create a straw man set of slides for input from Andrea and Dan, who have more expertise with this roles.
  • Cath Workflow
Two year approach. Year One would include a gap analysis prior to the white paper to ensure that the correct areas are addressed. Then a white paper will be written to document the cath workflow with specifics about the IVI needs. This will help clarify if a new profile is needed or an update will be able to meet the needs of IHE Japan's specifics. The IHE website was reviewed and samples were provided to Nankano as a guide for
  • HCA Update
Paul and Jimmy Tcheng MD were invited to an HCA facility, Chippenham Hospital in Richmond, VA, to discuss structured reporting for their Cath and EP Labs. During the visit the opportunity to discuss IHE arose and Paul presented an overview, as well as details around the Cardiology Domain specifically. They were very open to the message and would like to possibly join the domain. They have been invited to the December F2F meeting, and further discussions around financial and volunteer support for the Technical and Planning Committees efforts.

Next Steps

1. Paul will post the PC recording for the TC to review. [Completed]
2. Paul will confirm meeting time with David, Jerry and the PC for profile selection. [Msg sent 11/22/2017]
3. Paul will conform topics from the PC that they would like to discuss for the F2F. [Msg posted 11/22/2017]
4. Paul will cancel next week's IHE TC call due to RSNA. [Completed]
5. Paul will contact RSNA to confirm the fees for clinical site members of IHE. [Msg sent 11/22/2017]