Cardiology Technical Committee Activities 2007-2008

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Original 2007-2008 plan - SUSPENDED !

The following profiles are being developed in 2007-2008. (See Meeting List below).

Image Enabled Office Profile

ECG Workflow

Implanted Device Cardiac Observations (IDCO) - major revision

Technical Committee Due-dates for Profile Development

This table shows the due dates for deliverables. Profile authors will deliver these items to the Cardiology Technical Cmte for review on the dates identified, then the items will be discussed during following week's Monday Webex (schedule below).

Date ECG Workflow IDCO Img-Enabled Office TF Maintenance
2007.03.10 Use Cases documented - Define actors/transactions -
2008.03.17 - - Scope/priority documented;Monday review of actors/transactions -
2008.03.24 Scope and standards determined - - -
2008.03.31 - Modification of IDCO for new standards work potentially review of IEO content on Monday tconn -
2008.04.07 Profile 1st draft ready Review IDCO update on Monday tconn - -
2008.04.14 Review of 1st draft on Monday tconn - Profile 1st draft ready -
2008.04.21 - - Review of 1st draft on Monday tconn -
2008.04.28 Profile 2nd draft ready - - -
2008.05.05 Review of 2nd draft on Monday tconn - Profile 2nd draft ready -
2008.05.12 - - Review of 2nd draft on Monday tconn -
2008.05.19 - - - -
2008.05.26 Prepare profile for F2F Prepare profile for F2F Prepare profile for F2F -
2008.06.04-05 TC F2F for Pub Comment TC F2F for Pub Comment TC F2F for Pub Comment -
2008.06.09 - - - TC Change Proposal Review
2008.06.09 - - - CPs Public Ballot Ready to be posted
2008.07.08-09 Reconcile Pub Comment Reconcile Pub Comment Reconcile Pub Comment Review Public Comments on CP ballot