To use a template, go to the template page, click "Edit", and select and copy all the text in the edit window. Don't click Save on the template page. Go to edit your new page, and paste the template text into the edit window. (To add your new page, create a link to the non-existent page then click on it and you'll be taken to an edit window for the new page).
Many templates include <editing instructions formatted like this>. On your new page, Delete the <italic text> (including the two quote marks at each end) and replace it with text appropriate to the instruction. e.g. replace <Profile Editor> with John Doe. Note: there are often editing instructions at the bottom of the page too.
Consider leaving the link to the source template at the bottom of your new page. Then when you look at a page and think of an improvement, you can easily go to the template and improve it too for the next person.
Templates are just normal pages. Any page with [[Category:Templates]] added to the bottom will appear in the list below. So don't forget to remove the Category:Templates line from the bottom of your new page.
Consider naming your template something like Brief Proposal Template rather than Template:Brief Proposal. This allows the alphabetized list below to be more useful.
See Also
- Official Templates - Links to Microsoft Word Templates Used in Developing Technical Framework Documents
Pages in category "Templates"
The following 50 pages are in this category, out of 50 total.
- Cardiology Supplement Status Template
- Template:Care Record
- Template:CDA Document
- Template:CDA Document Content
- Template:CDA Section
- Template:CDA Section Code
- Template:CDA Section Content
- Template:CDA-R2-Document-Content-Module
- Template:CDA-R2-Section-Content-Module
- Change Proposal Template
- Change Proposal Template - Word Doc
- Template:Comments on IHE Technical Frameworks
- Committee Template
- Template:Content Profile Actors and Transactions
- Content Profile Supplement Template
- Template:Content-Profile-Template-Identifier