Cross-Domain Strategic Planning Work Group

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A work group of the Domain Coordination Committee


Chris Carr, Todd Cooper, Emmanuel Cordonnier, Michael Nusbaum, Kevin O'Donnell, Karen Witting, Teri Sippel Schmidt


The Cross-Domain Strategic Planning (CDSP) Work Group was formed by the Domain Coordination Committee (DCC) in response to the IHE International Board's request for a

"first-cut" look at an IHE-wide strategic plan, taken from a "Domain perspective". While the Board is very interested in helping to guide IHE as an organization, it felt that

it initially needed to understand each domain's view on a strategic future, with some overarching recommendations, before it could mindfully engage in the process.

This initiative is being managed by the CDSP Workgroup in the following phases:

  • Phase 1 - understanding current strategic planning processes, with an attempt to harmonize across domains (Complete)
  • Phase 2 - articulation and documentation of each domain's strategic vision, looking forward 3-5 years (in progress)
  • Phase 3 - harmonization of domain-specific responses, with analysis and recommendations for the IHE International Board


  • A Report outlining a Domain perspective on IHE's Strategic Vision, including:
  • a compendium of individual domains' strategic plan, and
  • a cross-domain consolidated strategic vision, with analysis and recommendations


  • 1 Oct 2011: Formal request issued to domain planning committees for strategic planning input
  • 1-15 Oct 2011: Domain follow-ups and iterative communication
  • 1 Dec 2011: Responses from domains due
  • Nov 2011: face-to-face meeting of IHE International Board @ RSNA: Set general expectations for report presentation in February, with discussion and feedback.
  • Feb 2012: face-to-face meeting of IHE International Board @ HIMSS12: Present and discuss report and recommendations, create action plan

Domain Planning Input

Appendix and Supporting Information

A by-product of this work group is the development of a shared strategic vision to guide development activities in each respective domain.

  • The uniformity of processes and work output across IHE domain committees, including suggestions of methods for improvement, have yielded the following areas of discussion:
  • Coordination of committee work items to avoid redundancy and conflict
  • Uniformity of work output and consistent use of constructs
  • Definition and refinement of processes to lead to better outcomes
  • Potential actions to help address these issues include:
  • Enhance education materials and process, including Wiki, Webinars and templates
  • Expanded oversight for IHE International Board and/or establishment of new oversight body to enforce compliance (peer volunteer group or executive/expert review board)
  • Expand domain liaison relationships to strengthen links among domains, notably between medical specialty domains and IT Infrastructure and Patient Care Coordination domains
  • Requirement of early, substantive, cross-domain review of supplement work proposals (could use Domain Coordination Committee)
  • Perform strategic review of existing portfolio of profiles and identify gaps and overlap (for possible consolidation)

Reference Materials


Proposed Agenda Topics will be scheduled for discussion at upcoming meetings.

Date Agenda Minutes
2013-03-21 Agenda Minutes
2012-10-18 Agenda Minutes
2012-09-20 Agenda Minutes
2012-09-05 Agenda Minutes
2012-08-22 Agenda Minutes
2012-08-08 Agenda Minutes
2012-07-25 Agenda Minutes
2012-04-27 Agenda Minutes
2012-04-19 Agenda Minutes
2012-04-03 Agenda Minutes
2012-03-15 Agenda Minutes
2011-11-17 Agenda Minutes
2011-10-27 Agenda Minutes
2011-09-30 Agenda Minutes
2011-08-25 Agenda Minutes
2011-07-28 Agenda Minutes
2011-06-30 Agenda Minutes
2011-06-09 Agenda Minutes
2011-04-04 Agenda Minutes
2011-02-15 Agenda Minutes
2010-10-25 Agenda Minutes