Cross-Domain Strategic Planning Work Group Tcon Minutes 2011-09-30

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  • Chris Carr
  • Mike Nusbaum
  • Kevin O'Donnell
  • John Rhoads
  • Teri Sippel Schmidt
  • Karen Witting


Reviewed planning for gathering input from domains on their strategic plans/roadmaps.

  • Mike Nusbaum has drafted a letter to the domains to request their input and made changes to Documentation Work Group wiki page to describe process and goals.
  • Arrange calls during submission period to facilitate domain responses.
  • Report to Domain Coordination Committee and use that group to get status and feedback.
  • Develop checklist of status and delinquency. Begin reporting to DCC in November.
  • Need phone numbers of co-chairs for follow up. (From member domain, etc. Chris Carr will add to DCC roster.)
  • Offer to provide assistance (list of names) who can advise domains on submitting their input (in November).
  • Change deadline in letter to Monday, Nov. 21 so that we can gather any delinquent input before holidays.
  • Add presentation of IHE Mission statement to the Domain Coordination Committee call and reference it in letter.

Reviewed corporate strategic planning materials from Teri Sippel Schmidt

  • Generally describes process for improving strategic direction and processes.
  • Need to plan face-to-face meeting with facilitator to accomplish with Board.
  • Need to distribute welcome package including list of materials to send to: new domain applicants, newly approved domains and new domain (googlegroup) members.

Cross-Domain Strategic Planning Work Group