Pharmacy Technical Committee

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Scope and Current Work

The Pharmacy Technical Committee performs the technical work of the IHE Pharmacy Domain.

Work plan 2012-2013

ID Task Type Editor Contributors
1 Medication Documentation Active work item Jose Marc, Marco, Stephen
2 Use-case: Community – Hospital Active work item Orlando Leonidas, Sebastiao, Viktor
3 HMW Exceptional cases Active work item Marc Leonidas, Jacqueline, Simon
4 CMPD Exceptional cases Active work item Jürgen Viktor
5 Hospital medication supply chain logistics Active work item Marc Simon, Thierry, Vassil, Marco
6 Formularies and Medication catalogs Active work item Simon Jose
7 Refinement CMPD workflows Active work item Jürgen
8 CMPD: XDW at CPM Active work item Jürgen
9 Glossary Marco, Jacqueline + HL7 Pharmacy group
10 Monitoring and Syncing with PCD: (Perfusion administration) Vassil, Marc, Jürgen
11 Marketing USA Jürgen, Charles Parisot, Marco, Scott, Vassil

The Use Cases are available in the IHE Pharmacy White Paper (FTP link; file type : PDF; file size 1.3 Mo)

Work- and Action-items list

Previous work plans:

Work plan 2012

Work plan 2011

Work plan 2010

Current Meetings

Dates and Times are Central European Time (Brussels UTC+0100) unless otherwise noted, for others times and dates click here

Date Time Location Topic Agenda Minutes
2013.03.19 09.00-17.00 F2F meeting, Treviso Day 2 : IHE Pharmacy only Agenda Minutes
2013.03.18 10.00-18.00 F2F meeting, Treviso Day 1 : IHE Pharmacy only Agenda Minutes
2013.01.15 16.00-17.30 Tcon/Webconference Agenda Minutes
2012.12.13 12.00-13.30 Tcon/Webconference Agenda Minutes
2012.10.24 09.00-17.00 Phast Office, rue du Louvre, Paris Day 2 : IHE/HL7 Pharmacy Joint Meeting, Paris Agenda Minutes
2012.10.23 9.30-17.30 Palais des Congrès, Porte maillot, Paris Day 1 : F2F meeting @ SFR congress Agenda Minutes
2012.10.10 14.00-16.00 Tcon/Webconference "Hospital Medication Supply Chain Logistics" white paper Agenda Minutes
2012.09.27 16.00-17.30 Tcon/Webconference Schedule of the new cycle Agenda Minutes
2012.08.21 15.00-17.00 Tcon/Webconference "Hospital Medication Supply Chain Logistics" white paper Agenda Minutes
2012.08.06 12.00-13.30 Tcon/Webconference Ballot comment resolution and to publication for TI approvals Agenda Minutes

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Pharm Tech Past Meetings

IHE Europe Dev Committee 'ePharmacy group' Meetings



The Pharmacy domain is currently operating under a combined Planning and Technical Committee. The Pharmacy Planning&Technical Committee Roster is maintained by the Secretariat for IHE Pharmacy.

The co-chairs of the committees are :

Representative Name Member Organization Roster Status
Jacqueline Surugue EAHP User CoChair
Jürgen Brandstätter CodeWerk Software Services and Development GmbH Vendor CoChair

The roster consists of representatives of IHE member organizations. Participation is voluntary and open to all concerned stakeholders. You can express interest in participating and address other inquiries by email to

Please contact the secretary at :

  • If you would like to suggest changes or corrections to this page.
  • If your status needs to be adjusted.
  • If your organization is an IHE Member and you would like to be added to this roster, with the name of your voting representative (and optionally, alternates),

Information about IHE's governance, including how to apply to become an IHE member organization, is available on the IHE governance Web page.

The current list of member organizations is available at

  • The Sponsors,Cochairs and Secretary are listed at the top.
  • The list is sorted by Member Organization to facilitate this.
  • The member voting for an organization is listed on the top section of each organization.
  • Representatives with a Roster Status of Co-chair, Liaison, Voting (or possibly Alternate) may vote and count towards quorum.
  • Representatives with a Roster Status of Secretary or Non-voting or may not vote or count towards quorum.

Roster Legend

  • V : represents a representative who attend with voting rights (either in person, through proxy or distant vote)
  • V : a representative of a non-member organization attend regularly; however, his vote goes towards attendance.
  • F : First time a representative attend (non-voting member) at a decision meeting
  • F : First time somebody attend (non-voting non-member) at a decision meeting
  • n : A voting member don't attend [count for the quorum] at a decision meeting
  • n.a. : represents a non-voting member who attend.
  • P : represents an attendee at a discussion meeting

Voting Privileges

You need to participate in order to maintain voting rights. IHE governance dictates that voting privileges requires participation in committee meetings. Please visit concerning Voting Privileges

Representatives with voting privileges may vote and count towards quorum.

Voting Privileges are based on the Roster Role and attendance of the Member Organization for this committee.

NOTE: New Member Organizations are granted Voting Privileges at the start of their second consecutive meeting.

See Also

IHE Pharmacy

IHE Committees

IHE Mailing Lists