Difference between revisions of "ITI Change Proposals 2018-19"

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'''(1)  Incoming CPs''' ftp://ftp.ihe.net/IT_Infrastructure/TF_Maintenance/CPs/0_Incoming/
'''(1)  Incoming CPs''' ftp://ftp.ihe.net/IT_Infrastructure/TF_Maintenance/CPs/0_Incoming/
* tbd
* CP-ITI-BM-referenceIdList-fix.doc
* CP-ITI-mhd-note1-section-target-missing.docx
* CP-ITI-MHD_Table Header Alignment.docx
* CP-ITI-AlternateUserId-in-ITI-18andITI-51.doc
* CP-ITI-BM-ITI-65ReturnBundleRqmts.doc
* CP-ITI-JB-ITI-homeCommunityId-audit-fix.doc
* CP-ITI-NPFSm_Wrong_actor in message semantics.docx
* CP-ITI-TP-fixXDFinconsistency.doc
* CP-ITI-DENupdatesToOldVol3.docx
'''(4) Next in CPs'''
'''(4) Next in CPs'''
* tbd
* Ballot 48 is out
= Agenda and Minutes from past CP calls =
= Agenda and Minutes from past CP calls =
See:  [[ITI CPs 2018-19-Agenda and Minutes from past CP calls]]
See:  [[ITI CPs 2018-19-Agenda and Minutes from past CP calls]]

Revision as of 11:04, 31 May 2018

This page contains the details of Change Proposal (CP) processing in the ITI domain for the 2018-19 publication cycle.

The ITI Change Proposal process follows the general IHE CP process described on the Change Proposal process page. The following sections give more detail on the process for folks involved in the CP process in the ITI domain.

The ITI-specific CP Process

The following text explains what the process used by the ITI technical committee in processing submitted CPs. It is consistent with the general IHE CP process and is informative only.

  1. Write a change proposal. Here is IHE's Change Proposal Template
  2. Submit into the Incoming directory. This is typically done by directly updating the directory if you have access; otherwise send it an email to the ITI Technical Committee members in charge of CPs (currently Lynn Felhofer).
  3. The new CPs are considered by the committee at periodic CP review calls. If CP is accepted it is given a CP #, assigned an editor, renamed to CP-ITI-xxx-00.doc and placed in Assigned. If CP is rejected it is moved to Rejected and submitter is informed of explanation for rejection. Likely reasons for rejection are: duplicate, merged, withdrawn or not enough information to understand the request. Rejected CPs can be resubmitted with more information for reconsideration.
  4. Committee works with editor to draft the CP. Versions are kept in Assigned directory and numbered -00, -01, -02, etc.
  5. Committee decides CP is ready for ballot. Latest version of CP is moved to Completed diretory and old versions are moved to old_versions.
  6. Co-chair collects Completed CPs into a ballot. The Ballot directory will be used for this.
  7. Ballot is released to the general community for voting for 4 weeks
  8. Votes and comments are collected. All yes votes means the CP passed ballot and moved to FinalText. No votes are resolved by the committee. Sometimes CP is withdrawn, sometimes NO voter changes to yes vote after explanations. CP may be updated in this process. If updates are insignificant (clarification only) the CP is considered passed. If updates are significant the CP is submitted for another ballot.
  9. CP approved in ballot are put in FinalText and scheduled to be integrated into the Technical Framework or Supplement.
  10. CP status and ballots are tracked here

Change Proposal pages from previous years

Ongoing work on CPs is placed on the current year CP page. Prior years work can be accessed at:

ITI CP Tracking

Location of CPs

All Change Proposal management is done on the IHE ftp site here.

As CPs are processed through various statuses they move from one directory to another. The directories involved are:

contains CPs which have been submitted but have not been assigned a CP number or an editor. This is the place that new incoming CPs are placed prior to the first stage of processing by the committee.
contains CPs that have been assigned an editor and are being actively worked on by the committee, i.e. Assigned status
contains the last version of a CP that is in Completed status. Its contents are approved by the Technical Committee and the CP is waiting to be put in a ballot.
contains the last version of a CP that is in FinalText status. It is has been approved by ballot and is waiting to be integrated into the TF in the upcoming publication cycle.
contains the version of the CP that was integrated into the TF, organized by year.
CPs that have been submitted but rejected by the committee
contains CPs that were once assigned but have been cancelled, i.e. Cancelled status
contains Ballots that have been released for voting by the general community, organized by year.

CP status

ITI tracks status of its Change Proposals in this google doc: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gdr_Y8xZBvbb326J4z67cqprxOexFgtkPj_VlD3rB9E/edit?usp=sharing The Active CPs tab contains those that are Assigned, Completed, or Final Text in this cycle. There are also archive tabs for prior years.

Approved CPs integrated into the ITI Technical Framework

CPs that have passed ballot in since 2015, and that have been, or will be, integrated into the ITI Technical Framework are listed on the "Approved CPs" tab of the tracking spreadsheet.

CPs that have already been integrated into the Technical Framework are stored here: ftp://ftp.ihe.net/IT_Infrastructure/TF_Maintenance/CPs/4_Integrated/

In Aug 2018, CPs will be integrated & checked following this process : ITI CP Integration Process


Ballot 48 future

Out for ballot: Jun 30 - Aug 1, 2018. Comments/votes resolved on the Aug 3, 2017 CP review call.

Ballot 48 CPs are here:

Comments, votes & resolution are here

CPs approved in this ballot are Final Text and are stored here until they are incorporated in 2019: ftp://ftp.ihe.net/IT_Infrastructure/TF_Maintenance/CPs/3_FinalText/

CP-ITI Title Ballot Result
1094-06 ATNA: Add Option: Require server certificate domain name validation for all traffic over the public internet

Assigned CPs

For a list of CPs that are currently assigned see the 'Active CPs' tab in the CP status google doc.

Assigned CPs are stored here: ftp://ftp.ihe.net/IT_Infrastructure/TF_Maintenance/CPs/1_Assigned/

Strategies for smarter CP processing (from Jul-17 F2F)

We often have CPs that need a lot of rework after ballot:

  • There is not enough review prior to ballot
  • Perhaps too much effort on specificity vs remaining silent
  • Look for opportunities to suggest that a small subset take a time-consuming or editorial problem offline and come back to the group with an updated change.

Gateway questions prior to accepting a CP (or finishing work on an existing CP):

  • Is solving the problem necessary for interoperability?
  • Has an implementer reported this problem, or should they, or... is this theoretical?
  • Is the text inconsistent? If so, are we over-specifying, i.e. can we delete the inconsistency?
  • Strongly suggest that a submitter propose a solution.
  • Is this a problem that needs to be fixed?

Upcoming CP discussions

ITI CP review calls are typically held every Thursday from 10-11am Central US. Additional sessions may be scheduled during ITI Tech F2F meetings. Changes to the 'traditional' schedule for CP calls are announced on the ititech email list.

The Google Doc used to gather availability of ITI Tech Members and the focus of future CP calls is here.

June 7, 2018

Webex link: https://himss.webex.com/himss/j.php?MTID=m5bee5cd2fc5bf1bd681df5df78c1d6ca

Meeting: 929 898 116

Password: Meeting1


(1) Incoming CPs ftp://ftp.ihe.net/IT_Infrastructure/TF_Maintenance/CPs/0_Incoming/

  • CP-ITI-BM-referenceIdList-fix.doc
  • CP-ITI-mhd-note1-section-target-missing.docx
  • CP-ITI-MHD_Table Header Alignment.docx
  • CP-ITI-AlternateUserId-in-ITI-18andITI-51.doc
  • CP-ITI-BM-ITI-65ReturnBundleRqmts.doc
  • CP-ITI-JB-ITI-homeCommunityId-audit-fix.doc
  • CP-ITI-NPFSm_Wrong_actor in message semantics.docx
  • CP-ITI-TP-fixXDFinconsistency.doc
  • CP-ITI-DENupdatesToOldVol3.docx

(4) Next in CPs

  • Ballot 48 is out

Agenda and Minutes from past CP calls

See: ITI CPs 2018-19-Agenda and Minutes from past CP calls