PCD TC 2013-09-04 Webex

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Patient Care Device Domain

Meeting Purpose

TC Regularly Scheduled Meeting

WebEx Information

Topic: PCD Technical Committee

Regularly Scheduled Meeting Time

Time: 11:00 am, Eastern Time (New York)

Duration: 60 Minutes

Proposed Agenda


1. Agenda Approval
2. Review Discussion Summary August 21, 2013 PCD TC 2013-08-21 Webex
3. Announcements
- Survey - Pulse Ox Data
- HIMSS14 Planning
Survey - Participation in the Connectathon, Showcase
Use Case Suggestions - Highly Desirable
4. Status: TF, Supplement, Other Documents
- DMC / RTLS Update (Monroe)
- Rosetta working Group - final list of Vent/Resp 10101a terms made available for review
- ACM WG (Pattillo)
- Pump WG Update (Engelbert)
- MSH-5
- Certification
5. Action Item Review (start over)
- Ambitious Workitem List: Call for Updates Via Email or Attendance
6. Additional Business
7. Next Meetings:
- PC September 11, TC September 18
- Joint PC&TC October 2
- F2F the Week of October 7: Tuesday through Friday
F2F agenda items, hotel, travel details
PC & TC Face-to-Face Meeting Oct. 8-11
PCD PC&TC 2013 Oct. 8-11 F2F

Action Items from Previous Meetings

See PCD Technical Committee Action Items.

Significant changes, other than dates, will be in bold.


  • Published and Draft Versions of the TF, Supplements, Other Documents:
- The PCD ftp site has draft versions.
- Published (and possibly in the process of being replaced with new versions):
o http://ihe.net/Technical_Framework/index.cfm#pcd
- and there is a list of CPs, which may, at any given time, affect a published document. The list is at


  • Not Yet Published:
o ftp://ftp.ihe.net/Patient_Care_Devices/Profiles/


Chair: Jeff McGeath
Anne Burrroughs (True Process), Sue-fen Cuti, Al Engelbert, John Garguilo, Bob Gold, Jeff McGeath, Monroe Pattillo, John Rhoads, Paul Schluter, Paul Sherman, Rob Wilder, Manny Furst


Discussion Summaries do not require formal approval, while minutes of meetings where votes are taken do. Participants are encouraged to review and bring up significant issues with discussion summaries of previous meetings. Votes will be taken to approve meetings where votes took place; these may be email ballots.

Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair


Agenda approved


2 Discussion Summary or Approval of Minutes
- Chair
Discussion Summary of previous meeting(s):



3 Agenda Items
- As Noted

3. Announcements:

- Survey for POI: No interest from those other than pulse ox
- HIMSS Showcase Planning: The Planning Group is meeting now, considering the type of demonstration because the structures will be replaced. HIMSS is stiving for the “clinical look and feel”. Vendor suggestions for use cases that show PCD to advantage and indications of interest in participating will be helpful. Manny added that 3
- Jeff McGeath replaced John Rhoads as co-chair. John was thanked for his effort as co-chair and manager of the TF.

4. Status of TF, Etc.:

- TF: Waiting to hear from Mary about the publication of the revised TF. John Rhoads will post the draft to PCD.
- OMS: Will be a WP this cycle.
- WCM: Nothing to report.
- ACM: Will be in the FT TF.
- DMC and LS: Monroe requested device vendor participation to provide sample messages (versions, etc.). Manny indicated that three RTLS vendors and two CMMS vendors have indicated a strong interest in participating in the Showcase.
- Rosetta: Paul indicated that ventilator and non-ventilator terms are nearly ready for presentation to IEEE. ACM terms will be included. New infusion terms will be received from Jeff and Todd.
- PIV: Work continues on multiple pump types. John Garguilo recommended that the WG consider the revisions to the HL7 2.8 standards that clarify the use of RE.
- MSH-5: To identify the system in the ACK – MSH-5 is sometimes used to reflect the identify provided by the sending system: so when MSH-3 is empty this can result in improper ACK.
- Certification: This will be conducted in Chicago at the Connectathon and ACM will be included. Manny will send link to recorded session.

5. Action Items:

- Manny and John Garguilo requested updates via emails in this WG’s Google Group.
82. OIDs and URNs: This and other Action Items will be addressed in the F2F. Change due date to Oct. 9.
93. Document Version: John Rhoads suggested coordinating with OID definitions. Change due date to F2F, Oct. 9.
109. Messages w/o Demographics: Change due date to F2F Oct. 9.

6. Additional Business:

7. Meetings:

- F2F: Members were asked to suggest agenda items. They can be sent to any of the co-chairs, WG leaders or Manny. Hotel and other information is available on the Wiki page.



Next Meetings

The next meetings are:

PC September 11, 2013 PCD PC 2013-09-11 Webex

TC PCD TC 2013-09-18 Webex

Joint PC&TC October 2 PCD PC&TC 2013-10-02 Webex and Joint PC&TC October 16 PCD PC&TC 2013-10-16 Webex

F2F the Week of October 7: Tuesday through Friday: PCD PC&TC 2013 Oct. 8-11 F2F

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