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IHE Committees are populated by representatives of IHE Member Organizations.

Domain Committees

A general overview of the annual timeline of domain committee activities can be found here: Domain Milestone Dates.

Domain Committee Administrative Co-chairs Secretary Mailing List Status
IHE Anatomic Pathology (PATH) Domain
Sponsored by French Association for the Development of Informatics in Pathology (ADICAP), Spanish Health Informatics Society (SEIS), Spanish Society of Pathology (SEAP), and French Society of Pathology(SFP)
Anatomic Pathology Planning Committee Raj Dash, MD, FCAP TBD Mary Kennedy IHE Anatomic Pathology PC & TC (Google) Inactive
Anatomic Pathology Technical Committee Marcial García Rojo, MD Jacques Klossa Mary Kennedy IHE Anatomic Pathology PC & TC (Google) Inactive
IHE Cardiology (CARD) Domain
Sponsored by American College of Cardiology (ACC)
Cardiology Planning Committee Alan Katz, MD David Slotwiner, MD Paul Dow IHE Cardiology PC (Google) Active
Cardiology Technical Committee Nick Gawrit Antje Schroeder Paul Dow IHE Cardiology TC (Google) Active
Electrophysiology SubCommittee Stephen Winters, MD Eliot Ostrow Inactive
IHE Dental (DENT) Domain
Sponsored by American Dental Association (ADA)
Dental Planning and Technical Committee Susan Whitt Kirt Simmons Paul Bralower Google Group Address TBD Active
IHE Endoscopy (ENDO) Domain
Sponsored by Japanese Association of Healthcare Information Systems (JAHIS)
Endoscopy Planning and Technical Committee Hideto Yokoi Dr. Hirofumu Akashi Atsushi Amano IHE Endoscopy PC and TC (Google) Active
IHE Eyecare (EYE) Domain
Sponsored by American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO)
Eye Care Planning Committee Linda Wedemeyer, M.D. Flora Lum Active
Eye Care Technical Committee Mark Horton, M.D., O.D. Flora Lum Active
IHE IT Infrastructure (ITI) Domain
Sponsored by ASIP Santé (Agence des systèmes d'information partagés de santé) and Health Information Management Systems Society (HIMSS)
ITI Planning Committee Daniel Berezeanu Eric Heflin Celina Roth IHE ITI PC (Google) Active
ITI Technical Committee Mauro Zanardini Gila Pyke Celina Roth IHE ITI TC (Google) Active
IHE Laboratory (LAB) Domain
Sponsored by College of American Pathologists (CAP) and JAHIS
Laboratory Planning Committee Riki Merrick Francois Macary Carolyn Knapik IHE Lab PC & TC (Google) Inactive
Laboratory Technical Committee Yoshimi Hirasawa Francois Macary Carolyn Knapik IHE Lab PC & TC (Google) Inactive
IHE Pathology and Laboratory Medicine (PaLM) Domain
Sponsored by French Association for the Development of Informatics in Pathology (ADICAP), Spanish Health Informatics Society (SEIS), Spanish Society of Pathology (SEAP), and French Society of Pathology(SFP)
PaLM_Planning_Committee Raj Dash, MD, FCAP Rikki Merrick Mary Kennedy Pathology and Laboratory Medicine (PaLM) (Google) Active
PaLM_Technical_Committee Yoshimi Hirasawa Francois Macary Carolyn Knapik Pathology and Laboratory Medicine (PaLM) (Google) Active
IHE Patient Care Coordination (PCC) Domain
Sponsored by American College of Physicians (ACP) and Health Information Management Systems Society (HIMSS)
Patient Care Coordination Planning Committee Laura Heermann-Langford Tone Southerland Celina Roth IHE PCC PC (Google) Active
Patient Care Coordination Technical Committee Emma Jones Denise Downing Celina Roth IHE PCC TC (Google) Active
Patient Care Coordination Nursing SubCommittee Denise Downing Celina Roth IHE PCC Nursing SC (Google) Active
IHE Patient Care Device (PCD) Domain
Sponsored by Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI), American College of Clinical Engineering (ACCE) and Health Information Management Systems Society (HIMSS)
Patient Care Device Planning Committee Kurt Elliason Monroe Pattillo Paul Sherman IHE PCD PC (Google) Active
Patient Care Device Technical Committee John Rhoads Tom Kowalczyk Paul Sherman IHE PCD TC (Google) Active
IHE Pharmacy (PHARM) Domain
Sponsored by European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP), National IT Institute for Healthcare in the Netherlands (NICTIZ), and Phast
Pharmacy Planning Committee Jürgen Brandstätter Leonidas Tzimis Simon Letellier Active
Pharmacy Technical Committee Jose Costa Teixeira Michael Tan Simon Letellier IHE Pharmacy TC (Google) Active
IHE Quality, Research and Public Health (QRPH) Domain
Sponsored by Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) and Health Information Management Systems Society (HIMSS)
Quality, Research and Public Health Planning Committee Amit Popat Laura Bright Chris Carr/Nichole Drye-Mayo IHE QRPH PC (Google) Active
Quality, Research and Public Health Technical Committee Eric Larson Derek Ritz Chris Carr/Nichole Drye-Mayo IHE QRPH TC (Google) Active
IHE Radiation Oncology (RO) Domain
Sponsored by American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO)
Radiation Oncology Planning Committee Bridget KoontzAdam Earwicker Colin Field Crystal D. Carter, BSB/M IHE RO Planning Committee Active
Radiation Oncology Technical Committee Scott Hadley Chris Pauer Crystal D. Carter, BSB/M IHE RO Technical Committee Active
IHE Radiology (RAD) Domain
Sponsored by Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)
Radiology Planning Committee Teri Sippel-Schmidt Michael Bohl Chris Carr/Nichole Drye-Mayo IHE Radiology PC (Google) Active
Radiology Technical Committee Kinson Ho Chris Lindop Chris Carr/Nichole Drye-Mayo IHE Radiology TC (Google) Active
Mammography SubCommittee IHE Mammography SC (Google) Inactive
Nuclear Medicine SubCommittee Jerry Wallis Kevin O'Donnell Inactive
IHE Surgery Domain
Sponsored by International Foundation of CARS (IFCARS) and International Society for Computer Aided Surgery (ISCAS)

Surgery Planning Committee Leonard Berliner, New York Methodist Hospital Klaus-Martin Irion, Karl Storz GmbH & Co.KG Franziska Schweikert IHE Surgery PC (Google) Active
Surgery Technical Committee Ron Schilling,EchoPixel, Inc. Joerg-Uwe Meyer (tbc), MT2IT GmbH & Co. KG Franziska Schweikert IHE Surgery TC (Google) Active

IHE International Committees

Committee Co-chairs Mailing List Status
IHE International Board David Mendelson, MD Elliot Sloane, PhD IHE International Board (Google) Active
IHE International Board Operations Committee Chris Carr Celina Roth Active
Domain Coordination Committee Chris Carr Celina Roth Domain Coordination Committee (Google) Active
Domain Secretaries Committee Chris Carr Celina Roth Domain Secretaries Committee (Google) Active
Testing and Tools Committee Active
Conformity Assessment Committee Lapo Bertini Amit Trivedi Active
Marketing and Communications Committee IHE International Marketing & Communication (Google) Active
Global Deployment Coordination Committee Michael Nusbaum Juergen Brandstaetter IHE Global Deployment Coordination Committee (Google) Active

Regional and National Committees

Regional/National Committee Co-chairs Secretary Mailing List Website Status
IHE Europe
Sponsored by European Association of Radiology (EAR), European Society of Radiology (ESR), European Coordination Committee of the Radiological Electromedical and Medical Informatics Industries (COCIR), and European Society of Cardiology
IHE Europe Committee Peter Mildenberger Lapo Bertini Ulrike Mayerhofer-Sebera (ESR) IHE Europe Website Active
IHE Europe Marcom Committee Lapo Bertini Peter Mildenberger Active
IHE Europe EU Affairs Committee Charles Parisot Active
IHE Europe Services Geert Claeys Active
IHE Austria
Sponsored by Austrian Ministry of Health, Austrian Task Force "Austrian Health Record", Austrian Chambers of Doctors, Association of the Austrian Electrical and Electronics Industries, Austrian Federal Economic Chamber / Department Consulting & IT, and CodeWerk Software Services and Development GmbH
IHE Austria Committee Alexander Schanner Jurgen Brandstatter Secretary IHE Austria Website No Roster
IHE Finland
IHE Finland Committee Antti Leinonen Konstantin Hyppönen IHE Finland Website No Roster
IHE France
Sponsored by InteropSanté, Société Française de Radiologie (SFR), Société Française d'Informatique de laboratoire (SFIL), Association pour le Développement de l'Informatique en Cytologie et en Anatomie Pathologiques (ADICAP) and Association Réseau Phast
IHE France Committee Phillipe Lagouarde Jean Christophe Cauvin IHE France (Google) IHE France Website No Roster
Philippe Puech
IHE Germany
Sponsored by Deutsche Roentgengesellschaft (DRG), Zentralverband Elektrotechnik- und Elektronikindustrie (ZVEI), and BVitG
IHE Germany Committee Prof. Dr. Bjoern Bergh Alexander Ihls Secretary IHE Germany Website Active
IHE Israel
Sponsored by The Israeli Information Technology Association (ILA)
IHE Israel Committee Ziv Rosenbaum Roni Zaharia IHE Israel Website No Roster
IHE Italy
Sponsored by Società Italiana di Radiologia Medica (SIRM)
IHE Italy Committee Roberto Silverio Lapo Bertini Secretary IHE Italy Website No Roster
IHE Netherlands
Members of IHE Netherlands pay an annual membership fee. View the list of sponsors here
IHE Netherlands Committee Evert Sanders Tie Tjee Secretary IHE Netherlands (LinkedIn) IHE Netherlands Website Active
IHE Norway
Sponsored by Kompetansesentret for IT i Helse (KITH)
IHE Norway Committee Secretary IHE Norway Website No Roster
IHE Spain
Sponsored by HL-7 ESPAÑA (HL7-SP), Sociedad Española de Informática de la Salud (SEIS), Sociedad Espanola de Radiologia Medica (SERAM), and Sociedad Española de Física Médica (SEFM)
IHE Spain Committee Jose Carmello Albillos Oscar Martin Secretary IHE Spain Website No Roster
IHE Suisse
IHE Suisse Committee Stéphane Spahni Matthias Heubi Angela Buser IHE Suisse Website Active
IHE Turkey
IHE Turkey Committee Utku Senol Haluk Celikel No Roster
Sponsored by British Institute of Radiology (BIR), Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM), NHS Information Authority (NHS), Royal College of Radiologist (RCR), The Society of Radiographers (SOR), and British Computer Society Health Informatics Forum
IHE UK Committee Neil Robinson Jon Payne Secretary IHE UK Website No Roster
IHE North America
IHE North America Committee TBA TBA No Roster
IHE Canada
Sponsored by Canadian Association of Radiologists (CAR), Information Technology Association of Canada (ITAC), and Canada Health Infoway
IHE Canada Steering Committee Jose Mussi Michael Nusbaum David Heaney IHE Canada (Google) IHE Canada Website No Roster
IHE USA Committee Joyce Sensmeier Sarah Willis IHE USA (Google) IHE USA Website No Roster
IHE Asia-Oceania
IHE Asia-Oceania Committee TBA TBA IHE Asia-Oceania No Roster
IHE Australia
Sponsored by Health Informatics Society of Australia (HISA), Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists (RANZCR) , Health Level Seven Australia (HL7 Australia), Medical Software Industry Australia (MSIA), and Australian Diagnostic Imaging Association (ADIA)
IHE Australia Committee Dr. Vince McCauley Dr. Peter MacIsaac IHE Australia (Mailman) IHE Australia Website No Roster
IHE China
IHE China Steering Committee Dr. Jianping Dai IHE China (Google) IHE China Website Active
IHE Japan
Sponsored by Japan Association for Medical Informatics (JAMI), Japan Radiology Society (JRS), Japanese Society of Radiological Technology (JSRT), Japanese Association of Healthcare Information Systems Industry (JAHIS), Japan Industries Association of Radiological Systems (JIRA), and Medical Information System Development Center (MEDIS-DC)
IHE Japan Committee Dr. Takeo Ishigaki Dr. Minoru Hosoba IHE Japan website No Roster
IHE Korea
IHE Korea Committee Hee-Joung Kim Sungkee Lee Active
IHE New Zealand
IHE New Zealand Committee TBA TBA No Roster
IHE Taiwan
IHE Taiwan Committee TBA TBA Secretary IHE Taiwan (Google) IHE Taiwan Website No Roster

Joint Workgroups

IHE-HL7 Joint Workgroup

See Also

Mailing Lists are available for most committees.