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IHE Integration Profiles describe the solution to a specific integration problem, and document the system roles (Actors), standards and design details for implementers to develop systems that cooperate to address that problem.

IHE Profiles are a convenient way for implementers and users to be sure they're talking about the same solution without having to restate the many technical details that ensure actual interoperability.

For convenient reference, each Profile has a short acronym.

Each domain specifies a collection of Profiles for problems directly related to their domain.

Profiles available for implementation (i.e. released as Final Text or for Trial Implementation) are listed below.

Alternatively, see the alphabetized index of Profiles.

IHE Cardiology Profiles

  • [CATH] - Cardiac Cath Workflow integrates ordering, scheduling, imaging acquisition, storage and viewing for Cardiac Catheterization procedures
  • [ECHO] - Echocardiography Workflow integrates ordering, scheduling, imaging acquisition, storage and viewing for digital echocardiography
  • [ECG] - Retrieve ECG for Display provides access throughout the enterprise to electrocardiogram (ECG) documents for review purposes
  • [IDCO] - Implantable Device Cardiac Observation specifies the creation, transmission, and processing of discrete data elements and report attachments associated with cardiac device interrogations (observations) or messages.
  • [STRESS] - Stress Testing Workflow provides ordering and collecting multi-modality data during diagnostic Stress testing procedures
  • [DRPT] - Displayable Reports distributes “display ready” (PDF) cardiology clinical reports from the department to the enterprise.

IHE Eyecare Profiles

  • [EYECARE] - Eye Care Workflow manages and distributes the workflow across equipment within the eye clinic.
  • [CHG] - Charge Posting collects and posts timely billable claims related to Eye Care procedures.

IHE IT Infrastructure Profiles

  • [CT] Consistent Time ensures system clocks and time stamps of computers in a network are well synchronized (median error less than 1 second).
  • [ATNA] Audit Trail and Node Authentication describes authenticating systems using certificates and transmitting PHI-related audit events to a repository. This helps sites implement confidentiality policies.
  • [RID] Retrieve Information for Display provides simple (browser-based) read-only access to clinical information (e.g. allergies or lab results) located outside the user’s current application.
  • [PSA] Patient Synchronized Application allows selection of a patient in one application to cause other applications on a workstation to tune to that same patient.
  • [PDQ] Patient Demographics Query lets applications query a central patient information server and retrieve a patient’s demographic and visit information.
  • [PAM] Patient Administration Management establishes the continuity and integrity of patient data in and across acute care settings, as well as among ambulatory caregivers.
  • [XDS] Cross Enterprise Document Sharing registers and shares electronic health record documents between healthcare enterprises, ranging from physician offices to clinics to acute care in-patient facilities and personal health records.
  • [PWP] Personnel White Pages provides basic directory information on human workforce members to other workforce members and applications.
  • [XDR] Cross-Enterprise Document Reliable Interchange provides a standards-based specification for managing the interchange of health documents that health enterprises have decided to explicitly exchange using a reliable point-to-point network communication.
  • [XDS-SD] Cross-Enterprise Sharing of Scanned Documents defines how to couple legacy paper, film, electronic and scanner outputted formats, represented within a structured HL7 CDA R2 header, with a PDF or plaintext formatted document containing clinical information.
  • [XCA] Cross-Comunity Access allows to query and retrieve patient relevant health data held by other communities. Such communities may be XDS Affinity Domains which define document sharing using the XDS profile or any other communities, no matter what their internal sharing structure.

IHE Laboratory Profiles

  • [LTW] - Laboratory Testing Workflow integrates ordering and performance of in-vitro diagnostic tests by a clinical laboratory inside a healthcare institution.
  • [XD-LAB] - Sharing Laboratory Reports describes the content (human and machine readable) of an electronic clinical laboratory report.
  • [LDA] - Laboratory Device Automation integrates an Automation Manager and robotic laboratory equipment (pre-analytical devices, analyzers, post-analytical devices) in a clinical lab.
  • [LBL] - Laboratory Barcode Labeling integrates robotic specimen container labeling systems with sources of order-related labelling information.

IHE Pathology Profiles

IHE Patient Care Coordination Profiles

  • [EDR] Emergency Department Referral Profile allows clinicians to create electronic referrals to the emergency room including the nature of the current problem, past medical history, and medications. Upon arrival of the patient to the Emergency Department, the patient is identified as a referral, and the transfer document is incorporated into the EDIS. This profile builds on medical summaries by adding structures to pass data specific for ED referrals such as the estimated time of arrival and method of transport.
  • [QED] Query for Existing Data Profile allows information systems to query data repositories for clinical information on vital signs, problems, medications, immunizations, and diagnostic results.
  • [APR] Antepartum Record Profile describes the content and format of the history and physical, laboratory results, and education information as well as a summary of pertinent information including allergies, problems/plans, medications, estimated due dates, and visit summary flowsheet. This is data that is relevant to the course of antenatal care.
  • [CM] Care Management Profile provides a mechanism for EHR and other HIT systems to communicate information to Care Management systems in support of specialized care programs through the use of evidence based guidelines.
  • [IC] Immunization Content Profile defines standard immunization data content for Immunization Information Systems (IISs), other public health systems, electronic medical records (EMR) systems, Health Information Exchanges, and others wishing to exchange immunization data electronically.
  • [CPR] Cancer Registry Pathology Report Profile defines the the content used in the PCC-11 to send a completed pathology report to a Cancer Registry using an HL7 Version 2.3.1 ORU message.

IHE Patient Care Device Profiles

IHE Quality, Research, and Public Health Profiles

  • [CRD] Clinical Research Data Capture defines the content to be used in the RFD Retrieve Form [IT I-34] transaction with the Pre-population argument. This data will be used to produce a Standard Case Report Form in a ODM format which is mapped to CDASH.

IHE Radiation Oncology Profiles

IHE Radiology Profiles

Profiles for Workflow

  • [SWF] Scheduled Workflow integrates ordering, scheduling, imaging acquisition, storage and viewing for Radiology exams.
  • [PIR] Patient Information Reconciliation coordinates reconciliation of the patient record when images are acquired for unidentified (e.g. trauma), or misidentified patients.
  • [PWF] Post-Processing Workflow provides worklists, status and result tracking for post-acquisition tasks, such as Computer-Aided Detection or Image Processing.
  • [RWF] Reporting Workflow provides worklists, status and result tracking for reporting tasks, such as dictation, transcription and verification.

Profiles for Content

  • [NM] Nuclear Medicine Image (in Trial Implementation) specifies how Nuclear Medicine images and result screens are created, exchanged, used and displayed.
  • [MAMMO] Mammography Image specifies how Mammography images and evidence objects are created, exchanged, used and displayed.
  • [ED] Evidence Documents specifies how data objects such as digital measurements are created, exchanged, and used.

Profiles for Presentation

  • [KIN] Key Image Note lets users flag images as significant (e.g. for referring, for surgery, etc.) and add notes.
  • [PGP] Presentation of Grouped Procedures facilitates viewing and reporting on images for individual requested procedures (e.g. head, chest, abdomen) that an operator has grouped into a single scan.
  • [FUS] Image Fusion (in Trial Implementation) specifies how systems creating and registering image sets and systems displaying fused images create, exchange and use the image, registration and blended presentation objects.

Profiles for Infrastructure

  • [PDI] Portable Data for Imaging provides reliable interchange of image data and diagnostic reports on CDs for importing, printing, or optionally, displaying in a browser.
  • [TCE] Teaching File and Clinical Trial Export (in Trial Implementation) lets users flag images and related information for automatic routing to teaching file authoring or clinical trials management systems.
  • [CHG] Charge Posting provides timely procedure details from modalities to billing systems.