PCD TC 2011-06-01 Webex

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Patient Care Device Domain

Meeting Purpose

TC Regularly Scheduled Meeting

WebEx Information

Topic: PCD Technical Committee Meeting

Regularly Scheduled Meeting Time

Date: Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Time: 11:00 am, Eastern Time (New York)

Duration: 60 Minutes

Proposed Agenda

1. Agenda Approval
2. Review Discussion Summaries: Joint Planning and Technical Committee May 25 PCD PC&TC 2011-05-25 Webex
F2F Action Items PCD_PC&TC_2011-05-10_to_13_F2F
3. Existing Profile and TF Development Updates
  • ACM
  • Tasks for next revision of Trial Implementation Technical Framework
  • Incorporate all the Final Text Change Proposals
  • Incorporate any new material since last Connectathon on DEC, PIV, IDCO
4. Moving Forward on the roadmap: next steps on Existing Profiles and new Profile Proposals
  • Event comm discussed in pump meeting (Apr 13th?)
  • Asynchronous Data Query progress
  • Point-of-Care Identity Management Doodle survey for meeting day/time
5. Existing Profile and TF Development Updates
6. F2F Agenda Items.
7. Action Item Review
8. Next and Recent Meetings
9. Additional Business
10. Next Meetings

Action Items from Previous Meetings

See PCD Technical Committee Action Items.

Significant changes, other than dates, will be in bold.


Chair: John Garguilo, John Rhoads
Al Engelbert, Robert Flanders, Ken Fuchs, John Garguilo, Khalil Maalouf, Monroe Pattillo, John Rhoads, Richard Swim, Manny Furst


Discussion Summaries do not require formal approval, while minutes of meetings where votes are taken do. Participants are encouraged to review and bring up significant issues with discussion summaries of previous meetings. Votes will be taken to approve meetings where votes took place; these may be email ballots.

Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair


  • Agenda approved


2 Discussion Summary or Approval of Minutes
- Chair
  • Discussion Summary of previous meeting was accepted



3 Action Items From F2F
- cochairs

Action Items were reviewed, discussed and most added to the Action Item Wiki page.

F2F Wednesday Morning: MEM Networked Medical Device Proposal: IT Integration and Management of Medical Devices

Axel will update the proposal and recruit a WG from the vendor and CE-IT community to prioritize and disseminate aspects as they are addressed. Ken suggested that ITI expertise and collaboration are desired, and that ITI may want to take the lead. John Garguilo noted that NIST has done some work in this area that may be helpful. He will investigate and bring the information to this WG. John Rhoads, Dominick, Richard, Ken, and Khalil volunteered and Brad offered to seek a Carefusion representative. In the TC meeting June 1: Due June 15

F2F Wednesday Afternoon:

Steve will provide a list of MEM data to Paul next week for discussion at the IEEE meeting. In the TC meeting June 1: This will need to be updated as it wasn’t addressed at the meeting. Due June 29

F2F Thursday:

Ken and John Rhoads to edit Volumes 1 and 2 in the next iteration if these are balloted and approved. In the TC meeting June 1: Check to see if already in the AI list. Due June 15
Manny and the cochairs of the WG will establish meeting times and Webex support for the PCIM WG. In the TC meeting June 1: Doodle survey is out. Due June 3; it is not necessary to add this to the Action Item Wiki page.

F2F Friday:

Paul and Ken will take the WCM parameter list to the IEEE meeting next week to seek codes for those attributes currently lacking definition. In the TC meeting June 1: This will be an ongoing effort. Some will need to be maintained as Rosetta and not IEEE terms. John Garguilo noted that terminology life cycles were discussed at the IEEE meeting. It was documented and is available from John. Some new terms begin with the RTM, having term codes of zero and then are submitted to the IEEE. Due June 29 for RTM, September 1 for IEEE.
Manny to facilitate efforts by NIST, vendors and him to review and update the tests over the next several months. In the TC meeting June 1: Parts of two meetings have addressed DEC tests and there have been robust discussion to date. John and Manny may request time in the WGs’ meetings for detailed discussion of the other tests. August 1. Manny to seek time on WG agendas for the reviews.
Brad to ask the Pump WG to consider a CP to add the final step of user approval to initiate infusion to the technical documentation. In the TC meeting June 1: Brad is making some changes then they will be balloted. There will not be a CP for user workflow issue to require approval. They will be balloted together, soon. Due June 15
Manny to ballot Volume 2 with Advanced ACK in it along with Volume 1 in the TC, when John Rhoads updates the document. The PC agenda will include review of the process and seeking consensus on proceeding without a redundant ballot. In the TC meeting June 1: it is not necessary to add this to the Action Item Wiki page.
Tom and Nick will move the CPs to have them available for ballot no later than the end of June. In the TC meeting June 1: Due June 29
Paul will work with IDCO on the time stamp WP. In the TC meeting June 1: Due June 29 for status report.
John Rhoads will lead further discussion of the Containment Issue. In the TC meeting June 1: Due after next HL7 meeting, September 21
John Garguilo will provide a first draft of the Implementation Guide and vendors will be essential contributors. In the TC meeting June 1: June 30



4 Agenda Items
- As noted

3. Existing Profile and TF Development Updates

ACM: Will prepare CPs to remove AA actor and the AM to AR transaction until developers/vendors are interested. This will be discussed in the ACM Webex June 2.
TF: John Rhoads summarized the current status. The TI version will no longer be valid when the FT is adopted. From that time on changes are handled through CPs. The FT version will be available shortly for ballot in the TC. The FT version will be used in preparation for the N A Connectathon. Supplements not included in the FT are considered TI versions until they reach FT versions which then are incorporated into the FT TF. Before the FT TF is updated the Supplements are reviewed to see if they are consistent with the TF. E.g., if new functionality requires a new Profile. At this time PIV and IDCO are in FT. SPD will be kept as a Supplement only because it hasn’t been extensively tested. ACM will remain a Supplement.

4. Moving Forward on the roadmap

ADQ will discuss a name change.
PCIM: Manny to remind people of the survey to set meeting times for PCIM.

5. Existing Profile and TF Development Updates

TF: Ken and John Rhoads to finish editing Volumes 1 and 2 and these will be balloted.
MEM, WCM: Parameter list contains items that are not part of the IEEE or HL7 terms. Paul, Ken, Steve will seek codes for those attributes currently lacking definition.

6. F2F Agenda Items.

Generic Events / Pump Events / Alarms as special cases of events - deferred
Clinical Workflow Modeling / Detailed Clinical Models - deferred

7. Action Item Review - deferred

8. Fall F2F will be during the week of October 17, location to be confirmed or established.



Manny to address the Doodle Survey and if necessary, remind people of the survey to set meetings for PCIM.

Next Meeting

The next meetings are:

PC June 8, 2011 PCD PC 2011-06-08 Webex

TC June 1, 2011 PCD TC 2011-06-15 Webex

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