Order Placer

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<Your page name should simply be Actor-Name Actor with spaces, with capitals, without the acronym. e.g. Order Placer Actor>

A hospital or enterprise-wide system that generates orders for various departments and distributes those orders to the correct department.
A system that generates test orders for various clinical laboratories, distributes those orders to the correct laboratory, and appropriately manages all state changes of those orders. In some cases the Order Placer is responsible for collecting and identifying the specimens. Therefore, the transaction between Order Placer and Order Filler may carry specimen related information. There may be several Order placer actors in the same enterprise.

<Explain the flavor of the tasks and information the actor is responsible for. This section is profile neutral.>

Responsibilities in Profiles

The responsibilities placed on this actor in the context of each Profile is summarized here. For the actual specifications, refer to the Technical Framework.

A system that supports an Actor does not have to meet the requirements in any given Profile unless the system claims support of that Profile in the product Integration Statement.

<Profile 1>

This Profile depends on the actor to <explain in broad terms>.

<Profile 2>

This Profile depends on the actor to <explain in broad terms>.

See Also

<Include/explain links to other Actors with similar jobs>

This actor is often grouped with: Secure Node, Time Client <Include links to commonly grouped Actors>

This page is based on the Actor Template