PCD TC 2012-08-08 Webex

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Patient Care Device Domain

Meeting Purpose

TC Regularly Scheduled Meeting

WebEx Information

Topic: PCD Technical Committee

Regularly Scheduled Meeting Time

Date: Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Time: 11:00 am, Eastern Time (New York)

Duration: 60 Minutes

Proposed Agenda

1. Agenda Approval
2. Review Discussion Summary: Technical Committee July 25 PCD TC 2012-07-25 Webex
3. TF and Supplement Status
- Links to latest versions
- ADQ is now RDQ
4. Published and Draft Versions
- Note - the ftp site has draft versions. The "readme" indicates that the published versions are at ihe.net. Some of these posted files have names that end in DRAFT or PROOF to help identify those posted most recently.
- Published (and possibly in the process of being replaced with new versions):
o http://ihe.net/Technical_Framework/index.cfm#pcd - note that IHE is editing this year's updates which will be linked from this page when available.
o Those listed include the TF's Final Text (FT), Supplements, White Papers, and the User Handbook.
- Not Yet Published:
o ftp://ftp.ihe.net/Patient_Care_Devices/Profiles/
o Example: ftp://ftp.ihe.net/Patient_Care_Devices/Profiles/ACM/
5. IHE Webinars - http://ihe.net/Events/webinars2012.cfm
- Recordings are available a bit later
6. Request for Brief Proposals
- Email from Celina Roth, HIMSS, on Aug. 2 - Submit Brief Proposals by October 5, 2012
7. F2F Update
- http://wiki.ihe.net/index.php?title=PCD_PC%26TC_2012_Oct._16-19_F2F
8. Cochair Elections
9. Action Item Review
- Review those skipped last time.
- Continue with Item 128. Review of lower numbered items July 27.
10. Next and Recent Meetings
11. Additional Business

Action Items from Previous Meetings

See PCD Technical Committee Action Items.

Significant changes, other than dates, will be in bold.


PCD CPs are found at PCD_CP_grid


Chair: John Rhoads
Terry Bettis, Jon Blasingame, Paul Elletson, Al Engelbert, John Garguilo, Monroe Pattillo, Scott Powell, John Rhoads, Ioana Singureanu, Manny Furst


Discussion Summaries do not require formal approval, while minutes of meetings where votes are taken do. Participants are encouraged to review and bring up significant issues with discussion summaries of previous meetings. Votes will be taken to approve meetings where votes took place; these may be email ballots.

Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair


Agenda approved


2 Discussion Summary or Approval of Minutes
- Chair
Discussion Summary of previous meeting was accepted



3 Agenda Items
- As Noted

3. TF and Supplement Status:

- The IHE.net site holds the published and archived versions.

4. Published and Draft Versions:

- PCD’s ftp site contains the latest drafts. John Rhoads noted that substantive changes are rare, but format and other items are changes.
- To avoid confusion the published versions will no longer be placed on the PCD ftp site.
- Monroe will post the latest draft of ACM. Mary is processing this profile.

5. IHE Webinars:

- John Rhoads noted the series and suggested that work in other domains may be of interest.

6. Brief Proposals:

- John Rhoads called attention to the call for proposals.
- John Garguilo noted that Celina’s email contains a calendar for the entire process, extending into 2013, and which should be reflected in PCD’s calendar as well.
- John Rhoads suggested that proposals not supported in the past should be reviewed for relevance and significance in this cycle.

7. October F2F:

- John reviewed the information available now.
- Monroe indicated that Fort Lauderdale has more flights, usually is less expensive.
- Monroe reported that HL7 has a ballot that changes a field from CWE to original text. This has implications for ACM. Add an Action Item.

8. Co-chair elections:

- John Rhoads requested response to ballots.

9. Action Item Review:

- 128. Close as complete.
- 129. Close as complete.
- 130. Close as complete.
- 131. Close as complete.
- 132. Conformance Profiles: Name should be Conformance Profiles. John Garguilo indicated that this will provide a more exact language making it easier for implementation and testing, removing ambiguity.

He will lead discussion at the F2F, with XML or other source. Change due date to Oct. 16.

- 134. DCM: no report.
- 135. ACM Recruiting: Monroe is working with a vendor to interest them in ACM. This will be a new market for the company.
- 136. WCM Parameter List: In process.
- 137. PIV User Approval: No report.
- 138. Containment: Close as complete (accomplished in Volume 2).
- 139. HL7 v.2.8 Change: Monroe reported that HL7 has a ballot that changes a field from CWE to original text. This has implications for ACM. Add an Action Item, due at F2F.



Next Meetings

The next meetings are:

PC August 15, 2012 PCD PC 2012-08-15 Webex

TC August 22, 2012 PCD TC 2012-08-22 Webex

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