Endoscopy Planning and Technical Committee

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Scope and Current Work

This committee handles both Planning and Technical Activities for the Endoscopy domain.

The scope of the committee is profiles focused on gastroenterology use of endoscopes.

Current profiles in development:

  • EWF - Endoscopy Workflow - workflow incorporating endoscopy procedure steps including ordering, procedure step notification and performed information notification.
  • ERPO - Endoscopy Report and Pathology Order - workflow of creating endoscopy clinical report and making pathology order on the report.
  • EIA - Endoscopy Image Archiving - workflow for the acquisition and archiving of images during an endoscopy.

IHE Endoscopy Technical Framework Supplement Trial Implementation

Current Meetings

Dates and Times are Japan Standard Time (Tokyo UTC+0900) for T-Cons and local time for face-to-face meetings.

Pay attention to the International Dateline when joining the calls from Europe or North America."

Date Time Location Topic Agenda Minutes
2015.09.09 2300-2335 T-Con Review TI draft Agenda Minutes
2015.07.29 0700-0800 T-Con Public Coomet Discussion(2) Agenda Minutes
2015.05.08 2300-2330 T-Con Public Comment Discussion Agenda Minutes
2015.01.08 2400-2500 Webex Agenda Minutes
2014.12.05 2400-2500 T-Con Review Board Report and 2015 Schedule Agenda Minutes
2013.05.10 0900-1730 Silver Spring, MD USA Face to face meeting to review public comment candidate. Agenda Minutes
2013.04.19 0900-1000 http://ihe-j.webex.com TC to discuss TF draft of Endoscopy Domain. Agenda Minutes


IHE Endoscopy Planning & Technical Committee Rosters

Representatives with Voting Privileges (shown in the Roster as Voting = Yes) may vote and count towards quorum.

Voting Privileges are based on the Roster Role and attendance of the Member Organization for this committee.

If your organization is an IHE Member and you would like to be added to this roster, please provide the name of your voting representative (and optionally, alternates) to the Secretary.

If your status needs to be adjusted, please contact the Secretary and or a Cochair.

See Also


IHE Committees

IHE Endoscopy Planning Cmte Mailing List

This page is based on the Committee Template. Add any good ideas you have to the template.