IHE Domain Coordination Committee Teleconference Agenda 2011-06-07

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General Committee Business

1. Roll Call see Roster (5 min - all)

2. Approval of April 26, May 10 and May 24 minutes (5 min -all)

3. New Business: from Future Agenda Topics Page Proposal: Bring forward one new item on the call near the 1st of the month; review on following call; repeat (5 min - all)

4. Review Action Items List

Domain Announcements

1. Request for new Domain Announcements (5 min- ITI/PCC/QRPH/PCD/PAT co-chairs to confirm)

Domain Coordination Issues

  • Schedule should be reviewed regularly by Domain TC chairs
  • Update on both status of Public Comment documents and process by Mary Jungers
  • Status
  • Anatomic Pathology - Domain Coordination Comments submitted to Anatomic Pathology authors on 2011.05.24
  • Radiology - Approved with comments; confirm re-submitted
  • Patient Care Devices - Approved with comments; confirm re-submitted
  • Cross-Domain Documentation Work Group (5 min - Teri)
  • Next call Thur June 9th, 2-3pm CST
  • Next steps include review of Volume 0 (Preface) comments and Vol 1 Template
  • Unified List of Actors from Final Text Volumes - out to Technical Committee CoChairs for review by June 7th, 2011, note color coding; on ftp://ftp.ihe.net/Document_templates/IHE_Dictionary-004.doc
  • Review new proposal for Technical Review Board process(10 min - Teri Sippel)

Documentation, Websites and Public Information

  • IHE International Webinar Series: Planning, dates, contributors (10 min - Celina Roth)

Process Improvement

  • Public Comment Process - update (10 min )Nichole
  • CP ballot process

Governance Implementation

Next steps and New Actions Items

  • June 7, 9-10:30am CDT

Domain Coordination Committee