PCD Cochairs 2009-06-02 Webex

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Patient Care Device Cochairs Weekly Meeting

Date: Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Time: 3:00 pm, Eastern Time

Duration: 60 Minutes

Proposed Agenda

1. Review & Approve Agenda
1.5. Review 2009.05.26 Discussion Notes
2. Fall PCD F2F Discussion - finalize dates and notify members
3. AAMI Conference Preparation
4. Continua-IHE PCD WAN SDE#2 Meeting Update
5. HITSP ARRA/HITECH Status Update
6. IHE Board Presentation
7. ICE-PAC Update: Next Steps
- MoU
- Infusion Pump WG Engagement
- Process Summarization / Publication
8. Public Comment Publications Update

Placeholder; copied from May 26; please add and subtract suggested topics

2. Review previous Discussion Summary from 2009.05.26
3. Out of office dates - Todd, Manny, ...
4. Public Comment Publication Update:
- IDCO Profile - ballot results
- Other work items
5. Update from Pump F2F in San Diego 2009.05.19-20
6. Proposal: Device Specialization Specific PCD WGs
7. "CP" Management Support Review
8. Funding Status update
- B.Braun Proposal
- Schedule (incl. Pump F2F & Showcase Participants)
11. MoU Relationships:
- Continua & WAN meetings
- CIMIT & ASTM MoU Status Update
12. Action Items
13. Additional Business
14. Previous / suggested topics - closed and repetitive items removed
HITSP Update
  • ARRA - 90 day refocusing & CmDC
  • SDE#2, Continua & RMON Deadline
2009/2010 Budget
  • HIMSS Fiscal Year & Budget
  • Revenue Generation - Recruiting, Webinars, Sponsors
  • ARRA-related activities
IHE International
  • IHE International: Incorporation Status
  • IP Management Process
- Draft Disclosure Process
- Draft Disclosure Form
  • Press Releases with Each Release
Domain Coordination Committee Update
Next meeting - Proposed Agenda

Attachments / Materials

updated with discussion of May 26

Discussion Summary of earlier meetings May 26, 2009, PCD Cochairs 2009-05-26 Webex

Action Items Brought Forward

Number Action Owner Participants Due Date Status Comments
55 Showcase vendor display policy Steve Merritt Ray, Elliot September 29, 2009 OPEN Will add to Domain Process (management) document. Issues may exist with third party devices brought by Cerner and Capsule this year. Will include: Chris Carr, Didi direction on bi-directional distributed demo, display/demonstration of ancillary equipment. Todd’s draft will be the basis for Steve’s efforts. Change due date until the end of September, with the idea that portions would be ready for the F2F and others would depend upon the Showcase.
74 Clinical Recruitment Steve Cochairs and PC Open OPEN

Carolyn McGregor spoke with Elliot and she is interested in participating. Her interest is largely in data warehousing, and this would be a contribution to PCD. See previous meeting for more information. Monroe and Todd pressented at the Canadian EMB meeting. Todd and Monroe presented at the Canadian EMB meeting in Calgary last week. Todd played a video of Jack Harrington’s receiving AAMI award and recognized John Leung's contributions as well as presenting on PCD. The audience was very interested, but it was apparent that the PCD information was new to most. The Users’ Guide was of great interest. People asked about how to specify, what are the benefits/drawbacks. Test tooling and 80001 were of interest.

77 Monitor HITSP development of RMON and coordinate a demonstration with HITSP. Todd Paul June 16, 2009 OPEN For earlier discussion summary see meeting of May 12. Todd plans to prepare materials to call attention to medical device communications within the revisions underway. Paul noted that PCC domain may look at sending graphical segments in RMON. Paul responded to PCC by sending information on his concept for sending short segments. The approach they are currently considering won’t work for PCD.
78 Continua John Paul April 15, 2009 OPEN See May 12 meeting for earlier discussions. There’s been no opportunity to resolve apparent differences by June for HITSP. Paul said there’s been no movement on RMON in Continua. IBM is promoting web services and ASN1. It’s not likely that Continua and PCD will arrive at a single protocol by June. The positive side is that both will use RTM. One question is whether they can support complex devices such as ventilators, infusion pumps. RMON F2F takes place the week after F2F at NIST. Paul asked if anyone can join him at the Continua F2F June 8 or 9. That will precede a June Continua ballot. Ken and John are unable to attend.Ken was on a call with Continua this morning. On the call Paul provided a half hour recommendation that Continua use PCD-01. Continua is planning to use a hub and they may be open to multiple alternatives.

82 PCD to develop MOU with CIMIT Ray Ken April 15, 2009 OPEN Defer interest in year ‘round lab. Ken wrote and discussed a draft MOU intended to enable coordinating profiles, similar to the Continua MOU. Ray There’s a question regarding where in the continuum PCD should have an MOU (ICE, MDPnP, CIMIT). MOU draft was sent to Julian Goldman. Paul indicated that an interface engine solution (e.g., Capsule) may meet the needs for bidirectional communication, or connection to the device may need to be more “intimate”. Nothing new re CIMIT or ASTM MOU. Open new item for ASTM MOU. Remove from the PC if it is there.

83 Funding Possibilities Cochairs 2009.04.21 OPEN
See May 12, 19 Action Item list for earlier notes, including previous discussions about AHRQ.
Ray will contact AAMI to explore their sponsorship of PCD. The Heart Rhythm Society’s (HRS’s) application to join IHE did not include funds to support IDCO.
Lisa and HIMSS are supportive of PCD finding additional sponsorship. Ray will attempt to set an appointment with Mary at AAMI during the AAMI meeting. The cochairs began discussing the business case that might be offered.Manny briefly summarized the current state of the HIMSS budget, noting that HIMSS is unable to provide the significant increase in funding PCD requires, in particular funding for a portion of Todd's time. Lisa will defend the budget this week. Touching base with AHRQ – end of May, early June. Change date to May 26.

87 Recruit Vendors for Cycle 4 and HIMSS10 Manny, ACM and MEM leaders (John, Monroe, Steve) July 7, 2009 OPEN Manny to call a few vendors and then follow up with cochairs to set up webinars if appropriate.
88 Cycle 4 Status All June 2, 2009 OPEN Cycle 4: WCM anticipates a series of decisions with serious discussion. WCM is several months away. Implementation for a New Directions demonstration is feasible. Other Developments: ACM – Monroe is attempting to recruit vendors for the AM-AC links; DPI WP – Todd is proceeding to lead its development; MEM WP – Steve is making progress with this group. IDCO votes are overwhelmingly in favor of release. Manny will check on voting eligibility. ftp://ftp.ihe.net/Patient_Care_Devices/Profiles/IDCO/IHE_PCD_TF_Supplement_IDCO_2009-06.doc. The Profile / White Paper list was updated and will be sent to Lisa. Other items on the list: WCM ready in the Fall, as part of next cycle; PIV mid-June, for this cycle; RTM next week sometime – it will be an update to the previously published version (last year) with lots of additional items in the tables; it is provided with Change Tracking; DPI August 1, White Paper; MEM mid-July, White Paper. The Profile / White Paper list was updated and will be sent to Lisa. IDCO votes are overwhelmingly in favor of release. Manny will check on voting eligibility.
89 Stakeholder Survey Ray, Manny June 2, 2009 OPEN Ray and Manny updated the survey questions and sent it for PCD review. Ken reminded the group that one response was received. Manny will discuss with Ray when he returns from vacation. Following the review Ray will submit to HIMSS Analytics. Close the old (#61)and open new item with date of early June to send to HIMSS.

Meeting Summary


Cochairs: Todd Cooper, Ken Fuchs, John Rhoads
Guest: Paul Schluter
Technical Project Manager: Manny Furst


Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair



2 Review Meeting Summaries
- Chair
Correction was made to the summary of the last meeting.

Decisions/Issues: Action(s):

3 Action Items Review
- Chair
  • 55: Showcase Vendor Display Policy - No change.
  • 61: Stakeholder survey - No change.
  • 74: Clinician recruitment - No change.
  • 77: HITSP RMON - Todd summarized yesterday’s meeting:
- Device connectivity for acute care devices had been postponed until mid-July.
- Todd asked John Halamka and learned that it is not clear if device connectivity is part of “meaningful use”.
- CCHIT’s contract runs out in mid-November, so PCD’s interest in certification is up in the air.
- Todd reviewed several presentations from the meeting.
o Among next steps include determining what, if any of the original 2009 work will remain a priority for ONC.
o He recommended PCD provide a position paper showing how the PCD relates to the original 2009 priorities.
o Tiger team reports – the architectural team has provided a detailed description.
- Todd recommended a 10-15 page paper to describe the need for device connectivity to be part of the roadmap.
o There is a real chance that device connectivity won’t be a priority.
o Todd will talk with Elliot to learn if the position paper is worthwhile and noted that this is required by the end of the month. He believes this is now straight forward based upon recent HITSP’s work.
- ONC’s contract for HITSP is up for bid and it may not be ANSI.
  • 78: Continua WAN Meeting Update – Paul reported that his presentation was well received and that the Continua TC is giving serious consideration to PCD-01 among several alternatives. One question is frequently raised – can CDA v3 be used? While CDA requires a larger message, this question is raised in the context of web services. Paul suggested that a light weight transport or a separation between web services discovery and communication of the message may provide a compromise.
  • 82: CIMIT - No change.
  • 83: Funding Possibilities - No change.
  • 87: Recruiting Vendors - No change.
  • 88: Cycle 4 - All
- IDCO is out for public comment.
- PIV – Todd is working to have PIV updates ready for TC ballot and then public comment release. There are a number of issues that need to be resolved.
o IHE will be asked whether Enhanced ACK is required or only popular - an issue that needs to be resolved.
  • 89: Stakeholder Survey - No change.



4 IHE International
- All
  • IHE Board Presentation – Ken sent a draft, requested the cochairs review and then discuss in two weeks.
  • The next DCC meeting, Tuesday will address the IHE Webinar series.


  • Manny to place on the agenda in two weeks.


5 Fall F2F
- Manny
  • F2F date – the survey indicates a preference for the week of Oct. 5 – Manny to notify Scott Zaffrin and the membership.



6 Profile Update Detail
- Todd
  • Deferred



7 Announcements
- All
  • AAMI conference prep – Todd will talk with Ray re AAMI sponsorship.
- Saturday session is on track
  • PAC update – MOU – there is a desire to schedule a meeting at the end of June to review the IV pump workflow effort.
- PCD roadmap should begin to address specific device types and clinical workflows and if the essentials could be a DPI appendix. Ken and John responded that it is too early to provide anything .
  • Todd and Manny will not be available for next week’s meeting.
  • Ken introduced the subject of heart lung machine terminology for RTM. Paul expressed interest, but it will need to follow RTM-vent and WAN communication. He suggested an exploratory meeting and then the group can develop this and then bring the results to PCD. Todd suggested this could take place in several possible vendors late in the summer.



Next Meeting

The next meeting will be June 9, 2009 PCD Cochairs 2009-06-09 Webex

<For Decision Meetings, add review line here when minutes are approved; e.g., "(Reviewed & approved by PCD RTM Vent TG 2008-04-16)">

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