PCD Cochairs 2008-12-04 Webex

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Patient Care Device Cochairs Weekly Meeting

Date: Thursday, December 4, 2008

Time: 3:00 pm, Eastern Time

Duration: 60 Minutes

Proposed Agenda

Discussion Summaries of November 13, November 20, 2008 for significant issues
Review PCD Governance Wiki
- PC, TC votes, Implementation date
PCD PC & TC Roster Pages
Review Google Groups wiki list
PCD GG set up by HIMSS/RSNA and PnP obsolete group
HITSP, AHIC, Continua
Update on Connectathon / Showcase Activities
Capsule's proposal for distributed demo with device in their booth
Cycle 4 Proposals Update
Action Items
IHE International (IP, quorum, elections)
How best address incompatibility of interoperable systems that may affect patient care -- Discussion may be needed in the document to explore the possible incompatibility of a BCMA of one vendor with pumps of another that could affect performance (e.g., piggy back) or safety (an IOP assuming certain behavior at the pump which is not implemented). Should there be limits on where data, formularies, or operator actions are maintained or conducted?
IHE Marketing (WSJ Continua article)
Planning for 2009-2010 budget
Meeting schedule (no meeting Nov 27, Dec 25, Jan 1) should any be added?
Meeting dates after Jan. 1

Attachments / Materials

Discussion Summary of earlier meetings [[November 13: PCD Cochairs 2008-11-13 Webex, November 20: PCD Cochairs 2008-11-20 Webex

Action Items Brought Forward

Number Action Owner Participants Due Date Status Comments

26 Open discussions on unifying efforts for device interoperability - facility for year 'round lab Ray Ken 10/23/08 OPEN Julian will be asked to attend the DPI meeting Friday, Oct. 24 at CIMIT. Nothing yet to report about developing a test lab. A new Action Item, #79, for PCD to develop the MOU that is intended to enable coordinating profiles, similar to the Continua document. Ken will open discussion with Julian re the MOU.
55 Showcase vendor display policy Steve Merritt Ray, Elliot 12/3/08 OPEN Will include in draft Domain Governance document. Was not discussed last week. Issues may exist with third party devices brought by Cerner and Capsule this year. Waiting for Chris Carr, Didi to provide direction on bi-directional distributed demo. Also see #57.
57 Develop PCD governance document. Ken Cochairs 11/20/08 OPEN Supplements the IHE governance document (e.g., quorum and non-quorum meetings). See #63, 64 also. Ken developed a draft and Didi and Lisa have been asked to review it. It will then go to a PC and TC vote.
61 Analyze, publish results of survey Ray 10/21/08 OPEN Survey closed. Post to ftp site and post links on Planning Committee pages.
63 IHE Governance: IP, participation in F2F, etc. Cochairs 10/21/08 OPEN Didi addressed some of the questions at the F2F. Add Quorum issues to Ray's discussion IP with Didi. Ray will incorporate in Governance and submit to IHE. Also see #57, 64. Add to F2F.
70 IEEE MOU Todd Elliot 11/2008 OPEN Concern on two issues: use of IEEE intellectual property, need to establish mechanism to continue and maintain the RTM effort. Todd was to ask IEEE for update. Manny to contact Didi with request that she be sure it is on the IHE Board agenda for Dec. 13th.
74 Clinical Recruitment Steve Cochairs and PC 2008.08.28 OPEN
  • (Zambuto) Review IHE membership to identify recruitment opportunities.
  • (All) Identify invitation opportunities for participation in the October F2F.
  • (Cooper)Update profiles wiki page so as to capture the attention of clinical reviewers.
  • (Zambuto) Ask Mario Castenada re. KP participants (perhaps also Michael Robkin)
  • (Zambuto/Furst) Ray will contact Rick Schrenker re F2F participation. Dr. Mun may attend F2F.
  • (Cooper) To contact Rick Schrenker re. profile proposal review.
  • Manny discussed PCD's proposal for a presentation while PCD members are in Chicago for the Connectathon, or afterward, with Lisa who is supportive.
77 Monitor HITSP development of RMON and coordinate a demonstration with HITSP. Todd Paul 12/3/08 OPEN Todd will monitor and coordinate with HITSP, including response to public comment period, due Oct. 24.
78 Foster collaboration with Continua and monitor developments. Coordinate with Didi, Joyce. N Todd Paul 12/3/08 OPEN Paul will act as a point of contact to foster communication between PCD and Continua. Coordinate with Didi.

79 PCD to develop the MOU with Julian. Ken 10/24/08 OPEN To enable coordinating profiles, similar to the Continua document. Ken will open discussion with Julian re the MOU, develop draft. Will discuss at CIMIT Oct. 24 (see #26).
80 Review meeting dates Manny 11/20/08 OPEN Manny to contact election winners and conduct a survey on available times for cochairs meetings. In addition to setting dates/times with new cochairs, cochairs should consider three meetings will fall on holidays in the short term.
81 Review, update Wiki and IHE.net pages Todd John Rhoads Jan. 7, 2009 OPEN

Discussion Summary or Minutes


Todd Cooper, Manny Furst
Cochair elects: Steve Merritt, John Rhoads
Guest: Paul Schluter


<Adjust table rows per meeting needs>
Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair
  • Meeting will provide brief updates on several items



2 Review of Discussion Summaries
- Chair


  • Deferred


3 Action Items Review
- Chair


  • Deferred


4 Announcements
- Todd
  • Connectathon, Showcase:
GE is bringing the vent, Draeger the anesth machine
Surgical Information Systems is joining this cycle.
HIMSS/Continua desire to have collaboration on display at the Showcase. Todd to ask Joyce how this will be achieved.
  • HITSP/AHIC RMON – desire is to have PCD and Continua develop coordinated approach.
  • PCD/Continua: No information on Common Device Connectivity. Paul: AHIC expressed strong interest in a single coding of parameters.
Paul wondered if there are additional ways to show Continua that HL7 v2 would work for them. John has provided a presentation within Philips. PCD-01 is not overly complex for home health.
Todd will develop a Wiki page to describe PCD/Continua collaboration.
  • PIV comments about patient safety when interoperable, but potentially not completely compatible systems are deployed: PIV suggested this be addressed by the IHE. Todd suggested this be moved to the Regulatory White Paper.
  • WSJ article – ask Ray , Elliot to bring marketing / publicity issue to IHE International Board
  • Australia – Todd pushed PCD, ISO 80001 and CE-IT Community. Found a lot of interest in Australia. He will attempt to get Australian involvement in PCD and perhaps a roadshow in their September IHE Australia meeting. He will attempt to interest Engineers Australia in leading the effort.



  • Manny to send email ballots for Cycle 4 proposals
  • Manny to ask HIMSS to make general PCD GG inactive

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be December 9: PCD Cochairs 2008-12-09 Webex

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