Reporting Workflow

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Reporting Workflow (RWF) provides worklists, status and result tracking for reporting tasks, such as dictation, transcription and verification.


The Reporting Workflow Profile provides the means to organize and schedule reporting tasks and to monitor their progress and completion.

The Reporting Workflow Integration Profile is a natural / logical extension of the Scheduled (Acquisition) Workflow and Post-Processing Workflow Profiles and provides the capabilities to sustain and optimize several tasks typically required for image interpretation (reporting). It specifies transactions to support a seamless flow of information for typical reporting tasks such as: interpretation, dictation, transcription, verification, or review.



The Profile improves the efficiency of reporting tasks by providing users with ready-made worklists (to-do lists) where they can simply pick the next task to perform and have immediate access to relevant patient and procedure information and to the images to be interpreted. Time and effort are greatly reduced, as users don’t have to manually search or inquire for patient and procedure data, nor do they have to handle paper or film.

Consistency and integrity of patient and clinical information can easily be maintained as the integrated systems can preserve the proper correlation of patient demographics, order information, procedure data and images with the reporting results.

The status of the reporting tasks (scheduled, in progress, completed) can be closely monitored to facilitate performance statistics and to derive provisions for improvements of the imaging department’s efficiency.

Notification of completion of reporting procedures can be used by scheduling systems to initiate preparations for follow-up actions such as setting-up additional diagnostic or patient treatment procedures and convey billing information.

Also details of the effectively performed tasks and utilized resources and materials are essential input for an accurate charging of radiological services.

Enabling an unobstructed information flow from system to system eliminates the need of redundant and error-prone manual re-capture of data, ensures consistency and integrity of patient data and allows the medical staff to focus on the tasks at hand rather than having to deal with the deficiencies of non-integrated devices and IT systems.


The Reporting Workflow Integration Profile addresses the following functions and systems interactions:

  • Planning – a report management and scheduling system (RIS) assembles and prepares the data needed to perform certain reporting tasks.
  • Provide Worklists – a reporting workstation (PACS Workstation) queries the scheduling system for worklists (lists of reporting tasks to be preformed) and presents the information to the user.
  • Interpretation – the workstation user selects (claims) a certain task to work on, retrieves the images pertinent to the selected task, evaluates the image information and generates results (a dictated or transcribed report, quantifying data on findings, possibly additional processed images or other evidences) to be stored. The correlation of patient, procedure, images and results information can be properly maintained.
  • Status-Tracking – the workstation keeps the scheduling system informed about the status of the procedure: claimed, in progress, completed.
  • Once a reporting procedure has been completed it can be removed from the schedule, another pending work item can be taken on, and so forth.

Systems Affected

The following systems are expected to implement certain functions and interact in Reporting Workflow scenarios:

  • RIS – may act as a report manager (in charge of storage and management of reporting results) and scheduler of reporting tasks or (if the PACS assumes the management role) at least keeps track of the procedure states to remain in sync with the PACS.
  • PACS – may act as a report manager or (if the RIS assumes the management role) at least keeps track of the procedure states to remain in sync with the RIS. The PACS also stores and manages images and related evidences (measurements, key images), it may store and manage reporting results if it has assumed the role of the report manager.
  • Reporting Workstation – an images and evidence reviewing workstation (PACS workstation) capable of querying a RIS or PACS for reporting worklists, supporting the user with image interpretation and results processing, generating results (images, measurements, evidence documents and radiological reports) and returning reporting status information to the report management system.

Actors & Transactions:

<Insert an actor-transaction diagram, and or list of Content Definitions>


Profile Status: Final Text


IHE Radiology Technical Framework:

  • Vol. 1 - Section 13 documents the profile
  • Vol. 3
    • Sections 4.38 – 4.46 and 4.49 document specific transactions
    • Appendix D: Attribute Consistency between General Purpose Worklist, SPS, PPS and Resulting Composite IODs In Reporting Workflow

Underlying Standards: Elements of the following standards have been used to specify the implementation details of the Reporting Workflow Integration Profile

See Also

Related Profiles

  • Scheduled Workflow (SWF)
  • Post-Processing Workflow (RWF)
  • Simple Image and Numeric Report (SINR)
  • Evidence Documents (ED)
  • Key Image Notes (KIN)
  • Consistent Presentation of Images (CPI)
  • NM Image
  • Charge Posting (CHG)

Consumer Information

The Profile FAQ Template answers typical questions about what the Profile does. <Replace the link with a link to the actual FAQ page for the Profile>

The Profile Purchasing Template describes considerations when purchasing equipment to deploy this Profile. <Replace the link with a link to the actual Purchasing page for the Profile>

Implementer Information

The Profile Implementation Template provides additional information about implementing this Profile in software. <Replace the link with a link to the actual Implementation page for the Profile>

Reference Articles

<List References (good and bad) (with link if possible) to Journal Articles that mention IHE's work (and hopefully include some analysis) >

This page is based on the Profile Template