ITI Change Proposals 2014

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The ITI Change Proposal (CP) process follows the general IHE CP process described on the Change Proposal process page. The following sections give more detail on the general process for ITI participants involved in the CP process.

The ITI-specific CP Process

The following text explains what the process used by the ITI commitee in processing submitted CPs. It is consistent with the general IHE CP process and is informative only.

  1. Write a change proposal. Here is IHE's Change_Proposal_Template
  2. Submit into the Incoming directory. This is typically done by directly updating the directory if you have access; otherwise send it an email to the ITI Technical Committee members in charge of CPs (currently Erik Pupo and Lynn Felhofer).
  3. The new CPs are considered by the committee at periodic CP review calls. If CP is accepted it is given a CP #, assigned an editor, renamed to CP-ITI-xxx-00.doc and placed in Assigned. If CP is rejected it is moved to Rejected and submitter is informed of explanation for rejection. Likely reasons for rejection are: duplicate, merged, withdrawn or not enough information to understand the request. Rejected CPs can be resubmitted with more information for reconsideration.
  4. Committee works with editor to draft the CP. Versions are kept in Assigned directory and numbered -00, -01, -02, etc.
  5. Committee decides CP is ready for ballot. Latest version of CP is moved to Completed diretory and old versions are moved to old_versions.
  6. Co-chair collects Completed CPs into a ballot. The Ballot directory will be used for this.
  7. Ballot is released to the general community for voting
  8. Votes and comments are collected. All yes votes means the CP passed ballot and moved to FinalText. No votes are resolved by the committee. Sometimes CP is withdrawn, sometimes NO voter changes to yes vote after explanations. CP may be updated in this process. If updates are insignificant (clarification only) the CP is considered passed. If updates are significant the CP is submitted for another ballot.
  9. CP approved in ballot are put in FinalText and scheduled to be integrated into the Technical Framework or Supplement.

Directory Structure

As CPs are processed through various statuses they move from one directory to another. The directories involved are:

contains CPs which have been submitted but have not been assigned a CP number or an editor. This is the place that new incoming CPs are placed prior to the first stage of processing by the committee.
contains CPs that have been assigned an editor and are being actively worked on by the committee, i.e. Assigned status
contains the last version of a CP that is in Completed status. It is waiting to be put in a ballot
contains the last version of a CP that is in FinalText status. It is has been approved by ballot and is waiting to be integrated into the TF.
contains the version of the CP that was integrated into the TF.
CPs that have been submitted by rejected by the committee
contains CPs that have been canceled, i.e. Canceled status
contains Ballots that have been released for voting by the general community
contains spreadsheets describing the status of CPs.

Change Proposal pages from previous years

Ongoing work on CPs is placed on the current year CP page. Prior years work can be accessed at:

ITI CP Tracking

All Change Proposal management is done in ITI CP ftp site. The tracking spreadsheet can be accessed at Status directory. It is the file with the most recent date in that directory.

Integrated CPs 2014

This section will document all CPs integrated into the Version 11.0 of the Technical Framework and the 2014 version of Supplements in August 2014


Ballot 19

Balloted in Aug 2013.

Ballot 19, including ballot comments, is archived here:

CP Title Profile or Volumes Affected Ballot Result
581-02 DSUB correction for event ID in audit message DSUB Failed, see comments in archive link above
655-02 Modify field predicate logic for conditional fields PID-29, PID-30 (Patient Death) of IHE PAM 2a,2b Failed, see comments in archive link above
657-04 Consistency of HD and CX datatype definitions in the appendix. 2b Approved Final Text
673-02 Corrections of the usage code of some fields in segments PID, PV1, OBX, for PAM 2b Approved Final Text
674-04 New option “Ambulatory Patient Data” for PAM to facilitate adoption by other domains (RAD, CARD, …) 2b Approved for Final Text with updates from ballot comments
681-02 XDW Actor Definition 1 Accepted ballot comments; -02 was integrated into XDW in 2013

Ballot 20

Ballot was out for review Jan 7 - Feb 7, 2014

Ballot 20 CPs and consolidated comments received during review are archived here:

Detailed minutes from the Ballot 20 CP discussion are here:

Outcome of the ballot is in the table below. Final Text versions of approved CPs are in

CP Title Profile Vol Ballot Result
CP-ITI-516-02 Correct hyperlinks to point to TF sections XUA 1 Approved for FT
CP-ITI-586-01 MU Typo MU 2b Approved for FT
CP-ITI-638-02 Async Supplement update to Appendix V Async 2x Appr for FT; upd based on comments
CP-ITI-660-03 XCPD diagram shows single when should be multiple XCPD 2b Approved for FT
CP-ITI-672-01 mustUnderstand many 2x Failed; back to Assigned.
CP-ITI-678-00 Correction of the example illustrating the URL of Find document Dossiers message MHD 2c Approved for FT
CP-ITI-687-03 Use referenceIdList as specified by CP-ITI-659 instead of folders in XDW XDW 1,3 Failed; back to Assigned.
CP-ITI-690-06 Document Sharing Metadata Enhancement for Security/Privacy Tags XD* 3 Appr for FT; upd based on comments
CP-ITI-707-01 Document Retrieve Form Response RFD 2b Appr for FT; upd based on comments
CP-ITI-708-01 Update Appendix V with current versions of WS-I profiles many 2x Approved for FT
CP-ITI-713-00 Correct labelling of XCA IG in query attribute optionality XCA 3 Approved for FT
CP-ITI-714-00 Correct capitalization of Document Sharing Attribute names XD* 3 Approved for FT
CP-ITI-715-00 Remove parentDocument references XDS 3 Approved for FT
CP-ITI-717-00 Incorrect section reference ATNA 2a Approved for FT
CP-ITI-718-00 Namespace ID required even if ISO OID set PDQv2, PAM 2x Failed; back to Assigned.
CP-ITI-719-00 Typo in audit message for Document Registry/Recipient in Metadata Update supplement MU 2b Approved for FT
CP-ITI-729-01 Typo in FacilityServices CSD 2x Appr for FT; upd based on comments
CP-ITI-730-01 Limited Metadata Audit XDS 2b Appr for FT; upd based on comments
CP-ITI-731-01 DICOM Audit Differences ATNA, many 2a Appr for FT; upd based on comments
CP-ITI-736-00 clarification of BPPC typeCode BPPC 3 Failed; back to Assigned.
CP-ITI-737-01 clarification of classCode from typeCode XD* 3 Appr for FT; upd based on comments

Ballot 21

Being planned...

CP Title Profile Vol Ballot Result
CP-ITI-615-02 DSUB Remove SubscriptionId from all transactions DSUB 2b
CP-ITI-655-05 Modify field predicate logic for conditional fields PID-29, PID-30 (Patient Death) of IHE PAM PAM 2b
CP-ITI-671-01 authorTelecommunication Example several 3
CP-ITI-685-04 HPD errors and inconsistencies HPD 2b
CP-ITI-711-05 Add limitedMetadata attribute to optionality table XD* 3
CP-ITI-742-00 Updated Folder Concept XDS 1
CP-ITI-743-00 Contradictory text on DocumentEntry.availabilityStatus XD* 3
CP-ITI-745-00 Typo in sourcePatientInfo XD* 3
CP-ITI-747-00 Fix coding of referenceIdList attribute in documentEntry metadata table XD* 3
CP-ITI-753-00 Clarification of the immutable nature of DocumentEntry.sourcePatientInfo XD* 3
CP-ITI-755-00 Incorrect MPQ example message MPQ 2b
CP-ITI-760-00 Association Types table 4.2.2-1 Update XD* 3

Assigned CPs

For a list of CPs that are currently assigned see the latest CP-ITI-Tracking-201x-nn-nn.xls file in the Status directory. Assign CPs are here:

Upcoming CP discussions

ITI CP review calls are typically held the 1st Friday and 3rd Thursday of each month from 9-11am Central US. Additional sessions may be scheduled during ITI Tech F2F meetings.


Thu, 9-11am Central US

Webex link:

Dialin (US): 866-469-3239

Meeting number: 922 812 006

Password: meeting


(1) Discuss assigned CPs ready for review:

  • CP-ITI-684-02 - No error code for errors in document content (Mark S)
  • CP-ITI-692-01 - Character String Matching Ambiguous (Mark S)
  • CP-ITI-746-01 - Correct example language from en-us to en-US (Walco)
  • CP-ITI-740-01 - Vol 3 update of Metadata Update Supplement (Karen)
  • CP-ITI-762-00 - Integrate gen'l purpose content from MU Supplement (Karen)
  • CP-ITI-617-01 - Update to Provider Info Directory audit msg in HPD (Lynn)
  • ...

(2) Ballot 21 planning

  • Currently completed CPs are here:
  • Timeline PROPOSAL:
    • 03/25/2014 -- ballot content & spreadsheet sent to IHE USA staff (Lynn)
    • 03/27/2014 -- ballot sent to ITI Tech email list (Nancy)
    • 04/25/2014 -- ballot comments due (ITI Tech)
    • mm/dd/2014 -- ballot comments consolidated (Lynn)
    • mm/dd/2014 -- CP call for ballot 21 review (ITI Tech)

(3) Incoming CP review:

  • CP-ITI-LF_HPD-attribute-typos.doc
  • CP-ITI-LF_HPD-clarify-semantics-of-R-R2.doc
  • ...

(4) Strategies for addressing backlog of assigned CPs (cont.)

(5) Planning for Fri Apr 4 CP call

  • Lynn cannot chair this one due to travel to EU Connectathon.


Fri, 9-11am Central US



Agenda and Minutes from past CP calls


Agenda and minutes are here:


Agenda and minutes are here:

Feb-14-2014 (Vienna F2F)

Agenda and minutes are here:

Feb-10-2014 (Vienna F2F)

Agenda and minutes are here:


Agenda and minutes are here:


Agenda and minutes are here:


Agenda and minutes are here:


Agenda and minutes are here:


Agenda and minutes are here: