Domain Secretaries Committee Teleconference Minutes 2011-05-19

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  • Sidrah Abdul, RO
  • Andrea Pitkus, Lab
  • Manny Furst, PCD
  • Flora Lum, Eye Care
  • Lisa Spellman
  • Celina Roth
  • Lisa Fried
  • Chris Carr
  • Joan McMillen
  • Nichole Drye-Mayo


  • Wiki Navigation
  • Main page to Domain Secretaries Committee page
  • How to create the agenda and minutes
  • Communication Tools
  • Review Domain Secretaries one page Process page
  • Voting/roster questions. (ie. Reviewed Radiology roster page. Each company only gets one vote. Company should designate primary and alternates so issue of who votes is easily recognized)
  • Voting Privileges. 2 consecutive meetings you have voting privileges. If voting privileges are lost, after 3 consecutive meetings voting privileges are restored. Committee sets schedule of planned meetings. Those are considered business meetings. Whether or not you hold a vote you take attendance and it counts toward quorum and voting privileges. Quorum defined as a majority of the committee members with current voting rights. Then you need one more than half to meet quorum.
  • Wiki Page (committee schedules, meeting and tcon deadlines, documentation process)
  • Login and account creation
  • Email for account creation
  • website redesign and IHE rebranding
  • Domain Committee Procedures
  • Must elect 2 co-chairs each for planning/technical committees; will serve 2 year term
  • Co-chair election process
  • Co-chairs must be member of committee in domain. If not a current committee member cannot run for co-chair.
  • Terms should be staggered so you maintain continuity. Necessary to have a user representative for committee chair? Not a requirement but recommended. Planning committee tends to have more user reps; technical committee has more vendors.
  • DCC update and action
  • Helpful for Domain Secretaries to participate in these calls. Important that all domains be represented in DCC discussions.
  • Must elect committee representative to IHE International Board Committee
  • Review process and timeline for electing domain committee representative to IHE International Board
  • Reviewed documents
  • Organized rehearsal one week prior to Webinar
  • PPT slide template will be available on 5/19

Next Call

  • June 16, 10-11am CDT

Domain Secretaries Committee