Laboratory Technical Committee

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The Laboratory Technical Committee develops and maintains the Technical Framework for the IHE Laboratory Domain.

Scope and Current Work

The planning committee successfully voted to bring forward one new supplement this year, an extension to Laboratory Device Automation in joint work with IICC.

2010-2011 Publication Schedule

The following table is designed for use by LAB technical committee editors, committee members, sponsors and connectathon staff for understanding the details for release of updated documents from the LAB Technical committee. It describes:

  • Document Title - the title of the document, including short acronym if appropriate.
  • Type - the type of document: TI = Trial Implementation Supplement, FT = Final Text, TF = Technical Framework, WP = White Paper
  • Release - the date that the technical committee will release the document for publication
  • Status - the status of the work:
    • Done means the updated version of the document is on
    • Released means that the updated version of the document has been completed by the committee and is being processed for official publication on
    • Late means that some of the dates preceding creating of the updated version of the document have been missed. The publication date may be in jeopardy.
    • On Schedule means that all the dates preceding creating of the updated version of the document have been met. The publication of the document is on schedule.

Document Title Type Pricipal Editor Release Status
TF Vol 1. Version 3.0 TF François Macary June 5, 2009 Released
TF Vol 2. Version 3.0 TF François Macary June 5, 2009 Released
TF Vol 3. Version 3.0 TF François Macary June 5, 2009 Released
GIR Supplement TI François Macary Released
ELDA TI Eric Olson June 2011 On Schedule

Final Text CPs, which will be incorporated in LAB TF Rel. 3.0 for June 2009

These approved CPs are ready for integration into the LAB Technical Framework 3.0, and are applicable to 2009 connectathons.

CP Title Profiles Affected Volumes Affected
140 Add OM1-31 field to the specification of segment OM1 LCSD Vol. 2
141 Correct XML Sample Code Containing Errors in “telecom” XD-LAB Vol. 3
143 Dependency from LTW to ATNA should be optional LTW Vol. 1
147 Correct XML example containing “ISLT” instead of “SPEC” XD-LAB Vol. 3
148 LIS provides to the ordering application the list of identified specimens & containers expected, using LTW or a combination of LTW & LBL profiles LBL + LTW Vol. 1 & 2
149 Allow multiple interpretation codes on an observation of an entry of the lab report XD-LAB Vol. 3
152 Location of a BATTERY organizer within an entry XD-LAB Vol. 3
153 Typo on datatype of OM1-8 LCSD Vol. 2

In progress CPs

Link to Laboratory Assigned FTP CP Site

CP Title Profiles Affected Volumes Affected Assigned to CP Status
150 All messages carrying a new version of a code set have to be grouped in a batch LCSD Vol. 2 Joost Van Averbeke Assigned
151 Consider orderable tests as batteries with a single test LCSD Vol. 2 Joost Van Averbeke Assigned
154 Provide volume calculus rules for specimen collection LCSD Vol. 2 Peter Baeke Assigned
155 Add usage specification for field OM1-31 LCSD Vol. 2 Peter Baeke Assigned
156 Specification of test orderability LCSD Vol. 2 Peter Baeke Assigned

Incoming CPs

Link to Laboratory Incoming FTP CP Site

CP Title Profiles Affected Volumes Affected Received from CP Status
HL7 SDWG Feedback on Specimen Receipt in CDA XDLAB Vol. 3 Sondra Renly Incoming


Profiles Affected Purpose & Scope Main Editors Standards Committee Review Public Comment Trial Implementation
LTW, LDA GIR: Graphs & Images in Laboratory Results - new option to LTW and LDA profiles, to upload images from Analyzer to Automation Manager, Order Filler, Order Results Tracker Ken Iguchi, Shin-ichi Watanabe HL7 v2.5 & v2.5.1 2010-mm-dd 2010-mm-dd 2010-mm-dd
ILW Inter-Laboratory Workflow: new integration profile supporting the exchanges between a requester (lab) and a subcontractor (lab) JC Hassler, Romeo Juncu, François Macary HL7 v2.5.1 2009-02-15 2009-04-03 2009-06-05

Current Meetings

IHE Laboratory Domain Face to Face Meetings. Meeting notifications and reminders are sent to the IHE Laboratory Committee Google Group. T-Cons may be added or re-scheduled periodically.

Date Time Location Topic Agenda Minutes
2010.Sept.30-Oct.3 All day Chicago, IL USA ELDA Profile, CPs Agenda
2010.Sept.21 9:00-10:00 AM (Eastern Time) Web and Tele Meeting Review of Face to Face Meeting Agenda Agenda Minutes
2010.Sept.14 9:00-10:00 AM (Eastern Time) Web and Tele Meeting IHE Status and Current Activities Agenda Minutes
2009.05.14-16 All day Kyoto, Japan Resolve comments on supplements Agenda Minutes
2008.12.15-17 All day Paris, France Work on supplements Agenda Minutes
2008.06.23-25 All day New York, US Lab TF 2.1 FT + work on supplements Agenda Minutes
2007.12.10-12 All day Tokyo, JP Planning and CPs Agenda Tokyo_dec_2007.pdf Some pictures
2007.06.20-22 All day Paris, FR Lab TF Discussions Agenda Paris_jun_2007.pdf

Meeting Roster

Representatives with a Roster Status of Co-chair, Liaison, Voting (or possibly Alternate) may vote and count towards quorum. A - represents a missed meeting.

Representatives with a Roster Status of Secretary or Non-voting or Observer may not vote or count towards quorum. A + represents an attended meeting.

Voting privileges and attendance apply to IHE Member Organizations, so the list is sorted by Member Organization to facilitate this. The Cochairs and Secretary are listed at the top.

Representative Name Member Organization Roster Status May 14-16 2009 (Kyoto) September 14 2010 (Conference Call) September 21 2010 (Conference Call) Sep 30-Oct 2 2010 (Chicago)
Sondra Renly IBM Research Cochair - + +
Yoshimi Hirasawa Techno Medica Cochair + - -
Andrea Pitkus College of American Pathologists Secretary - + + +
Nobuyuki Chiba A&T Voting + - -
Mayu Nagao A&T Voting + - -
Shin-ichi Watanabe A&T Voting + - -
Edwin Heierman Abbott Voting - + +
Jean-Christian Hassler AGFA Healthcare Voting - - -
François Macary ASIP Santé Voting + - +
James H Harrison Jr., MD,PhD College of American Pathologists Voting - - -
Alexander Henket eNovation Voting + - -
Vassil Peytchev EPIC Systems Voting + - -
Andries Hamster Forcare Voting - - -
Hiroyoki Kohda Fujifilm Voting + - -
Takashi Nakashima Fujifilm Voting + - -
Kazuo Suzuki Futjitsu Yamaguchi Information Voting + - -
Charles Parisot GE Medical Systems Voting + - -
Israel Samples Greenway Medical Voting - - -
Eric Poiseau INRIA / IRISA Voting + - -
Hiroyoshi Okada ITEC FlankyuHAnshin Voting + - -
Daniel Nebot IZASA Voting + - -
Stefan Sabutsch JOANNEUM Voting + - -
Genichi Kato Kyoto 1st Red Cross Hospital Voting + - -
Ayman Obeid MEDASYS Voting - - -
Jean-Christophe Cauvin MEDASYS Voting - - -
Emmanuelle Petit MEDASYS Voting - - -
David Escoffier MEDASYS Voting - - -
Ib Johansen MEDCOM Voting - - -
Margit Rasmussen MEDCOM Voting - - -
Joost Van Averbeke MIPS Voting - - -
Filip Migom MIPS Voting - + -
Alexander Henket NICTIZ Voting + - -
Osamu Yamada Okazaki City Hospital Voting + - -
Shigeo Hasegawa Olympus Voting + - -
Ken Iguchi Ozaka Medical College Voting + - -
Anna Orlova, PhD Public Health Data Standards Consortium Voting + + -
Ken McCaslin Quest Diagnostics Voting + - -
Andrzej Knafel Roche Diagnostics Voting + + +
Martine Marchand SFIL Voting - - -
Alexander Mense University of Applied Science Vienna Voting + - -
Quorum Attendance 24 7 4

If your organization is an IHE Member and you would like to be added to this roster, please provide the name of your voting representative (and optionally, alternates) to the Secretary.

If your status needs to be adjusted, please contact a Technical Co-Chair or Secretary.

See Also

IHE Laboratory Domain

IHE Committees

IHE Mailing Lists

This page is based on the Committee Template.