Lab Tech Minutes 09.14.10

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  • Sondra Renly-Co Chair (IBM)
  • Andrea Pitkus-Secretary (CAP)
  • Ed Heierman (Abbott)
  • Andrzej Knafel (Roche)
  • Jean-Christophe Hurpeau (bioMerieux)
  • Anna Orlova, Phd (PHDSC)
  • William Ormerod (Siemens)
  • Bill Williams (Abbott)
  • Filip Migom (MIPS)


1. Introduction

  • Sondra Renly called the meeting to order and welcomed all the IHE members attending the call, as well as introducing the IICC Techinical Team members on the call.

2. IICC Status

3. HL7- Andrzej Knafel provided an update on HL7 Messaging aspects

  • Acknowledgements with messaging are defined by the use cases. Lab automation use cases have an increase in acknowledgements. The team has identified the use cases.
  • Andrzej discusses. Cardinality and Minimum HL7 version are highlighted.
  • Jean-Christophe indicates the use cases can use three different ACKs.
  • Jean-Christophe also noted that the use cases allow for asynchronous (overlapping) queries.
  • For the face to face we are focusing on the use cases, but have this be a working document.

3. IHE Status (provided by Sondra Renly) 4. Current Activities

  • Posting IICC information on IHE Lab Wiki:
  • The IHE Lab wiki is highlighted. In the upper right corner is a log in and folks can contribute content. Andrzej will start adding documents on HL7 messaging to the LDA page.
  • Sondra indicates that anyone can post to the wiki. Googling “media wiki syntax” will provide helpful tips on posting to the wiki.
  • Planning for F2F Meeting:

Next Call

The next IHE lab call will be held on September, 21, 2010 from 9-10am Eastern Standard Time (US- New York City).