Radiation Oncology

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IHE Radiation Oncology addresses information sharing, workflow, and patient care in radiation oncology.

IHE-RO is sponsored by the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) and develops the IHE-RO Profiles which are published in the IHE-RO Technical Framework and Supplements

There are two committees in the IHE Radiation Oncology domain:

Meeting Calendar: IHE RO Calendar

Please contact Jill Moton at AAPM to join the mailing list.

Use Case

For an overview of submitting a Use Case for Radiation Oncology, please refer to this page.

Please read the Profile_Proposal_Process to understand the process for specifying, prioritizing and selecting profiles. Edit the following table to include new pages (using the above format) and use the Brief_Proposal_Template to create new Use Cases. The Detailed_Proposal_Template can be used later to provide full details. A high level Radiotherapy Process map provides a context for developing Use cases.

COMPLETED Use Cases and their Integration Profiles

Year Introduced Use Case RFP Text Year Finished
' See IHE-RO Profiles and contact Technical Committee for latest Profile statuses

Use Cases Being Developed into Integration Profiles

Year Introduced Use Case RFP Text Year Finished
' See IHE-RO Profiles and contact Technical Committee for latest Profile statuses

This page is based on the Domain Template.