Retrieval for Clinical Knowledge

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The Retrieval for Clinical Knowledge Profile describes how Health IT systems, Person Health Records, and HIEs can retrieve clinical knowledge on a topic suitable for presentation to a clinician or patient.


Each time an EHR or PHR wants to integrate with a new provider of clinical content, a new interface needs to be developed. The Retrieval for Clinical Knowledge (RCK) Profile provides a more complete implementation specification that will ensure that the same interface can be used across a wide variety of clinical content.

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This profile provides a consistent set of rules for issuing knowledge requests for information that is either patient-, clinician- or payer-oriented, and on how to return results so that EHRs and PHRs can process the results and display them in a uniform way.


Systems Affected

Actors & Transactions:

  • [[]]
  • [[]]



Profile Status: Trial Implementation


IHE Patient Care Coordination Technical Framework:

Underlying Standards:

See Also

Related Profiles

Consumer Information

The Profile FAQ Template answers typical questions about what the Profile does. <Replace the link with a link to the actual FAQ page for the Profile>

The Profile Purchasing Template describes considerations when purchasing equipment to deploy this Profile. <Replace the link with a link to the actual Purchasing page for the Profile>

Implementer Information

The Profile Implementation Template provides additional information about implementing this Profile in software. <Replace the link with a link to the actual Implementation page for the Profile>

Reference Articles

<List References (good and bad) (with link if possible) to Journal Articles that mention IHE's work (and hopefully include some analysis). Go ahead, Google: IHE <Profile Name> abstract or Google: IHE <Profile Name> and under the "more" select "Scholar". You might be surprised. >