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Committee Procedures

The IHE International Governance is the basis for IHE committee procedures. The following pages supplement the Governance and address operational details.

Committee Rosters, Quorum and Voting

Patent Disclosure Process

Domain Milestones

Technical Framework Development

Profile Proposal Process

IHE Profile Design Principles and Conventions

Writing Technical Frameworks and Supplements

Guidelines for Profiles Incorporating HL7 Messaging

Cookbook for Security Considerations

Public Comment Process

Cross-Domain Profile Review

Cross-Domain Dependency Process

Technical Framework Publication Process

Profile and Document Inventory
Non-Word TF Material Publication Process

Final Text Process

Change Proposal Process

Evaluation of Published Profiles (for retirement)

National Extensions Process

Integration Statement Guidelines

New Directions Process

Process Improvement Suggestions from IHE Europe



What Tools to Use for Which Things

Templates for IHE documents and Wiki pages to promote consistency and complete information.

How To's for doing common and/or tricky things.

Roles and Responsibilities

The IHE Organizational Structure describes the IHE Committees, their responsibilities and relationships to each other.

Domain Communication to other IHE groups are the responsibility of the Domain Cochairs.

Within those committees there are a number of specific roles:


Guide on how to address Security in your Profile/Supplement

See Also


KAVI - Resources for Consortia