Radiology Technical Committee

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The Radiology Technical Committee performs the technical work of the IHE Radiology Domain.

Current Activities

The following profile is being developed in 2007-2008. (See Meeting List below).

Additionally development is occurring in the following areas:

Current Meetings

Some key meetings are shown here for convenience. See the IHE Calendar for the official listing of all T-Cons and meetings.

Meeting notifications and reminders are sent to the Committee Mailing list. T-Cons may be added or re-scheduled periodically.

Dates and Times are Central Time (Chicago UTC-0600)

Date Time Location Topic Agenda Minutes
2008.03.31 - 2008.04.02 All Day Chicago - RSNA Reconcilation of Public Comments for 2007-2008 Profile Development - -
2008.02.04-07 All Day Chicago -RSNA Finalization of 2007-2008 Profiles for Public Comment - -
2008.01.23 1100-1300 T-Con Schedule Workflow II New Call -
2008.01.22 1100-1200 T-Con Mammography Acquisition Workflow Agenda -
2008.01.17 1100-1300 T-Con Technical Framework Change Proposal Review CP Tracking Doc -
2008.01.16 1000-1200 T-Con Scheduled Workflow Use Case Development Agenda -
2008.01.15 1100-1200 T-Con Mammography Acquisition Workflow New Call -
2008.01.09 1000-1200 T-Con Radiation Dose Profile Agenda Minutes
2008.01.09 0800-0900 T-Con Scheduled Workflow Use Case Development Cancelled -
2008.01.08 1100-1200 T-Con Mammography Acquisition Workflow Agenda -
2007.12.19 0700-0900 T-Con Scheduled Workflow Use Case Development Agenda Minutes
2007.12.18 1100-1200 T-Con Mammography Acquisition Workflow Development Agenda Minutes
2007.12.11 1100-1200 T-Con Mammography Acquisition Workflow Development Agenda Minutes
2007.12.04 1100-1200 T-Con Mammography Acquisition Workflow Development Cancelled N/A
2007.11.28 0830-1030 Chicago - McCormick (Room?) Radiology Joint PC-TC Breakfast Mtg Agenda Minutes
2007.11.19 1100-1200 T-Con Mammography Acquisition Workflow Development Agenda Minutes
2007.11.5-7 All day Chicago - RSNA

and Webex

Kick-off Profile Development 2007-2008 Agenda Minutes

Meeting Notes

2007.10.16 - T-Con Detailed Profile Estimates - Minutes
2007.10.04 - T-Con Detailed Profile Estimates - Minutes
2007.09.26 - T-Con Detailed Profile Estimates - Minutes

Older meetings are listed here.


Representatives with a Roster Status of Co-chair, Liaison, Voting (or possibly Alternate) may vote and count towards quorum. A - represents a missed meeting.

Representatives with a Roster Status of Secretary or Non-voting or may not vote or count towards quorum. A + represents an attended meeting.

Voting privileges and attendance are managed by Member Organization, so the list is sorted by Member Organization to facilitate this. The Cochairs and Secretary are listed at the top.

Member Organization Representative Name Roster Status Oct 16 Nov 5-7 Nov 28
Carestream Health Inc. Ellie Avraham Co-chair + +
Merge Healthcare Cindy Levy Co-chair + +
RSNA (Sponsor) Chris Carr Secretary + +
Aspyra Tibor Duliskovich Voting + +
Agfa HealthCare Paul Seifert Voting + -
Cerner David Robaska Voting - -
Fuji Medical Paul Morgan Voting + +
GE Healthcare Chris Lindop Voting + +
GE Healthcare Tony Palmer Alternate - -
GE Healthcare Guillaume Peter Alternate - +
Guardian Systems John Paganini Voting + +
Hologic Carolyn Renolds Voting + +
Hologic Nikos GKanatsios Alternate - +
iCAD Topher Gedeon Voting + +
IHE-J Yoshimura Hitoshi Liaison - -
McKesson Medical Imaging Group David Heaney Voting - +
Philips Healthcare Dick Donker Voting + +
RadPharm David Clunie Voting - +
RSNA (Clinical) Dr. David Channin Voting - -
Siemens Medical Solutions Christoph Dickmann Voting + +
Siemens Medical Solutions Renate Hoecker Alternate + -
Toshiba Medical Systems Kevin O'Donnell Voting + +
Quorum 6 Attendance 12

If your organization is an IHE Member and you would like to be added to this roster, please provide the name of your voting representative (and optionally, alternates) to the Secretary.

If your status needs to be adjusted, please contact the Secretary and or a Cochair.

See Also

The Radiology Domain Page

The Main Committees Page

This page is based on the Committee Template. Add any good ideas you have to the template.