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{{{2|''The Cross-Enterprise Document Sharing for Imaging (XDS-I) Profile provides a solution for sharing (publishing, finding and retrieving) imaging documents across a group of affiliated enterprises. Imaging documents include the following:-Imaging studies that include images acquired on a broad range of different modalities, as well as evidence documents (e.g. post-processing measurements/analysis outcome), and presentation states; -Diagnostic reports resulting from the interpretation of one or more related imaging studies provided in a ready-for-display form; -A selection of diagnostically significant images associated with the report content.''}}}
{{{2|''The Cross-Enterprise Document Sharing for Imaging (XDS-I) Profile provides a solution for sharing (publishing, finding and retrieving) imaging documents across a group of affiliated enterprises. Imaging documents include the following:-Imaging studies that include images acquired on a broad range of different modalities, as well as evidence documents (e.g. post-processing measurements/analysis outcome), and presentation states; -Diagnostic reports resulting from the interpretation of one or more related imaging studies provided in a ready-for-display form; -A selection of diagnostically significant images associated with the report content.''}}}
''<Insert a simple graphic that, at a glance, gives an impression of what the profile is about.  E.g. a graphic of a hospital, a clinic, and a lab with patient records moving between them.  Do not use an actor/transaction diagram here.>''
''<See [[Help:Contents#Tips_.26_Tricks| Help - Tips and Tricks]] for details on inserting an image/graphic.>''

Revision as of 09:22, 20 March 2008


The Cross-Enterprise Document Sharing for Imaging (XDS-I) Profile provides a solution for sharing (publishing, finding and retrieving) imaging documents across a group of affiliated enterprises. Imaging documents include the following:-Imaging studies that include images acquired on a broad range of different modalities, as well as evidence documents (e.g. post-processing measurements/analysis outcome), and presentation states; -Diagnostic reports resulting from the interpretation of one or more related imaging studies provided in a ready-for-display form; -A selection of diagnostically significant images associated with the report content.



XDS-I enables imaging information to be shared in a community or region by allowing radiology departments, private physicians, clinics, long term care, acute care with different clinical IT systems to contribute and access (query and retrieve) imaging documents (images and reports) of interest.


<A few paragraphs, if appropriate, providing more details (in user-speak, not tech-speak) on what the profile does and how it works.>

Systems Affected

PACS and Workstation might implement Imaging Document Source to provide and submit images and/ or imaging reports. RIS might implement Imaging Document Source to provide and submit imaging reports. PACS, Workstation, RIS and non-radiology workstation might implement Imaging Document Consumer to retrieve and display images and imaging reports.

Actors & Transactions:

<Insert an actor-transaction diagram, and or list of Content Definitions>


Profile Status: Final Text


IHE Radiology Technical Framework:

  • Vol. 1 - Section 18 documents the profile
  • Vol. 3 - Sections 4.54 and 4.55 document specific transactions
  • Vol. 3 - Appendix Y provides additional informative text

Underlying Standards:

  • <need to reference ebxml ???>

See Also

Related Profiles

This profile depends on IT Infrastructure Cross-Enterprise Document Sharing (XDS)

Consumer Information

The Profile FAQ Template answers typical questions about what the Profile does. <Replace the link with a link to the actual FAQ page for the Profile>

The Profile Purchasing Template describes considerations when purchasing equipment to deploy this Profile. <Replace the link with a link to the actual Purchasing page for the Profile>

Implementer Information

The Profile Implementation Template provides additional information about implementing this Profile in software. <Replace the link with a link to the actual Implementation page for the Profile>

Reference Articles

<List References (good and bad) (with link if possible) to Journal Articles that mention IHE's work (and hopefully include some analysis) >

This page is based on the Profile Template

<Delete this Category Templates line since your Profile page is no longer a template.>