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'''IHE Radiation Oncology''' addresses information sharing, workflow, and patient care in radiation oncology.
'''IHE Radiation Oncology''' addresses information sharing, workflow, and patient care in radiation oncology.
IHE Radiation Oncology is sponsored by the [http://www.ASTRO.org American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (ASTRO)] and manages the [[Profiles#IHE Radiation Oncology Profiles| Radiation Oncology Profiles]] and the [[Frameworks#IHE Radiation Oncology Technical Frameworks| Radiation Oncology Technical Framework]].
IHE-RO is sponsored by the [https://w3.aapm.org/default American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM)] and develops the '''[[Profiles#IHE Radiation Oncology Integration Profiles| IHE-RO Profiles]]''' which are published in the [https://www.ihe.net/resources/technical_frameworks/#radiationoncology IHE-RO Technical Framework and Supplements]
There are two committees in the IHE Radiation Oncology domain:
:* the '''[[Radiation Oncology Planning Committee]]''',
:* the '''[[Radiation Oncology Technical Committee]]''',
Meeting Calendar: [https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/embed?src=aapm.org_75ss3s89fkvd94n7q74emrpb84@group.calendar.google.com&ctz=America/New_York IHE RO Calendar]
Please contact [mailto:jill@aapm.org Jill Moton at AAPM] to join the mailing list.
==Timeline : 2007-2008 Development Cycle==
{| style="width:100%" border="1" cellpadding="3"
! Timeframe
! Activity
! Scheduled
! Location
| colspan="4" align="center" style="background:#dddddd" | '''2007'''
| Jan
| Profile Suggestions Reviewed / Selected (TC)
| Jan 22-25
| Mountain View, CA
| Apr.
| Selected Profiles Development
| Apr 16-18
| Madison, WI
| Jul.
| Profile Supplements Development
| Jul 26-27
| Minneapolis, MN
| Sep
| Supplements released for Public Comment
| colspan="4" align="center" style="background:#dddddd" | '''2008'''
| Mar.
| Domain Pre-Testing (2008 Profiles)
| Mar 3-7
| Munich, Germany
| Aug.
| Test implementations at Connectathon (NTPL-S, MMR-RO)
| Aug 1-8
| Houston, TX
| Sep.
| Public Demonstration at ASTRO (NTPL-S, MMR-RO)
| Sep 21-25
| Boston, MA
==Timeline : 2008-2009 Development Cycle==
{| style="width:100%" border="1" cellpadding="3"
! Timeframe
! Activity
! Scheduled
! Location
| colspan="4" align="center" style="background:#dddddd" | '''2008'''
| Aug.
| Discussions on potential Use Cases (PC)
| Aug 1
| Houston, TX
| Sep
| Use Case Development and Profile Review Meeting (PC & TC)
| Sep 21-25
| Boston, MA
| Nov
| Use Case Development (PC)
| Tele/Web conference
| colspan="4" align="center" style="background:#dddddd" | '''2009'''
| Jan.
| Proposed Profile Discussion
| Jan 14
| Tele/Web-conference
| Mar.
| Proposed Profile Development
| March 23-25
| Fairfax, Virginia at ASTRO HQ
| Mar
| Supplements released for Public Comment
| Aug
| Discussions on potential Use Cases (PC)
| Aug ?
| Location TBD
| Sep
| Connectathon of IHE-RO TF 3.x
| Sep 15-22
| Fairfax, Virginia at ASTRO HQ
| Nov
| Use Case Development and Profile Review Meeting (PC & TC)
| November ? (adjacent or during ASTRO Annual Meeting)
| Chicago, IL
==Timeline : Previous Development Cycles==
[[RO 2005-2007 Development Cycle|2005-2007 Development Cycle]]
The Radiation Oncology Roadmap will outline goals and plans over the next 5-10 years.
==Current Activity==
==Use Case==
As of March, 2008, work was underway to develop documents for an ISO submission for IHE-RO domain by April 18, 2008.  Click http://wiki.ihe.net/index.php?title=IHERO_ISO_Documentation to access the 5 draft documents and instructions for preparing them.<br>
For an overview of submitting a Use Case for Radiation Oncology, please refer to this [[IHERO_Use_Case_Submission_Overview | page]].
During the months of February and March, 2008, IHE-RO elected/appointed representatives to IHE committees.   
Please read the [[Profile_Proposal_Process]] to understand the process for specifying, prioritizing and selecting profiles.  Edit the following table to include new pages (using the above format) and use the [[Brief_Proposal_Template]] to create new Use Cases. The [[Detailed_Proposal_Template]] can be used later to provide full detailsA high level [[media:RTProcessMap_20090818.pdf | Radiotherapy Process map]] provides a context for developing Use cases.  
See [[IHERO Election of Representatives]].<br>
IHE Radiation Oncology held its first formal Connectathon (August 27-31, 2007, ASTRO HQ, Fairfax, VA) and subsequent Public Demonstration (October 28- November 1, 2007, Los Angeles, CA).
===COMPLETED Use Cases and their Integration Profiles===
The following Supplements were released for Public Comment on August 20, 2007.
:* [ftp://ftp.ihe.net/RadiationOncology/IHE_2008/IHE_RO-Volumes1and2_Image_Registration_2008_Proposal_ForPublicComment.pdf Multimodality Registration Supplement]
:* [ftp://ftp.ihe.net/RadiationOncology/IHE_2008/IHE-RO_Volumes1and2_Treatment_Delivery_Workflow_2008_Proposal_ForPublicComment.pdf Treatment Delivery Workflow]
The Public Comment period ended on November 2, 2007.  Comments may be submitted to:
http://forums.rsna.org under the “IHE” forum.  Select the “Radiation Oncology Technical Framework” sub-forum.
==Use Case Selection==
Please read the [[Profile_Proposal_Process]] to understand the process for specifying, prioritizing and selecting profiles.  Edit the following table to include new pages (using the above format) and use the [[Brief_Proposal_Template]] to create new Use Cases.  The [[Detailed_Proposal_Template]] can be used later to provide full details.
{| style="width:100%" border="1" cellpadding="3"
{| style="width:100%" border="1" cellpadding="3"
! Year Introduced
| style="width:80px;" | '''Year Introduced'''
! Use Case
! Use Case
! Current Rank
! RFP Text
! Status
| style="width:80px;" | '''Year Finished'''
| ''2005''
| ''''
| Simple treatment planning use case (NTPL-S) illustrates basic functionality for transferring data between treatment planning systems.
|See '''[[Profiles#IHE Radiation Oncology Profiles| IHE-RO Profiles]]''' and contact Technical Committee for latest Profile statuses
| n/a
| Completed. See [NTPL-S] [[Normal Treatment Planning-Simple]]
| ''2006''
| [[IHERO_2007UseCase_Dose Compositing |Dose Compositing]]*
| 3
| Use Case development needed.  Under consideration for 2009.
| ''2006''
| [[IHERO_2007UseCase_Residual Dose Optimization | Residual Dose Optimization]]*
|Use Case development needed
| ''2006''
| [[IHERO_2007UseCase_Multimodality Registration |Image Fusion for Segmentation]]*
| n/a
| Completed. See [MMR-RO] [[Multimodality Registration for Radiation Oncology]]
| ''2006''
| [[IHERO_2007UseCase_Image Fusion for Dose Review | Image Fusion for Dose Review]]*
| n/a
| Completed? See [MMR-RO] [[Multimodality Registration for Radiation Oncology]]
| ''2006''
| [[IHERO_2007UseCase_Online Image Review | On-line Image Review]]*
|Use Case development needed
| ''2006''
| [[IHERO_2007UseCase_Offline Image Review | Off-line Image Review]]*
|Use Case development needed
| ''2006''
| [[IHERO_2007UseCase_Treatment Delivery Workflow | Treatment Delivery Workflow]]*
| 1
| In development. See [TRWF] [[RT Treatment Workflow]]
| ''2006''
| [[IHERO_2007UseCase_Instance-level Query Retrieve | Instance-level Query Retrieve]]*
|Use Case development needed
| ''2006''
| [[IHERO_2007UseCase_Configuration Management | Configuration Management]]*
|Use Case development needed
| ''2006''
| [[IHERO_2007UseCase_Advanced Integration Objects |Advanced Interoperability of Treatment Planning Systems]] (AITPS), an extension of the NTPL-S profile
| 2
|Use Case development needed. Under consideration for 2009.
| ''2006''
| [[IHERO_2007UseCase_Clinical Trials Submission | Clinical Trials Submission]]
| ''2007''
| [[IHERO_UseCase_Prescription_Automatation | Prescription Automation]]
| PC 2007 #1
| ''2007''
| [[IHERO_UseCase_Improved_Workflow_B | Transfer of Anatomy/Aperture Data for Localization]]
| PC 2007 #2
| ''2007''
| [[IHERO_UseCase_User_Authentication | User Authentication and Authorization]]
| PC 2007 #3
===Use Cases Being Developed into Integration Profiles===
{| style="width:100%" border="1" cellpadding="3"
| style="width:80px;" | '''Year Introduced'''
! Use Case
! RFP Text
| style="width:80px;" | '''Year Finished'''
| ''2007''
| ''''
| [[IHERO_UseCase_Improved_Workflow_A | Registration Data Transfer]] 
|See '''[[Profiles#IHE Radiation Oncology Profiles| IHE-RO Profiles]]''' and contact Technical Committee for latest Profile statuses
| PC 2007 #4
| May already be covered in the TRWF profile
| ''2007''
| [[IHERO_UseCase_Plan_Treat_Record | Radiotherapy Planning and Treatment Record]], see "Advanced Interoperability of Treatment Planning Systems" (AITPS). 
* This Use Case is the IHERO 'Holy Grail'.
* Break into smaller pieces, such as an [[IHERO_UseCase_Anonymization | Anonymization Use Case]] for Clinical Trials. 
* This Use Case spawned the creation of a Planning Committee focus group on the data requirements of a [[IHERO_Electronic_Patient_Record | Radiotherapy Electronic Patient Record]].
| PC 2007 #5
| ''2008''
| [[IHERO_UseCase_Structure_template | Structure Template Creation, Import, and Export]]
| ''2008''
| [[IHERO_UseCase_brachy | Brachytherapy]]
| Use Case development needed
| ''2008''
| [[IHERO_UseCase_proton | Integration with Proton therapy]]
|Use Case development needed
| ''2008''
| [[IHERO_UseCase_bronchoscopy | Bronchoscopy position data transfer]]
|Use Case development needed
| ''2008''
| [[IHERO_UseCase_ROSWF | Radiation Oncology Enterprise Schedule Integration (ESI)]] (from IHE-J RO)
| Under development by IHE-J RO
| ''2008''
| [[Radiation_Oncology_Workflow_Exchange_with_HIS | Radiation Oncology Workflow Exchange with HIS ]]
| ''2008''
| [[IHERO_UseCase_2 | add your own]]
| ''2009''
| ''2009''
| ''2009''
* Extracted from August 8, 2006 Technical Committee meeting (posted on AAPM BBS)
==Demonstrations & Presentations==
{| style="width:100%" border="1" cellpadding="3"
! Date
! Location
! Event
! Details
| ''2007.06.11-13''
| ''Chicago, IL''
| ''[http://www.ihe.net/Participation/iheworkshop2007.cfm IHE North America Workshop]''
| ''[[media:ro1_ihewkshop07_rt_objects_curran.pdf|RT Objects Integration]], [[media:ro2_ihewkshop07_image_registration_pelizzari.pdf |Registration Profile]], [[media:ro3_ihewkshop07_workflow_curran.pdf |Workflow Profiles]], [[media:ro4_ihewkshop07_2008_use_cases_curran.pdf |2008 Use Cases]]''
| ''2007.10.28-2007.11.1''
| ''Los Angeles, CA''
| ''[http://www.astro.org/Meetings/AnnualMeetings ASTRO 2007 Annual Meeting]''
| ''Public Demonstration: Basic Integration Profile''
| ''2008.09.21-2008.09.24''
| ''Boston, MA''
| ''[http://www.astro.org/Meetings/AnnualMeetings ASTRO 2008 Annual Meeting]''
| ''Public Demonstration: Multi-Modality Registration Profile and the Basic Objects Integration Profile''
==Supporters and Endorsements==
IHE Radiation Oncology is supported or endorsed by the following
[[media:IHERO_vendors.pdf | vendors]] and [[media:IHERO_professional_organization.pdf | professional organizations]].
* [http://atc.wustl.edu Advanced Technology Consortium (ATC)]
* [http://www.aapm.org American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM)]
* [http://www.acr.org American College of Radiology (ACR)]
* Association of Radiation Oncologists of India (AROI)
* [http://www.caro-acro.ca Canadian Association of Radiation Oncology (CARO)]
* Chinese Society of Radiation Oncology (CSRO)
* Egyptian Cancer Society - Radiation Oncology
* [http://www.estro.be European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (ESTRO)]
* [http://www.iaea.org International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)]
* [http://www.jastro.jp Japanese Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (JASTRO)]
* [http://www.sefm.es Spanish Medical Physics Society (SEFM)]
* [http://www.medicalimaging.org Medical Imaging & Technology Alliance (MITA-NEMA)]
* [http://www.cancer.gov National Cancer Institute (NCI)]
* [http://www.rsna.org Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)]
==See Also==
IHE [[Committees]]
* IHE-RO [[Radiation_Oncology_Planning_Committee|Planning]] Committee
* IHE-RO [[Radiation_Oncology_Technical_Committee|Technical]] Committee
IHE [[Mailing Lists]]
'''Other IHE-RO resources:'''
* IHE-RO Technical Committee mailing list: mailto:iherotech09@aapm.org
* IHE-RO Planning Committee mailing list: mailto:iheroplan09@aapm.org
* AAPM bulletin board system: [http://www.aapm.org/bbs/ www.aapm.org/bbs/]
* IHE web page: [http://www.ihe.net www.ihe.net]
* IHE wiki: [http://wiki.ihe.net wiki.ihe.net]
This page is based on the [[Domain Template]].
This page is based on the [[Domain Template]].

Latest revision as of 11:24, 23 August 2024

IHE Radiation Oncology addresses information sharing, workflow, and patient care in radiation oncology.

IHE-RO is sponsored by the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) and develops the IHE-RO Profiles which are published in the IHE-RO Technical Framework and Supplements

There are two committees in the IHE Radiation Oncology domain:

Meeting Calendar: IHE RO Calendar

Please contact Jill Moton at AAPM to join the mailing list.

Use Case

For an overview of submitting a Use Case for Radiation Oncology, please refer to this page.

Please read the Profile_Proposal_Process to understand the process for specifying, prioritizing and selecting profiles. Edit the following table to include new pages (using the above format) and use the Brief_Proposal_Template to create new Use Cases. The Detailed_Proposal_Template can be used later to provide full details. A high level Radiotherapy Process map provides a context for developing Use cases.

COMPLETED Use Cases and their Integration Profiles

Year Introduced Use Case RFP Text Year Finished
' See IHE-RO Profiles and contact Technical Committee for latest Profile statuses

Use Cases Being Developed into Integration Profiles

Year Introduced Use Case RFP Text Year Finished
' See IHE-RO Profiles and contact Technical Committee for latest Profile statuses

This page is based on the Domain Template.