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| '''Introductions & Agenda Review''' <br>- Chair
| '''Introductions & Agenda Review''' <br>- Chair
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: Quorum was not available; discussions were promoted.
: Accepted
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| '''IHE International ''' <br>- All
| '''IHE International ''' <br>- All
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:* Will begin planning summer webinar series. IP issue addressed only superficially at Board meeting. Incorporation status will be primary topic at F2F meetings at HIMSS.
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:* IDC participated in the weekly PCD meeting last week. ACC is comfortable with IDC working within PCD.  
:* IDC participated in the weekly PCD meeting last week. ACC is comfortable with IDC working within PCD.  
::When Tom Schultz joined he indicated ACC has encouraged integration with PCD. Paul reminded him that those attending the F2F will need to register and should contact Manny in the next two weeks. Tom and Manny will work out logistics for informing the WG and PCD of meetings, etc.  
::When Tom Schultz joined he indicated ACC has encouraged integration with PCD. Paul reminded him that those attending the F2F will need to register and should contact Manny in the next two weeks. Tom and Manny will work out logistics for informing the WG and PCD of meetings, etc.  
:* IHE International: Will begin planning summer webinar series. IP issue addressed only superficially at Board meeting. Incorporation status will be primary topic at F2F meetings at HIMSS.
:* Manny to notify re RTM not meeting this week
:* Manny to notify re RTM no meeting this week
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[[Patient Care Device | PCD Home]]
[[Patient Care Device | PCD Home]]
[[Category:PCD Meeting]]
[[Category: PCD Meeting Archive]]

Latest revision as of 22:41, 26 May 2009

Patient Care Device Cochairs Weekly Meeting

Date: Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Time: 3:00 pm, Eastern Time

Duration: 60 Minutes

Proposed Agenda

Review Discussion Summary last meeting Mar. 24, 2009
Showcase Status Review
  • Updated Showcase Participants
  • Showcase Logistics & Planning, etc.
- Handouts, business cards
- Graphics, signage
- Script
- Invite the CE - IT community
  • Showcase PCD Presentation - Sunday 5:30-6:00 Theater B
  • IEEE filming at HIMSS, special handout, logos
HITSP Update
  • CMDC Use Case Work Plan
  • RMON SDE#2 Resolution
Response to Carolyn McGregor concerning Neonatology
2009/2010 Budget
  • Grants Update - Discussion with AHRQ, others
  • "ARRA" & Device HIT Opportunities
  • Funding Work Plan
  • Lisa's email
IHE International
  • PCD Annual Report to the IHE Board
  • IHE International: Incorporation Status
  • IP Management Process
  • Domain Coordination Committee Update
Organizational Relationships
  • IHE-IEEE MoU - Finalized?
  • IHE-CIMIT MoU - In process...
  • IHE-ASYM MoU - In process...
  • IHE-Continua
Spring F2F Planning
Technical Framework / Supplement Update
  • Updated TF Docuuments
  • Connectathon Testing: Too tight / loose - Adherence to the spec's
  • Cycle 4 Supplement Development
Action Items
Next meeting - Proposed Agenda

Attachments / Materials

updated with discussion of Mar. 17

Discussion Summary of earlier meetings Mar. 10, 2009, PCD Cochairs 2009-03-10 Webex

Action Items Brought Forward

Number Action Owner Participants Due Date Status Comments
55 Showcase vendor display policy Steve Merritt Ray, Elliot April 14, 2009 OPEN Will add to Domain Process (management) document. Issues may exist with third party devices brought by Cerner and Capsule this year. Will include: Chris Carr, Didi direction on bi-directional distributed demo, display/demonstration of ancillary equipment. Todd’s draft will be the basis for Steve’s efforts. Also see #57.
61 Analyze, publish results of stakeholder survey Ray March 24, 2009 OPEN Ray is talking with WG4 in the HIMSS/AAMI/ACCE CE-IT Community, and possibly in BI&T.
70 IEEE MOU Todd Elliot April 1, 2009 OPEN Approved by IHE Board, will be sent to IEEE to sign; no issues anticipated. It will permit appropriate use of IEEE materials.
74 Clinical Recruitment Steve Cochairs and PC Open OPEN
  • (Zambuto) Review IHE membership to identify recruitment opportunities.
  • (All) Identify invitation opportunities for participation in the October F2F.
  • (Cooper)Update profiles wiki page so as to capture the attention of clinical reviewers.
  • (Zambuto) Ask Mario Castenada re. KP participants (perhaps also Michael Robkin)
  • (Cooper) To contact Rick Schrenker re. profile proposal review.
  • Manny will talk with Cristal Anderson about possibilities. He asked for emails with suggestions.
  • (Cooper, Jan. 27) HL7/IHE are talking about this subject; there may be an opportunity for PCD
77 Monitor HITSP development of RMON and coordinate a demonstration with HITSP. Todd Paul June 16, 2009 OPEN Todd has not heard back from Joyce about how best to proceed. Paul said Continua is working on requirements documents, and anticipates that January will see progress. Bridget made a presentation last Friday. As a consultant for Continua she didn’t get deeply into the substance as of Friday. Rick gave her a lot of fee rein. She appears to place emphasis on deliverable products. There’s an internal effort by the Wide Area Network Group to determine technical requirements. Continua will demonstrate one possible web services possibility in the upcoming Continua Barcelona meeting. Consistent Method for Device Communication (CMDC) - HITSP will publish something in May for public comment. Need to start with continuity, topology. Interface #2 should carry acute care with a common interface for Continua, PCD. Continua will go its own way based on web services. Paul believes that there is still an opportunity to have a common hierarchy for simple home care and more acute care. Yet, it is more likely to have different transport layers, etc. because they want the simplest communication from the device to the gateway. Continua - Proceeding with LAN effort. Their WAN technical group is working on ASN1 over web services. Interface #2 should carry acute care with a common interface for Continua, PCD. Continua will likley go its own way based on web services. Paul believes that there is still an opportunity to have a common hierarchy for simple home care and more acute care. Yet, it is more likely to have different transport layers, etc. because they want the simplest communication from the device to the gateway. There have been two recent meetings, including Charles Parisot and Jan Wittenber. PCD offered a model for use, making it clear that there is much commonality for each topological deployments. Todd noted in the meetings that there are regulatory issues and that PCD is sensitive to these issues. Ken and Todd have submitted the NDAs to have access to the Continua documents.

82 PCD to develop MOU with CIMIT Ray Ken April 15, 2009 OPEN Defer interest in year ‘round lab. Ken wrote and discussed a draft MOU intended to enable coordinating profiles, similar to the Continua MOU. Ray There’s a question regarding where in the continuum PCD should have an MOU (ICE, MDPnP, CIMIT). MOU draft was sent to Julian Goldman.
83 Funding Possibilities Cochairs 2009.02.03 OPEN Discuss potential opportunities, focus of proposal(s). DPI, RTM are the highest priorities and most appropriate for foundation funding. Refer to notes of Dec. 23, 2008, PCD Cochairs 2008-12-23 Webex for more information. Grants Advantage responded to the discussion, saying there may be federal funds in AHRQ’s Comparative Effectiveness Research Program and that $3-5K would be required to write the proposal. If Didi doesn’t have funds, perhaps ACCE would support this. Ken will contact Edna at HIMSS Advantage and Jon White and Michael Fitzmaurice at AHRQ, for more information and will ask Edna about private foundation funds. AHRQ discussion last week. Steve noted that their website has some HIT grants with varying funding levels for demonstration projects. The dollar value appears related to the duration of the project. He noted that there’s a website Grants.gov with all grants. Todd will reach out to Wayne Morse for funding of a grant proposal. Todd noted the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (ARRA) funds won’t be distributed for a little while and that there is a HIMSS ARRA webinar series. Ray received a response from the ACCE Foundation indicating they would be interested in supporting the grant writing, but Ray is hoping that ACCE would itself fund the grant writing.
John Halamka requested input for an article he is writing about optimal allocation of stimulus funding. Elliot will be, and the cochairs were, invited to contribute ideas. The cochairs need to provide Elliot with some suggestions that show this would be an economic stimulus and an investment in future jobs and healthcare benefits in the future.
AHRQ told PCD to wait 90 days. Steve indicated there are some possibilities in existing AHRQ funding. New AHRQ funding possibilities won’t be known before June
ACCE Foundation will provide some funding for developing a grant proposal.
85 F2F at NIST the week of May 4 Cochairs OPEN Manny will contact John Garguilo to obtain security and other information and then issue a notice.Manny to send a reminder; only a few have indicated they will attend; John Garguilo will research hotels. Only a few responses to date.Ask John Garguilo about IDC participation in the F2F, Tuesday, Wednesday and/or Thursday morning. Mostly a separate meeting, some coordination.
86 HIMSS09 Web Page Cochairs March 24, 2009 OPEN HIMSS09 web page update has made two PCD related links quite visible. These are out of date. Cochairs will review and see if there are other links that might be substituted or if those pages need to be updated. Add to next meeting’s agenda. Todd will update.

Meeting Summary


Cochairs: Todd Cooper, Ken Fuchs, Steve Merritt, John Rhoads
Guest: Paul Schluter, Tom Schultz
Project Manager: Manny Furst


Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair



2 Review Meeting Summaries
- Chair
No comments were received about meeting summary.

Decisions/Issues: Action(s):

3 Action Items Review
- Chair
  • 55: Showcase Vendor Display Policy - Deferred
  • 61: Stakeholder survey - Deferred
  • 70: IEEE MOU - Completed; close
  • 74: Clinician recruitment - Carolyn McGregor spoke with Elliot and she is interested in participating. Her interest is largely in data warehousing, and this would be a contribution to PCD. PCD needs to follow up. Ken will follow up with Elliot.
  • 77: HITSP RMON - Deferred
  • 78: Continua - Todd noted that there’s been no response to the NDAs submitted to Continua. There’s been no opportunity to resolve apparent differences by June for HITSP.
Paul said there’s been no movement on RMON in Continua. IBM is promoting web services and ASN1. It’s not likely that Continua and PCD will arrive at a single protocol by June. The positive side is that both will use RTM.
  • 82: CIMIT - Paul indicated that an interface engine solution (e.g., Capsule) may meet the needs for bidirectional communication, or connection to the device may need to be more “intimate”. Nothing new re CIMIT or ASTM MOU.
  • 83: Funding Possibilities - ACCE will help fund PCD proposals. AHRQ and NIST may be sources of funds. PCD cochairs will discuss this in more detail at HIMSS. Change date to April 15.
  • 85: F2F May 4-8 - Need to integrate IDC, know who will attend.
  • 86: HIMSS09 Web Page - Deferred



4 IHE International
- All
  • Will begin planning summer webinar series. IP issue addressed only superficially at Board meeting. Incorporation status will be primary topic at F2F meetings at HIMSS.



5 Showcase
- Manny, Elliot
  • Todd is preparing the PCD Theater presentation.
  • Handouts and posters are in process. Manny suggested that cochairs spend some time recruiting on the exhibit hall floor. Manny will do that as well.



6 Profile Update
- Todd
  • Deferred



7 Announcements
- All
  • IDC participated in the weekly PCD meeting last week. ACC is comfortable with IDC working within PCD.
When Tom Schultz joined he indicated ACC has encouraged integration with PCD. Paul reminded him that those attending the F2F will need to register and should contact Manny in the next two weeks. Tom and Manny will work out logistics for informing the WG and PCD of meetings, etc.



  • Manny to notify re RTM no meeting this week

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be April 14, 2009 PCD Cochairs 2009-04-14 Webex

<For Decision Meetings, add review line here when minutes are approved; e.g., "(Reviewed & approved by PCD RTM Vent TG 2008-04-16)">

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