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'''IHE Radiation Oncology''' addresses information sharing, workflow, and patient care in radiation oncology.
'''IHE Radiation Oncology''' addresses information sharing, workflow, and patient care in radiation oncology.
IHE-RO is sponsored by the [https://w3.aapm.org/default American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM)] and manages the '''[[Profiles#IHE Radiation Oncology Profiles| IHE-RO Profiles]]''' and the [https://www.ihe.net/resources/technical_frameworks/#radiationoncology IHE-RO Technical Framework ]
There are two committees in the IHE Radiation Oncology domain:
:* the '''[[Radiation Oncology Planning Committee]]''',
:* the '''[[Radiation Oncology Technical Committee]]''',
Meeting Calendar: [https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/embed?src=aapm.org_75ss3s89fkvd94n7q74emrpb84@group.calendar.google.com&ctz=America/New_York IHE RO Calendar]
Please contact [mailto:jill@aapm.org Jill Moton at AAPM] to join the mailing list.
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==Use Case Selection==
==Use Case==
For an overview of submitting a Use Case for Radiation Oncology, please refer to this [[IHERO_Use_Case_Submission_Overview | page]].
For an overview of submitting a Use Case for Radiation Oncology, please refer to this [[IHERO_Use_Case_Submission_Overview | page]].
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| style="width:80px;" | '''Year Finished'''
| style="width:80px;" | '''Year Finished'''
| ''2005''
| ''''
| Simple treatment planning use case (BRTO) illustrates basic functionality for transferring data between treatment planning systems. See [BRTO] [[Basic Radiation Therapy Objects]]
|See '''[[Profiles#IHE Radiation Oncology Profiles| IHE-RO Profiles]]''' and contact Technical Committee for latest Profile statuses
| [[Basic Radiation Therapy Objects | BRTO Profile Page]]
| 2007
| ''2006''
| [[IHERO_2007UseCase_Multimodality Registration |Image Fusion for Segmentation]]* and [[IHERO_2007UseCase_Image Fusion for Dose Review | Image Fusion for Dose Review]]*  See [MMRO] [[Multimodality Registration for Radiation Oncology]]
| [[Multimodality_Image_Registration_for_Radiation_Oncology | MMRO Profile Page]]
| 2008
| ''2007''
| [[IHERO_UseCase_Plan_Treat_Record |Advanced Radiation Therapy Objects Interoperability]] (ARTI), an extension of the BRTO profile.
| [[Advanced Radiotherapy Objects Interoperability | ARTI Profile Page]]
| 2014
| ''2007''
| [[IHERO_2007UseCase_Treatment Delivery Workflow | Treatment Delivery Workflow]]* [[RT Treatment Workflow]].  The [[IHERO_UseCase_Improved_Workflow_B | Transfer of Anatomy/Aperture Data for Localization]]  Use case is partially included in TDW.
| [[RT_Treatment_Delivery_Workflow | TDW Profile Page]]
| 2012
| ''2011''
| Update to MMRO for DICOM standard changes.  Also added links to images used in registration to address safety concerns.
| [[Multimodality_Image_Registration_for_Radiation_Oncology 2012 | MMRO-II Profile Page]]
| 2012
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===Use Cases Being Developed into Integration Profiles===
===Use Cases Being Developed into Integration Profiles===
{| style="width:100%" border="1" cellpadding="3"
{| style="width:100%" border="1" cellpadding="3"
! Year Introduced
| style="width:80px;" | '''Year Introduced'''
! Use Case
! Use Case
! Champion
! RFP Text
! Current Rank
| style="width:80px;" | '''Year Finished'''
| ''2015''
| ''''
| [[Media:IHERO use case Treatment Delivery Device Integrationv2.pdf|Treatment Delivery Device Integration]]* 
|See '''[[Profiles#IHE Radiation Oncology Profiles| IHE-RO Profiles]]''' and contact Technical Committee for latest Profile statuses
|Colin Field, MS
| ''2015''
| [[Media:Authentication Authorization.pdf|Authenication Authorization]]* 
|Peter Balter, Mike Bieda
| ''2015''
| [[Media:ROWE Summary.pdf|Radiation Oncology Workflow Exchange with HIS (ROWE)]]* 
|Bridget Koontz, MD
| ''2015''
| [[Media:Use Case Decubitus.pdf|Decubitus Patient Positioning in RT Workflow]]* 
|Scott Haldey, PhD
| ''2015''
| [[Media:User Case Anonymization -IHE-RO.pdf|User Case Anonymization ]]
|Jim Chang, MD
| ''2015''
| [[Media:User Case Brachy .pdf|Brachytherapy]]* 
|Scott Hadley, PhD
| ''2015''
| [[Media:User Case Off-line Review 3rd Party Imaging.pdf|Off-line Review 3rd Party Imaging]]* 
|Scott Hadley, PhD
| ''2006''
| [[IHERO_2007UseCase_Dose Compositing |Dose Compositing]]*  Use Case development needed.  In development.  Testing hopefully during 2011 Connectathon.
[[IHERO_2007UseCase_Residual Dose Optimization | Multi Modality Residual Dose Optimization]]  This combines the two previous Use Cases Residual Dose Optimization and Brachytherapy.  It overlaps with the Dose Compositing Use Case.
| 2006 3
|PC 2009 #1
| ''2007''
| [[IHERO_UseCase_Prescription_Automatation | Prescription Automation]]:  Waiting for DICOM WG7 to develop standards.
|Sha Chang, May Wahab
| PC 2007 #1
| ''2008''
| [[IHERO_UseCase_Structure_template | Structure Template Creation, Import, and Export]]:  Waiting for development of standards.
|Charles Able
| PC 2009 #2
| ''2008''
| [[Radiation_Oncology_Workflow_Exchange_with_HIS | Radiation Oncology Workflow Exchange with HIS ]] PDF versions of a few slides are [[media:Radiation_Oncology_Workflow_Exchange_with_HIS.PDF|here]].  Status ?
| Rishabh Kapoor
|PC 2010 #1
===Use Cases Tabled===
{| style="width:100%" border="1" cellpadding="3"
! Year Introduced
! Use Case
! Champion(s)
! Current Rank
| ''2007''
| User Authentication and Authorization [[IHERO_UseCase_User_Authentication | Brief Template]]  or    [[IHERO_Detailed_User_Authentication | Detailed Template]]: No IHE-RO vendor interest, or IHE vendor interest.  Encourage IHE-ITI to pick this up.
| Colin Field
| PC 2007 #3, PC 2009 #3
==IHE-RO Demonstrations, Presentations and Publications==
{| style="width:100%" border="1" cellpadding="3"
! Date
! Location
! Event
! Details
| ''2007.06.11-13''
| ''Chicago, IL''
| ''[http://www.ihe.net/Participation/iheworkshop2007.cfm IHE North America Workshop]''
| ''[[media:ro1_ihewkshop07_rt_objects_curran.pdf|RT Objects Integration]], [[media:ro2_ihewkshop07_image_registration_pelizzari.pdf |Registration Profile]], [[media:ro3_ihewkshop07_workflow_curran.pdf |Workflow Profiles]], [[media:ro4_ihewkshop07_2008_use_cases_curran.pdf |2008 Use Cases]]''
| ''2007.10.28-2007.11.1''
| ''Los Angeles, CA''
| ''[http://www.astro.org/Meetings/AnnualMeetings ASTRO 2007 Annual Meeting]''
| ''Public Demonstration: Basic Integration Profile''
| ''2008.09.21-2008.09.24''
| ''Boston, MA''
| ''[http://www.astro.org/Meetings/AnnualMeetings ASTRO 2008 Annual Meeting]''
| ''Public Demonstration: Multi-Modality Registration Profile and the Basic Objects Integration Profile''
| 2008
| Sydney, Australia
|  [[media:PC_PT_RANZCR.ppt | Dr. Prabhakar Tripuraneni's]] IHE-RO RANZCR 2008 presentation (PPT)
| 2010.09.24-2010.09.25
| Fairfax, VA
| PC Focus Meeting
| [[media:PC_BruceCurran_IHERO.ppt | Bruce Curran's ]] IHE-RO presentation for ASTRO staff (PPT) <br>[[media:PC_24Sep2010_meeting.ppt | Slides]] from PC 24Sep2010 meeting (PPT)
| 2010.10.31
| San Diego, CA
| ASTRO 2010 Conversations
| Bruce Curran and Dr. Ramesh Rengan talk about IHE-RO at the Resource Booth at ASTRO's 52nd Annual Meeting http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVwOuEBkkOg
| 2011.03.03
| Gainesville, FL
| PC Focus Meeting on End User Deliverables
| [[media:IHERO_PC_03Mar2011_meeting.pdf | Slides]] from PC 03-04 Mar2011 meeting (PDF)
| 2011.09.12
| Fairfax, VA
| PC Meeting
| Rishabh Kapoor's [[Media:ihero_helper_slides.pdf | IHE-RO Helper tool presentation]] to the planning committee (PDF)
| 2013.08.06
| Indianapolis, IN
| AAPM Annual Meeting
| Rishabh Kapoor's talk on IHE-RO on the educational session at AAPM Annual meeting http://client.blueskybroadcast.com/AAPM/annual13/aapm_an_13_56c/index.html
ASTROnews and ASTROgrams
* [http://cs.astro.org/blogs/astronews/pages/astronews-a-clinical-challenge-addressed-through-ihe-ro-integrated-tps.aspx A Clinical Challenge Addressed Through IHE-RO- Integrated TPS] (Summer 2011 ASTRONews)
* [http://cs.astro.org/blogs/astronews/pages/astronews-connection-is-key-to-safe-effective-radiation-therapy.aspx Connection is Key to Safe, Effective Radiation Therapy] (Spring 2011 ASTRONews)
* [http://cs.astro.org/blogs/astronews/pages/astrogram-patient-safety-requires-correct-connectivity-in-your-practice-let-ihe-ro-help.aspx Patient safety requires correct connectivity in your practice, let IHE-RO help] (February 3, 2011 ASTROgram)
* [http://cs.astro.org/blogs/astronews/pages/astrogram-recent-nyt-article-highlights-need-for-connectivity-solutions.aspx Recent NYT highlights need for connectivity solutions] (January 12, 2011 ASTROgram)
* [http://cs.astro.org/blogs/astronews/pages/astro-hosts-fourth-annual-connectathon.aspx ASTRO hosts fourth annual Connectathon] (Winter 2010 ASTRONews)
* [http://www.astro.org/AboutUs/AnnualReports/documents/2010annualreport.pdf IHE-RO Continues to Solve Interconnectivity Issues] (2009-2010 ASTRO Annual Report)
* [http://cs.astro.org/blogs/astronews/archive/2010/10/01/astronews-ihe-ro-creating-building-blocks-for-the-future.aspx IHE-RO: Creating building blocks for the future] (Fall 2010 ASTROnews)
* [http://cs.astro.org/blogs/astronews/pages/astrogram-radiation-oncology-vendors-to-solve-connectivity-issues-this-month.aspx Radiation oncology vendors to solve connectivity issues this month] (September 16, 2010, ASTROgram)
* [http://cs.astro.org/blogs/astronews/pages/astronews-enhancing-interconnectivity-to-improve-patient-care-time-to-plug-and-play-using-rfps.aspx  Enhancing interconnectivity to improve patient care - time to plug and play using RPS]
* [http://cs.astro.org/blogs/astronews/pages/web-exclusive-astro-calls-on-congress-to-implement-patient-safety-plans.aspx  ASTRO calls on Congress to implement patient safety plans] (March 1, 2010 ASTRO Web Exclusive)
* [http://cs.astro.org/blogs/astronews/pages/astrogram-ihe-ro-seeking-interoperability-issues.aspx IHE-RO seeking interoperability issues] (February 5, 2010 ASTROgram)
* [http://cs.astro.org/blogs/astronews/pages/web-exclusive-ihe-ro-receives-state-of-florida-grant.aspx IHE-RO receives state of Florida grant] (February 2, 2010 ASTRO Web Exclusive)
* [http://cs.astro.org/blogs/astronews/archive/2009/12/30/astronews-radiation-therapy-equipment-vendors-unite-at-third-annual-ihe-ro-connectathon.aspx  Radiation therapy Equipment vendors unite at third annual IHE-RO connectathon] (December 30, 2009 ASTROnews)
* [http://cs.astro.org/blogs/astronews/archive/2009/12/15/web-exclusive-nine-vendors-pass-as-astro-hosts-third-ihe-ro-connectathon.aspx  Nine vendors pass as ASTRO hosts third IHE-RO connectathon] (December 15, 2009 ASTRO Web Exclusive)
* [http://cs.astro.org/blogs/astronews/archive/2009/09/12/astrogram-2009-ihe-ro-connectathon-being-held-in-fairfax-va.aspx  2009 IHE-RO Connectathon Being held in Fairfax, Va] (September 12, 2009 ASTROgram)
* [[media:ASTROnews.pdf|Leading healthcare lawmaker attends IHE-RO/Be a part of Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise - Radiation Oncology]] (October-December, 2008 ASTROnews)
* [[media:ASTROnew??? | Other articles]] (ASTROnews)
* [[media:Able_ACRarticle_2011.pdf |Radiation Therapy: Reintegrated]] (PDF of ACR Article, 2011)
* [[media:Bosch_ICCR_2010.pdf |IHE-RO: Interoperable Data Standards for Radiation Oncology]] (PDF from Proceedings of XVIth ICCR, Amsterdam, 2010)
* [[media:Field_ICCR_2010.pdf |IHE-RO: Use Cases from Conception to the Clinic]] (PDF from Proceedings of XVIth ICCR, Amsterdam, 2010)
* [[media:Wahab_IJROBP_2010.pdf | Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise in Radiation Oncology: Plug and Play - The Future of Radiation Oncology?]] (PDF from Int. J. Radiation Oncology Biol. Phys., Vol. 76, No. 2, pp. 333–336, 2010)
*What does Workflow Analysis bring the Information System in the Radiotherapy Department? Seamless Communication Proposed by Japanese IHE-RO (abstract in Int. J. Radiation Oncology Biol. Phys., Vol. 72, No. 1, Supplement 1, pp. S668-S669, 2008)
*Integrating the Healthcare Environment for Radiation Oncology (IHE-RO): Improving the Practice of Radiation Oncology Through Better Information Exchange (abstract in Int. J. Radiation Oncology Biol. Phys., Vol. 69, No. 3, Supplement 1, pp. S673-S674, 2007)
* ?

Latest revision as of 10:38, 18 January 2024

IHE Radiation Oncology addresses information sharing, workflow, and patient care in radiation oncology.

IHE-RO is sponsored by the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) and manages the IHE-RO Profiles and the IHE-RO Technical Framework

There are two committees in the IHE Radiation Oncology domain:

Meeting Calendar: IHE RO Calendar

Please contact Jill Moton at AAPM to join the mailing list.

Use Case

For an overview of submitting a Use Case for Radiation Oncology, please refer to this page.

Please read the Profile_Proposal_Process to understand the process for specifying, prioritizing and selecting profiles. Edit the following table to include new pages (using the above format) and use the Brief_Proposal_Template to create new Use Cases. The Detailed_Proposal_Template can be used later to provide full details. A high level Radiotherapy Process map provides a context for developing Use cases.

COMPLETED Use Cases and their Integration Profiles

Year Introduced Use Case RFP Text Year Finished
' See IHE-RO Profiles and contact Technical Committee for latest Profile statuses

Use Cases Being Developed into Integration Profiles

Year Introduced Use Case RFP Text Year Finished
' See IHE-RO Profiles and contact Technical Committee for latest Profile statuses

This page is based on the Domain Template.