PCD Pump 2021-01-25 WebEx

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Meeting Purpose

IHE PCD Infusion Pump Working Group discussions.

WebEx Information

Topic: IHE PCD Infusion Pump WG

Date: Monday, January 25, 2021

Time: 12:00, Eastern Time (GMT -05:00, New York)

Duration: 60 Minutes

Note: Specific web & phone information will be provided via e-mail to group members.

Contact Kurt Elliason for more information.

Proposed Agenda

1. Review today's Agenda
2. Review 2020-01-11 Pump WebEx Session
3. Follow-up on CPs for new Rack terms
CP for position in Pillar/Tower-Rack-Slot
CP to document which terms are under the MDS if it is a Rack and which terms are under the pump's VMD.
4. Review PCD Device Infusion Pump Action Items
5. New Business / Next Meetings

Attachments / Materials

  • <add attachments links here>

Discussion Notes

Chair/Host: Kurt Elliason (Smiths Medical)
Participants: Anil Kochhar(Johns Hopkins University), Andrea Robertson (Smiths), Caroline Cornelius (Baxter), Jeff Rinda (Interoperability Solutions), Tom Kowalczyk (BBraun)

NOTE: Action Item Review updates have been posted directly to the Infusion Pump Action Items wiki page

Item Topic Discussion
1 Agenda & Discussion Notes Review
- Chair



2 CPs for Rack/Pillar
- Kurt
CP for position in Pillar/Tower-Rack-Slot
Discussion on different types of racks and pillars
CP to document which terms are under the MDS if it is a Rack and which terms are under the pump's VMD.
Discussion deferred to a future meeting



3 tbd
- tbd



4 Next Meeting
- Chair


  • Topics will include ...


Next Meeting

NOTE: Next Meeting will be held during the regularly scheduled time: 11:00 (Eastern) on February 8 (60 minutes)

(Reviewed & approved by PCD Infusion Pump WG on <TBD>

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