PCD PC 2014-04-23 Webex

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Patient Care Device Domain

Meeting Purpose

PC At the Regularly Scheduled Meeting Time

WebEx Information

Topic: PCD Planning Committee

Regularly Scheduled Meeting Time

Time: 11:00 am, Eastern Time (New York)

Duration: 60 Minutes

Proposed Agenda

1. Agenda Approval
2. Review Discussion Summary: Planning Meeting PCD PC 2014-03-12 Webex and Planning and Joint PC/TC portion of the F2F
3. Standards Coordination
- Adding PCD to the FDA's List of Standards
4. DCC -
5. Marketing PCD, IHE
- AAMI Demonstration
o 10 x 50!
- AAMI Session(s)
6. Calendar http://wiki.ihe.net/index.php?title=PCD
- Status of Adopted Workitem Proposals
7. PC Action Item Review (last reviewed Dec 11, all open items)
8. Other Business
9. Next and Recent Meetings
- TC April 16 and possibly April 30
- Note the following schedule that differs from the usual pattern:
TC currently planned for the first three Wednesdays in May
PC May 28

Action Items from Previous Meetings

See PCD Planning Committee Action Items

Significant changes, other than dates, will be in bold.


  • Published and Draft Versions of the TF, Supplements, Other Documents:
- The PCD ftp site has draft versions.
- Published (and possibly in the process of being replaced with new versions):
o http://ihe.net/Technical_Framework/index.cfm#pcd
  • Not Yet Published:
o ftp://ftp.ihe.net/Patient_Care_Devices/Profiles/


Paul Elletson, Al Engelbert, John Garguilo, Tom Kowalczyk, Jon Lachman, Jeff McGeath, Monroe Pattillo, John Rhoads, Jeff Rinda, Paul Schluter, Manny Furst
Chair: Monroe Pattillo


Discussion Summaries do not require formal approval, while minutes of meetings where votes are taken do. Participants are encouraged to review and bring up significant issues with discussion summaries of previous meetings. Votes will be taken to approve meetings where votes took place; these may be email ballots.

Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair



Agenda approved


2 Discussion Summary or Approval of Minutes
- Chair

Read West Health report, view RTLS presentation

- Approved last PC
- F2F:
F2F BXCI is misspelled BICSI – middle of Wed. am
PC action items: Monroe will talk with Vinny
Third item: change to modify and resurrect the AA actor (Monroe)



3 Agenda Items
- Standards Coordination

3. Standards Coordination

- Nothing

4. DCC

- Monroe reported that the bios on the IHE web page are out of date. He asked members to review their post if they are on the page. IHE is seeking additional bios.
- National extensions: Monroe reported a discussion of the use of national extensions due to use of different HL7 versions, other items. Karen Witting is preparing a proposal for discussion at the next meeting.


- Manny asked participants to provide the slides, poster information so that Shelley
- Monroe, John G and Jeff M will present on PCD Sunday morning.

6. Calendar

- On track; Monroe encouraged voting on the current ballots.
- Status of workitems: Monroe summarized the current status, with no significant changes

7. Action Items: (changes only)

- 145. Jeff is leading the effort.
- 152. Refers to incoming testing upon receipt. Current effort is to gather information about the issue.
- 155 – not discussed
- 159. Change to resurrecting the AA.
8. Other Business

9. Next and Recent Meetings - PC, TC and Joint meetings

Next meetings: TC next week, then three TC back to back in May then PC
John G prefers to cancel next week, will discuss with Jeff M.



Next Meetings

The next meetings are:

PC May 28, 2014, PCD PC 2014-05-28 Webex

TC April 30 2014, PCD TC 2014-04-30 Webex

TC May 7 PCD TC 2014-05-07 Webex, May 14 PCD TC 2014-05-14 Webex, May 21 PCD TC 2014-05-21 Webex

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