PCD PC 2009-12-16 Webex

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Patient Care Device Domain

Meeting Purpose

Regularly Scheduled PC Meeeting

WebEx Information

Topic: PCD Committee Tcons

Date: Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Time: 11:00 am, Eastern Time (New York )

Duration: 60 Minutes

Proposed Agenda


1. Review of Discussion Summary PCD PC 2009-12-02 Webex
2. PCD Issues
- Validation vs. Verification Testing
- ACM/DEC for events, alerts
- Profile Option Specification and Testing
3. Update on White Papers and Supplements:
- Ballot status - User's Handbook
- MEM public comment
- ACM Open Issues / Extensions
- Medical Equipment Management (other)
- PIV/Infusion Pump Open Issues / Extensions - Feb. F2F
- RTM Open Issues / Extensions
- Medical Device Semantic Architecture
- Regulatory Considerations
4. Continua
5. Connectathon/Showcase Update
6. ARRA/Meaningful Use
7. Improvements to the Public Review/Comment Process
8. Next Meetings - Dates

Action Items from Previous Meetings

See PCD Planning Committee Action Items pages.

Significant changes, other than dates, will be in bold.


Chair: Ken Fuchs, Draeger

Alex Beechie, Rita Brahmbhatt, Todd Cooper, Bikram Day, Al Engelbert, Ken Fuchs, John Garguilo, John Leung, Monroe Pattillo, John Rhoads, Paul Schluter, Erin Sparnon, Greg Staudenmaier, Scott Zaffrin, Manny Furst


Discussion Summaries do not require formal approval, while minutes of meetings where votes are taken do. Participants are encouraged to review and bring up significant issues with discussion summaries of previous meetings. Votes will be taken to approve meetings where votes took place; these may be email ballots.

<Adjust table rows per meeting needs>
Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair



2 Approval of Discussion Summary
- Chair
  • The last meeting summary was approved with two corrections.



3 Action Items Review
- Chair
  • ...



4 Announcements
- All
  • Verification and Validation: Some wording will be included in Volume 1 to explain the issue as relates to medical devices. It won’t be possible to address this in the wider IHE world because both are used in broader ways.
  • ACM/DEC will remain open.
  • Options within a profile are intended to be minimized, but unavoidable. PCD will seek to distinguish those that should be separate actors/profiles. The Grouped Actor issue is on the DCC agenda.
- Remove the above three topics from the next agenda.
  • User’s Handbook: meeting tomorrow to address comments then it will go out for public comments.
  • Ken reported a conversation with Theresa Zuraski last Friday, asking for information on how AAMI and PCD may be collaborate.



5 Profile Update
- WG Leadership
  • ACM: Will set up a Virtual Connectathon, reviewing the updated Connectathon tests. Will set a meeting after the Connectathon to settle on a transport standard.
  • DPI: Making good progress. A document will be out before Jan. 1.
  • PIV: Date of F2F has been set in February.
  • RTM: Working on vent modes and parameters. A new hRTM with bed status and Snap II will be issued.
  • IDCO: Working on terminology for submission to IEEE, and on Connectathon preparation.
  • WCM: Ken distributed additional examples, will meet today.
  • Medical Device Semantic Architecture: Todd suggested a CP to integrate with other work instead of a WP to better manage the issue. Remove from next agenda list.
  • Regulatory Considerations: Was not approved by the committee. Todd proposed including a discussion in the TF and setting the larger issue aside for the moment. Remove from agenda list.


  • Remove the above noted profiles from the next agenda list.
  • Add the four approved by ballot for future discussion: (1) Device Integration Profiles Guidance, (2) Device to Patient Association, (3) Device Integration – General Content Profile, (4) Event Communication - Content Profile.


6 Connectathon and Showcase Update
- Manny
  • Connectathon:
- Confidence levels appear high. Polycom and Ascom will be there for one day, and possibly Hill-Rom. We have three NIST monitors, Todd, myself and potentially two clinical engineers.
  • Showcase:
- Wall 4 – Todd noted that HIMSS’ Medical Device Patient Safety task force and the CE-IT Community are interested in working with PCD on this.
- ARRA/Meaningful Use: Wall 4 of Showcase will address this. Todd noted that more information should be coming from the government soon and hopefully will be available for discussion in Chicago. Public Comments on TN905 close Friday.



7 Continua
- Paul
  • Continua: Paul indicated their ballot closes Friday. Comments will then be reviewed and the resulting document will go to their board. CPs for PCD will be developed; none major.



8 Public Review/Comment Process
- Cochairs
  • Public Review/Comment Process: Ioana provided material to the PCD cochairs seeking changes. John Rhoads will work with her on this topic. This will be discussed in Chicago if she is present.



  • Move to Cochairs (Action Item 94)
9 xyz
- <lead>
  • ...



n Next Meeting
- Chair



Next Meeting

The next meeting will be a Joint PC & TC Meeting, January 6, 2010 PCD PC&TC 2010-01-06 Webex, followed by another joint meeting PCD PC&TC 2010-01-20 Webex

<Add review line here when minutes are approved; e.g., "(Reviewed & approved by PCD RTM Vent TG 2008-04-16)">

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