PCD PC 2009-11-04 Webex

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Patient Care Device Domain

Meeting Purpose

Regularly Scheduled PC Meeeting

WebEx Information

Topic: PCD Committee Tcons

Date: Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Time: 11:00 am, Eastern Time (New York )

Duration: 60 Minutes

  1. Brief WorkItem Proposals ballot closes today
  2. Outstanding Items from Fall 2009 Face to Face
  3. PCD User's Handbook Webex
  4. MEM Whitepaper public comment closed
  5. Connectathon/Showcase Update
  6. NIST Update
  7. Continua collaboration
  8. Action Items
  9. Next Meetings - 11/11 Joint, 11/18 - TC

Action Items from Previous Meetings

See PCD Technical Committee Action Items and PCD Planning Committee Action Items pages.

Significant changes, other than dates, will be in bold.


Chair: Steve Merritt
Alex Beechie, Terry Bettis, Jon Blasingame, Anupriyo Chakravarti, Walter Dobbins, Al Engelbert, Robert Flanders, Christof Gessner, Rich Hillman, Roy Kerns, , Gary Meyer, Monroe Pattillo, Maureen Richard, Erin Sparnon, Greg Staudenmaier, Nicholas Steblay, Scott Zaffrin, Khalid Zubaidi, Manny Furst


Discussion Summaries do not require formal approval, while minutes of meetings where votes are taken do. Participants are encouraged to review and bring up significant issues with discussion summaries of previous meetings. Votes will be taken to approve meetings where votes took place; these may be email ballots.

Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair
  • Added NIST update to the agenda.



2 Approval of Discussion Summary
- Chair
  • Approved summary of last meeting



3 Action Items Review
- Chair
  • 41 – Monitor FDA actions on Universal Device ID - move to Closed Action Item list
  • 71 – Recruit clinicians - Todd will talk with Chris Dinegar (AAMI) about the session, mini-Showcase, Todd leading Tcon for ACCE
  • 72 – Press releases - Nov for Steve’s page ; Erin is working on publication list
  • 78 – 2009 Stakeholder Survey Development - Move survey to 2010 – Manny to share with Ray
  • 82 - Users Guide - Change date to 11/27
  • 86 – Glossary - change to Dec 18
  • 92 – Vendor Recruiting for Cycle 5 - change date to Dec 18
  • 93 – Certification of Systems Claiming Conformance - change date to Nov … Manny to ask Todd what to do with this item
  • 94 – HITSP’s Meaningful Use - add HITSP meeting summary to joint meeting agenda
  • 99 – Marketing PCD, IHE - combine with news releases, etc.
  • 100 – Newborn Hearing Screening Profile - Todd responded to HITSP saying this can be addressed via PCD-01; close
  • 101 – CDSS Implications for MEM - Ask Todd for clarification
  • 102 – Spring F2F - Manny to ask Celina about dates of other domains’ meetings



4 Agenda Items (Brief)
- <lead>
  • Work Item Ballot closes today.
  • User Handbook meeting next Thursday.
  • MEM WP comments closed. Comments will be reviewed in an MEM meeting TBD.



5 NIST Update
- John Garguilo
  • John will send the URL for the NIST tools, with the NIST HL7 profiles.



6 Detailed Proposals
- Chair
  • Detailed profile proposals will be due mid-Dec.



Next Meeting

Next meeting will be a joint PC/TC meeting, November 11, with primary focus on the Cycle 5 Work Item ballot and priorities: PC/TC Joint Meeting November 11

PC meeting November 18, 2009 PCD PC 2009-11-18 Webex

<Add review line here when minutes are approved; e.g., "(Reviewed & approved by PCD RTM Vent TG 2008-04-16)">

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