PCD PC 2009-04-29 Webex

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Patient Care Device Domain

Meeting Purpose

Regularly scheduled meeting of the PCD Planning Committee

WebEx Information

Topic: PCD Committee Tcons

Date: Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Time: 11:00 am, Eastern Time (New York )

Duration: 60 Minutes

Proposed Agenda

Ppdated from the PC meeting of PCD PC 2009-03-18 Webex and the joint TC and PC meeting of April 15: PCD PC&TC 2009-04-15 Webex

Please Add Your Suggestions

1 Review of Discussion Summaries PCD PC 2009-03-18 Webex, PCD PC&TC 2009-04-15 Webex
2 Spring F2F Meeting (May 4-7 @NIST)
3 Update on White Papers and Supplements:
  • ACM Open Issues / Extensions
  • PIV Open Issues / Extensions
  • RTM Open Issues / Extensions
  • DPI
  • WCM (Work begins after HIMSS)
  • QBD (Work begins after HIMSS)
  • Medical Device Semantic Architecture
  • Regulatory Considerations
  • Medical Equipment Management
4 IHE Australia
6 IHE International
7 Continua
8 Review Action Items
9 New Business

Discussion Summary and Action Items from Previous Meetings

Updated From the PC meeting of April 1, 2009 and the joint PC and TC webinar of April 15

Discussion Summaries from previous meetings are not reviewed unless a significant issue is raised. Decision meetings will have minutes that require approval. This may be accomplished by email ballot.

Action Items from the previous meetings: PCD PC 2009-03-18 Webex

No. Action Item Owner Participants Due Open/Closed Description/Update
41 Monitor FDA actions on Universal Device ID Jeff Secunda -- April 22, 2009 Open Jeff Secunda said that the FDA will be starting a project on the UID concept. The project will take at least 1 year. Ken will contact Jeff to learn if there is anything new. The FDA had a meeting in February and the transcript is on the web. Change date to April 22.
70 Coordinate 12 lead ECG effort with Cardiology domain. Ray -- May 13, 2009 Open Ray will learn who the contact person is for the reactivated Cardiology Domain. The pacemaker group will work within cardiology domain, and RTM will include terms for pacemaker communications. Defer until Cardiology Domain has updated its workplan and additional action is required. Todd reported that ACC/IHE talks continue and Cardiology will likely formally apply to become a domain again in the next month or two. Pacemaker vendors have continued work on IDC terminology and are targeting the Connectathon next year. If Cardiology cannot support this effort in time, the PCD may assist further. Add to March 3 Agenda. Change date to May 13, after ACC meeting where they are expected to announce sponsorship again.
71 Recruit clinicians; develop novel ways, attend to their priorities and schedules Ken, Manny -- Open Open Profile development may be a reasonable initial focus for involvement and perhaps lead to further involvement in PCD. Paul had earlier suggested a booth at at ACC, other meetings. Liase with standards groups such as ASTM, professional societies. Manny will talk with Cristal Anderson, HIMSS. Steve is talking with the Mass Health Data Consortium and will make a presentation on IHE PCD. The Chicago Area Biomeds' invitation may come alive; the VA's may be affected by the economy.

72 Press releases as recruiting tool, including the Showcase. PCD will invite companies to observe Connectathon and reach out to companies and users to invite them to the PCD demo at the Showcase. Manny -- Open Open Two press releases have been prepared and distributed to various organizations for distribution.
74 Mapping PCD into v3 CDA with relevance to RTM Todd Peter Hendler April 15, 2009 Open Todd: VA was planning to move forward about use of CDA. He will talk with James McCain. Peter: Kaiser and VA working to trade documents as part of NHIN project.
Goal is to assure the appropriate set of medical device semantic components is included in the appropriate location in CDA/CCD documents and HL7 v3 nessages.
Todd will ask the VA as to whether there is still any interest in this project.
Todd will schedule a webex the end of August/early September to discuss the status of the profile proposal and identify what needs to happen to move it forward in this next cycle.
Will be addressed in Vancouver meeting the week of September 15.
The HITSP CMDC/CDC Use Case includes a document communication profile. HL7 Technical Steering Committee, HITSP management, VA and Kaiser are considering how to move this forward. The technical requirements are clear, but there’s a lack of a sufficient number of volunteers to do the work. Will likely come up next week at HITSP meetings.
PCD and HL7 will meet at HIMSS. HITSP is pushing for more robust document communications. Change date to April 15.
78 2009 Survey Development Ray Zambuto -- April 28, 2009 Open Ray will add a question or two regarding the need to support web services and other service oriented architectures. A dry run is projected for March 1. Ken to remind Ray.

82 Users Guide Steve Merritt -- May 27, 2009 Open Steve indicated a Wiki page is available. Change date to end of May for kickoff.

87 Review the IHE.net/pcd page Todd John Rhoads April 8, 2009 Open Todd will address with this with John Rhoads.
88 Consider how to move non-IHE members to membership Manny John Rhoads April 1, 2009 Open Manny to review memberships against PC and TC participating people and non-member participants. For non-members extend invitations. Steve reviewed recent PC, TC attendance and found only a couple of names where company affiliation or IHE membership is in question. The two in question are understandable.
91 Open
92 Open
93 Open


Chair: Ken Fuchs
  • Anupriyo Chakravarti, Bikram Day, Al Engelbert, Ken Fuchs, John Garguilo, Steve Merritt, Gary Meyer, Monroe Pattillo, John Rhoads, Jeff Rinda, Paul Schluter, Ioana Singureanu, Khalid Zubaidi, Manny Furst


Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair


  • Accepted


2 Discussion Summary
- Chair
  • Accepted the March 13 and the joint PC/TC meeting of April 15 as posted. Note: Manny later found that the April 1 PC meeting had been overlooked.


3 Action Items Review
- Chair
  • 41: Monitor FDA actions on Universal Device ID - Ken will contact Jeff again.
  • 70: Coordinate 12 lead ECG with Cardiology domain - IDCO incorporated into PCD. Three ICDO members will meet simultaneously at NIST next week. Close.
  • 71: Recruit clinicians - Paul presented to the Chicago area biomeds on Saturday. It went very well.
  • 72: Press releases as recruiting tool - Following the F2F – good timing for a press release.
  • 74: Mapping PCD into v3 CDA - No change.
  • 76: Test Tooling, NIST and MWB - No change.
  • 78: 2009 Survey Development - Manny will review the last survey.
  • 82: Users Guide - No change.
  • 83: Recruiting in Chicago area in advance of Showcase - Close.
  • 87: Review the IHE.net/pcd page - Completed. Close.
  • 88: Encourage non-IHE members to membership - Steve found that members who are active on most meetings are members. Close
  • 89: Review IHE.net TF page for accuracy re PCD entries - Close.



4 Implantable Device Cardiac Observation Profile
- Chair
  • Celina has updated the rosters. An official count will be made. There is no question the transition to PCD has passed overwhelmingly.



5 Announcements
- Chair
  • F2F - John will provide a conference phone in the F2F meeting. We will distribute a call in number. Manny will ask people to let us know if they have a car and will provide the building and room number.
  • PIV will meet in SD on May 19th and 20th.
  • RTM-vent made a breakthrough in vendor independent mode terminology that will lead to pronounceable clinical terms.
  • Updates on White Papers
– DPI – nothing new
- User Handbook – nothing new
- Semantic Architecture – nothing new
- Regulatory Considerations - nothing new
- MEM – Meets tomorrow.
  • Australia - nothing new.
  • HIMSS Asia_Pac - nothing new
  • MOU with ICE – nothing new
  • HITSP - nothing new
  • Continua – Todd, Ken signed NDA and received some documents. One or two PCD members may attend their F2F. There are two competing proposals for sending home health data over the Internet. One is similar to PCD-01 the other 60601 reduced version of 11073 which requires wrapping. There is agreement on using RTM. Continua’s likely model will not support the more complex requirements of FDA regulated devices.
  • MOUs with CIMIT, ASTM – nothing new



Next Meeting

The next meeting will be the Face to Face meetings May 4 through 8, 2009 PCD PC&TC 2009-05-04 to 08 F2F and will be followed by a joint Planning and Technical Committee meeting on May 13: PCD PC&TC 2009-05-13 Webex. Following the joint meeting, a joint meeting webinar will take place on May 13 and then the next PC webinar meeting will take place on May 27: PCD PC 2009-05-27 Webex.

<For Decision Meetings add review line here when minutes are approved; e.g., "(Reviewed & approved by PCD RTM Vent TG 2008-04-16)">

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