PCD PC&TC 2012-02-29 Webex

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Regularly Scheduled Meeting Time

Date: Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Time: 11:00 am, Eastern Time (New York)

Duration: 60 Minutes

Proposed Agenda

1. Agenda Approval
2. Review Discussion Summaries: PCD PC 2012-02-15 Webex and PCD TC 2012-02-08 Webex
3. Profile/Supplement Development
- Timetable: Patient Care Device and https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AikOXWdaC-LkdEkzckVTMktZenRkdWJBN1dsZHJpbnc&authkey=CPq93OUP&hl=en_US#gid=6)
4. Recruiting EHR Companies: Feb. 7 Webex
5. HIMSS12
6. AAMI Mini-Showcase
7. Action Item Review (previous review to 116?)
8. Next and Recent Meetings
- AAMI/FDA meetings - March 9 (Interoperability) and FDA March 21, 22 Patient Device Safety with panels, discussions
9. Additional Business

Action Items from Previous Meetings

See PCD Planning Committee Action Items.

Significant changes, other than dates, will be in bold.


Chair: John Garguilo
Jon Blasingame, Paul Elletson, Al Engelbert, Robert Flanders, John Garguilo, Monroe Pattillo, Jeff Rinda, Paul Schluter, Erin Sparnon, Khalid Zubaidi, Manny Furst


Discussion Summaries do not require formal approval, while minutes of meetings where votes are taken do. Participants are encouraged to review and bring up significant issues with discussion summaries of previous meetings. Votes will be taken to approve meetings where votes took place; these may be email ballots.

Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair


Agenda approved.


2 Discussion Summary or Approval of Minutes
- Chair
Discussion Summary of previous meeting was accepted



3 Agenda Items
- As Noted

5. HIMSS12:

- Manny provided some comments and encouraged discussion and emails. He will compile the comments and suggestions in preparation for Tuesday’s meeting and submission to Sandy, John Donnelly and Elli.
- Jon indicated the UC2 stories are very good, well detailed. He arrived late and missed docent orientation. Docent scripts were not available until Monday – too late. One of the other domain participants on Thursday disrupted the flow. He suggested that more space for traffic flow and more structure for docents is required next year if the same format is followed.
- Paul missed the additional wall where visitors who want to talk in depth congregated, and the posters describing profiles and PCD members were available. This was PCD, not a vendor oriented discussion. This may be a trade off with presentations, but visitors may not be on a synchronized schedule. He suggested that PCD experts could be scheduled if desired.
- Paul remarked on the length of the tours – too long for attention span. He suggested that visitors be able to schedule tours that include profiles of interest (electronic spreadsheet could be offered). Manny asked if tours that had broad categories (e.g., HIE, research, devices) were offered, but the specific tours within the grouping would be equalized. Jon indicated VIP tours were not necessarily clearly described. A GE marketing person noted that there was no clear indication of what a visitor was seeing when the visitor wandered in. Paul noted that there was clear contrast with the RFID/RTLS pavilion. He added that vendor marketing consultation may be useful in planning the showcase.

6. AAMI Mini-Showcase:

- Manny requested emails expressing interest in participating.

3. Profile/Supplement Updates, Schedule and Deadlines:

- John Garguilo reviewed the schedule and deadlines (see links). He noted the new spreadsheet with “no later than” dates. He asked that any missing items be brought to his attention ASAP.
- John noted that NIST folks have developed a list of issues with the TF that were found during this past cycle. Manny requested that participants also provide issues with the tests, and John added that suggestions for additional rigor be included.
- PCIM will meet and discuss the draft.
- Pulse Ox new group meets Mondays at 11 am ET.
- MEM devices to CMMS WG begins weekly meetings.
- No pump or RTM meetings this week.

8. Next meetings:

- TC March 7 then alternating.
- F2F April 24 – 27, with an alarm meeting Monday April 26 in San Diego at CareFusion.
- Pump meeting March 27 – 29 in San Diego at CareFusion.



4 Announcements
- As Noted
- Monroe referred to Sandy proposing a mini-showcase at one of the AAMI/FDA meetings.
- Jon referred to an AAMI conference that will be offered in September on device safety. This follows last year’s meeting cosponsored by ECRI Institute and ACCE. Details not yet developed.



Next Meetings

The next meetings are:

PC March 14, 2012 PCD PC 2012-03-14 Webex

TC March 7, 2012 PCD TC 2012-03-07 Webex

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