PCD Cochairs 2008-12-16 Webex

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Patient Care Device Cochairs Weekly Meeting

Date: Tuesday, December 16, 2008 Note: meetings have moved from Thursday to Tuesday

Time: 3:00 pm, Eastern Time

Duration: 60 Minutes

Proposed Agenda

Review PCD Governance Wiki
- With attention to PC, TC votes (is a majority sufficient, what if there is a tie), implementation date
PCD PC & TC Roster Pages
Review Google Groups wiki list
Update on Connectathon / Showcase Activities
-Confirm Capsule's proposal for distributed demo with device in their booth
-Identifying real systems
-Issues Bikram raised (non-IHE systems, multiple vents, Cerner coordination)- how best to respond, guide developments
Cycle 4 Proposals Update PCD Proposals 2009-2010
Action Items
IHE International (IP, quorum, elections)
-How best address incompatibility of interoperable systems that may affect patient care
IHE Marketing (WSJ Continua article)
IHE Australia update
PCD Wikis
Planning for 2009-2010 budget
Meeting schedule (confirm no meeting Dec 23?, Dec 30?)

Attachments / Materials

Discussion Summary of earlier meetings December 9: PCD Cochairs 2008-12-09 Webex

Action Items Brought Forward

Number Action Owner Participants Due Date Status Comments
55 Showcase vendor display policy Steve Merritt Ray, Elliot 12/16/08 OPEN Will include in draft Domain Governance document. Issues may exist with third party devices brought by Cerner and Capsule this year. Waiting for Chris Carr, Didi to provide direction on bi-directional distributed demo. Todd’s draft will be the basis for Steve’s efforts. Steve will draft something addressing this and the related action items. Todd will resend his draft.Also see #57.
57 Develop PCD governance document. Ken Cochairs 12/16/08 OPEN Supplements the IHE governance document (e.g., quorum and non-quorum meetings). See #63 also. Ken developed a draft and Didi and Lisa will be asked again to review it. It will then go to a PC and TC vote.
61 Analyze, publish results of stakeholder survey Ray 1/6/09 OPEN Ray is talking with WG4 in the HIMSS/AAMI/ACCE CE-IT Community, and possibly in BI&T.
63 IHE Governance: IP, participation in F2F, etc. Ray Cochairs 1/6/09 OPEN Didi addressed some of the questions at the F2F. Add Quorum issues to Ray's discussion IP with Didi. Ray will incorporate in Governance and submit to IHE. Also see #57.
70 IEEE MOU Todd Elliot 12/16/08 OPEN Concern on two issues: use of IEEE intellectual property, need to establish mechanism to continue and maintain the RTM effort. Todd was to ask IEEE for update. Todd to contact Elliot.
74 Clinical Recruitment Steve Cochairs and PC 12/16/08 OPEN
  • (Zambuto) Review IHE membership to identify recruitment opportunities.
  • (All) Identify invitation opportunities for participation in the October F2F.
  • (Cooper)Update profiles wiki page so as to capture the attention of clinical reviewers.
  • (Zambuto) Ask Mario Castenada re. KP participants (perhaps also Michael Robkin)
  • (Cooper) To contact Rick Schrenker re. profile proposal review.
  • Manny will talk with Cristal Anderson about possibilities. He asked for emails with suggestions.
77 Monitor HITSP development of RMON and coordinate a demonstration with HITSP. Todd Paul 1/6/09 OPEN Todd has not heard back from Joyce about how best to proceed. Paul said Continua is working on requirements documents, and anticipates that January will see progress.
78 Foster collaboration with Continua and monitor developments. Coordinate with Didi, Joyce. Todd Paul 12/3/08 OPEN Paul will act as a point of contact to foster communication between PCD and Continua. Coordinate with Didi.
82 PCD to develop MOU with CIMIT Ray Ken 10/23/08 OPEN Defer interest in year ‘round lab. Develop an MOU intended to enable coordinating profiles, similar to the Continua document. Ken will open discussion with Julian re the MOU.

Meeting Summary


Cochairs: Todd Cooper, Ken Fuchs, Ray Zambuto
Cochair elects: Steve Merritt
Technical Project Manager: Manny Furst


Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair
The agenda was accepted.

Decisions/Issues: Action(s):

2 Review Meeting Summaries
- Chair




3 Action Items Review
- Chair
  • 55: Showcase Vendor Display Policy was the subject of significant discussion as a result of Capsule's desire to support a Stryker bed in the ICU, and possibly several additional devices including a balloon pump.
  • Manny and Ken summarized the situation. Discussion identified these issues:
- How to maximize interest in the story (e.g., adding a balloon pump).
- How to provide parity between vendors. In this case Capsule, Cerner.
- How to avoid dilution of the story.
- How to avoid overly complex displays.
- Satisfy space and time limitations in preparation and in the demo.
  • More general issues include
- It was noted that HIMSS will have to address providing sufficient space to accommodate all who want to be participate in the Showcase and have passed the Connectathon.
- Need to address the potential participation of non-conforming systems that conform only because they are attached to middleware.
  • Policy
- For PCD issues that must be weighed in each situation that should be reflected in the policy include
- Recruiting of additional companies.
  • For the current issue defining what Capsule and Cerner should demonstrate
- Capsule and Cerner should have parity, the devices and communications should support the story.
- Manny suggested that we ask both companies for the minimal complement needed to display their actors and then optional additions to provide parity.
- Ken suggested providing guidance in the sense of providing what we want. For example, Capsule might support a balloon pump and a bed.
We need to limit the devices Capsule and Cerner provide. Ask what they will support (bed + one other) to be reviewed by cochairs for relevance, time and space requirements.
  • Policy:
- Steve is continuing to work on policy. He asked if there should be a priority order for PCD members to select the devices they want to show. Todd suggested that preference will be given to IHE members.
- Steve asked about resolution process if there is a disagreement. The cochairs recommended that this be the cochairs responsibility unless the issue required a vote of the PC.
- Todd reiterated Ken’s suggestion that we have to balance multiple priorities and desires. For example, recruiting new members, extending profiles, new directions, supporting the storyline, etc.
  • 57: Lisa was to talk with Didi about the Governance document, but no response to date.



4 Announcements
- All
  • Erik Pupo has joined PCD PC, TC. He has been active in HITSP, was a docent last year.
  • IHE Australia: Todd has been in contact with two leaders. They are trying to get a regional group together. Todd will continue to work with them. They are interested in PCD.
  • Todd reported that ICE-PAC is moving along well. Ray reported that they may be able to provide a demo in conjunction with the AAMI meeting, possibly in a double booth in the AAMI exhibit hall shared with the CE-IT Community.



5 Connectathon and Showcase
- Manny
  • See policy issue in Action Items, above



6 Next Meeting
- Chair


  • The cochairs will meet next week.


Next Meeting

The next meeting will be December 23, 2008 PCD Cochairs 2008-12-23 Webex

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