IHE PCD 2009 Connectathon

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The IHE PCD domain is currently preparing for the IHE '09 Connectathon in Chicago. Testing will include previous and new profiles as follows:

  • DEC - Especially a full testing of the Subscribe to Patient Data (SPD) option, as well as PIB
  • ACM - Primarily the AR-to-AM link, though the AM-to-AC link will be demonstrated with a single AC actor.
  • PIV - Full testing
  • RTM - All semantic content exchanged in the PCD transactions shall (informally) conform to the Rosetta tables.

Note: Successful participation in the IHE PCD 2009 Connectathon enables participation in the HIMSS '09 IHE Showcase.

This wiki page provies information and links supporting the IHE '09 U.S. Connectathon.

All files are located on the IHE PCD 2009 Connectathon FTP site.

Profiles and Systems
