Device Point-of-Care Interoperability Program

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IHE Devices / Device Point-of-care Interoperability (DPI) Program focuses on developing profile specifications for device-to-device plug-and-trust interoperability in acute care contexts, including operating room, ICU, and emergency.

In the spring of 2020, the DPI Program work fell entirely under the joint HL7-IHE Gemini Device Interoperability program. All meeting notes and related artifacts are persisted on the project's HL7 confluence pages (e.g., the regular SDPI Friday call notes) here:

The IHE DEV DPI discussions have been integrated into either the Gemini program work or the regular IHE DEV meetings and process.

The following content was from the original version of this wiki page in 2020. They are kept here for archival purposes.

(Devices page)


  • DPI Program overview
  • DPI Governance and Organization
- Sponsor(s)
- Leadership
- DEV/DPI Sponsor: [|OR.NET]
- DPI Program Administrator: Todd Cooper
- Program Co-Chairs (Pending DEV Confirmation):
  • DPI Meetings Section
- IHE_DEV_DPI_2021-02-19_Web_Meeting Note: Planned as 2nd hour of the Gemini SDPi Friday call WebEx
- IHE_DEV_DPI_2020-12-18_Web_Meeting Note: Planned as 2nd hour of the Gemini SDPi Friday call WebEx
- IHE_DEV_DPI_2020-12-11_Web_Meeting Note: Canceled due to holidays
- IHE_DEV_DPI_2020-11-13_Web_Meeting Note: Canceled due to holidays
- IHE_DEV_DPI_2020-10-22_Web_Meeting
- NOTE: September 24 meeting was moved to September 25 due to conflict with HL7/IEEE vWGM that week
- IHE_DEV_DPI_2020-08-27_Web_Meeting
- IHE_DEV_DPI_2020-07-23_Web_Meeting
  • DPI Work Program & links (profiles & Confluence)
- Gemini Medical Device Interoperability (MDI) using SDC / SDPi+FHIR Confluence home
- IHE SDPi-FHIR Github repository (all persistent artifacts including most recent SDPi Supplement drafts)