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Development Only

The PCC Wiki Content is used only for development of IHE PCC Content. The Normative content of the PCC Technical Framework and the current supplements can be found at http://www.ihe.net/Technical_Framework/index.cfm#PCC

Comment.gif Healthcare Providers and Pharmacies

Healthcare providers (including pharmacies) shall be recorded as described in CCD: 3.17. The identifier that the patient is known by to these providers may be included using the Patient Identifier extension described in Extensions to HL7 CDA Release 2.0. See the example shown in for use of this extension element.


See Templates using Healthcare Providers and Pharmacies

Healthcare Providers and Pharmacies Example
  <serviceEvent classCode="PCPR">
    <effectiveTime><low value=""/><high value=""/></effectiveTime>
    <performer typeCode="PRF">
      <templateId root=''/>
      <functionCode code='' displayName='' codeSystem='' codeSystemName=''/>
        <low value=''/>
        <high value=''/>
        <id root='' extension=''/>
        <code code='' displayName='' codeSystem='' codeSystemName=''/>
        <telecom value='' use=''/>
          <sdtc:id root='' extension=''/>


The <documentationOf> element records the service events that were performed. This element shall be present.

<serviceEvent classCode="PCPR">

The <serviceEvent> element describes the activity being documented. This element shall be present, and shall have a classCode attribute of 'PCPR'.

<effectiveTime><low value=""/><high value=""/></effectiveTime>

The <effectiveTime> element records the time over which care provision activities are recorded in the document. There shall be a <low> element which records the starting date of care provision, and a <high> element which records the ending date of care provision. The ending date may extend into the future in the document describes care that is intended to be provided, but that has not actually occurred.

<performer typeCode="PRF">

The <performer> elements in the <serviceEvent> identify the providers of care. At least one <performer> element should be present. When a provider gives care over two distinct time intervals (e.g., as in the case of a specialist who treats the patient for short periods of time in different years), the provider may be recorded multiple times as a performer.

<functionCode code=' ' displayName=' ' codeSystem=' ' codeSystemName=' '/>

The function of the provider in the care of the patient should be present, and will be described in the <functionCode> element. This may be used for example, to identify the primary care provider.

<time><low value=' '/><high value=' '/>


<assignedEntity classCode='ASSIGNED'>

The <assignedEntity> element contains elements that identify the individual provider, and shall be present.

<id root=' ' extension=' '/>

The <id> element may be present and identifies the provider.

<code code=' ' displayName=' ' codeSystem=' ' codeSystemName=' '/>

The <code> element describes the type of provider and can be used to distinguish pharmacies from other providers.


The <addr> element gives the address of the provider.

<telecom value=' ' use=' '/>

The <telecom> element gives the telephone number of the provider.


The providers name should be present. If not present, then the <scopingOrganization> shall be present (see below).


This element should be present, and shall provide the name of the organization.

<sdtc:patient><sdtc:id root=' ' extension=' '/></sdtc:patient>

The <sdtc:patient> element may be present to represent the patient's medical record number with the given provider. The root attribute of <sdtc:id> element shall be present and identifies the namespace used for the identifier. The extension attribute shall be present and is the patient's medical record or account number with the provider. This element is an HL7 extension to CDA Release 2.0.