PCD TC 2014-07-23 Webex

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Patient Care Device Domain

Meeting Purpose

TC Regularly Scheduled Meeting

WebEx Information

Topic: PCD Technical Committee

Regularly Scheduled Meeting Time

Time: 11:00 am, Eastern Time (New York)

Duration: 60 Minutes

Proposed Agenda

1. Agenda Approval
2. Review Discussion Summary PCD TC 2014-06-25 Webex
3. Announcements
- No PC or TC meeting July 30
4. Status: TF, Supplement, Other Documents
- OBX-4 Tiger Team Meetings: setting day, time; identifying a leader
5. Action Item Review
- Standing; Last reviewed: 109, 110 July 16, 2014; 118-141 June 2014; 143 through 159 July 2014; 161-164 Aug 2013, 165-179 Misc 2013; 181, 182 June 2014; 183-188 April 2014.
6. Additional Business
- IHE Columbia
7. Next Meetings:
- PC Aug b13 PCD PC 2014-08-13 Webex
- TC Aug 6 PCD TC 2014-08-06 Webex

Action Items from Previous Meetings

See PCD Technical Committee Action Items.

Significant changes, other than dates, will be in bold.


  • Published and Draft Versions of the TF, Supplements, Other Documents:
- The PCD ftp site has draft versions.
- Published (and possibly in the process of being replaced with new versions):
o http://ihe.net/Technical_Framework/index.cfm#pcd
- and there is a list of CPs, which may, at any given time, affect a published document. The list is at


  • Not Yet Published:
o ftp://ftp.ihe.net/Patient_Care_Devices/Profiles/


Chair: Jeff McGeath
Chris Courville, Kurt Elliason, Al Engelbert, John Garguilo, Joe Good, Jeff McGeath, Monroe Pattillo, Craig Reister, Paul Schluter, Paul Sherman, Greg Staudenmaier, Willis


Discussion Summaries do not require formal approval, while minutes of meetings where votes are taken do. Participants are encouraged to review and bring up significant issues with discussion summaries of previous meetings. Votes will be taken to approve meetings where votes took place; these may be email ballots.

Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair

Decisions/Issues: Placeholder

Agenda approved


2 Discussion Summary or Approval of Minutes
- Chair
Discussion Summary of previous meeting(s):
Review Discussion Summary PCD TC 2014-03-19 Webex
- :: John Garguilo updated on POI. Please review his email and help provide guidance to Ioana



3 Agenda Items
- As Noted


3. Announcements
- No PC or TC meeting July 30
4. Status: TF, Supplement, Other Documents
- OBX-4 Tiger Team Meetings: setting day, time; identifying a leader
Paul Sherman emailed volunteers asking for leader. Monroe – email the group again – without a leader, this won't go forward.
- CPs 104-106 ballot closed, accepted
- POI – IEC document open for comments, Not all fit in Vol 3
- Monroe and I were on ITI patient location call this morning. Noticeable dfferences between their effort and PCD LS process. Not in competition. Will be out for public comment soon. Question of who the vendors are; seems to be work flow based.
- Public comments no longer go to project manager, but are posted on a Google spreadsheet.
- PCD domain update submitted, will present Aug 14 3PM CDT.
5. Action Item Review
- Standing; Last reviewed: 109, 110 July 16, 2014; 118-141 June 2014; 143 through 159 July 2014; 161-164 Aug 2013, 165-179 Misc 2013; 181, 182 June 2014; 183-188 April 2014.
161 – Close
162 – Paul Sherman will ping Manny, uncertain of meaning. Close
163 – Error test table is on ftp, this may have been an effort to expand to other profiles. Al; recommend relabeling for more than pumps. Monroe – this is mostly part of ACM, except for error noticification, close it. Close
164 – Seems more philosophical than an actual action item. Monroe; too broad, close and create a new action item for specific items. Burden is on NIST tools. Close
165 – Monroe; a major effort for PCD to apply to all tests. Jeff McGeath; a continuous improvement effort, do we need this as a reminder? Not specific. Change ownership to John G for comment and closure
166 – Have John G update and close
167- Started work at spring 2014 for Github versioning. Need to review ftp info to migrate to versioning and which items to version. Discuss at PC. Change owner to Jeff M, Paul Sh and change due date to end of August
168 – Does not need to be a TC action item Close
169 – Monroe will discuss certification and commercial products at next DCC call. Postpone until after next DCC call. Change date to Aug 6.
6. Additional Business
- IHE Columbia
7. Next Meetings:
- PC Aug 13 PCD PC 2014-08-13 Webex
- TC Aug 6 PCD TC 2014-08-06 Webex


Next Meetings

The next meetings are:

- PC July 9 PCD PC 2014-07-09 Webex
- PC/TC July 16 PCD PC&TC 2014-07-16 Webex
- TC July 23 PCD TC 2014-07-23 Webex

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