PCD Pump 2012-03-07 WebEx

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(Infusion Pump Main Page)

Meeting Purpose

IHE PCD Infusion Pump Working Group discussions.

WebEx Information

Topic: IHE PCD Infusion Pump WG

Date: Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Time: 14:00, Eastern Time (GMT -05:00, New York)

Duration: 60 Minutes'

Note: Specific web & phone information will be provided via e-mail to group members.

Contact Manny Furst for more information.

Proposed Agenda

1. Review today's Agenda
2. Review meeting notes PCD_Pump_2012-02-08_WebEx + Las Vegas (see below)
3. Pump Summit:
4. Discuss 2-week work plan leading up to the Summit
5. Business Arising

Attachments / Materials

  • <add attachments links here>

Discussion Notes

Chair/Host: Jeff Rinda (Hospira)
Participants: <TBD>

NOTE: Action Item Review updates have been posted directly to the Infusion Pump Action Items wiki page

Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair
  • ...



2 Review Meeting Notes
- Cooper

Reviewed meeting notes from PCD_Pump_2012-02-08_WebEx discussion.

Reviewed the following meeting notes from the ad hoc WG meeting 2012.02.29 @ HIMSS '12 (Las Vegas):

(as best as I can remember at this point!)
Todd Cooper
Paul Elletson
John Rhoads
Erin Sparnon
Khalid Zubaidi
F2F Agenda
PCIM - Settle on a technical direction (1/2 day)
LVP Device Specialization (1/2 day)
Syringe Pump Device Specialization (1/2 day)
PCA Device Specialization (1 day)
Device Specialization Use Cases
There was a general discussion about how best to capture the device specific use cases that should be included in the Vol 1 sections of these documents. One approach is to look at the scenarios that were used to drive the EC profile for infusion pumps. Those operational scenarios are LVP focused, but if for Syringe and PCA we looked at the scenarios that would drive EC for those devices, we might just come up with a sample set of examples that could be included in the Vol 1 sections for those devices and then tied directly to the EC option and semantics.
PCA Discussion
PCA pump use cases that were identified included:
Patient Requested Boluses
Nurse Administered Boluses
Non-life Sustaining PCA (... ?)
General DS Document Scope / Content
In addition to the basic semantic content (terms & model) for each of these device specializations, the profiles will capture:
  • alarms with evidentiary data
  • events with data that supports understanding of the clinical context in which they occurred.

Note: I have a very succinct note "clinical context management" ... and don't have a clue if it related only to (2) above or if we had a longer discussion ... it was late ... we were all beyond tired ... anyone have more substantive memories of this?

PCIM Discussion
Advancing PCIM and selecting at least a technical direction surfaced as a key objective of the March Summit. John Rhoads signed up (ha!) to drive that discussion based on work that the PCIM group has done. We will try to adjust the schedule so as to provide WebEx access to other PCIM group members (e.g., Robert) during that discussion.



3 ...


4 ...



5 Next Meeting
- Chair


  • The group decided that the next meeting will be <TBD>.
  • Topics <TBD>


Next Meeting

NOTE: Next Meeting will be held during the regularly scheduled time: 14:00 (Eastern) on <TBD> (60 minutes)

(Reviewed & approved by PCD Infusion Pump WG on <TBD>

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