ITI Change Proposals 2010

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The ITI CP process follows the general IHE CP process described on the Change Proposal process page. The following sections give more detail on the general process for ITI participants involved in the CP process.

The ITI specific CP Process

The following text explains what the process used by the ITI commitee in processing submitted CPs. It is consistent with the general IHE CP process and is informative only.

  1. Submission into the Incoming directory. This is typically done via an email to the ITI Technical Committee co-chair in charge of CPs (currently Rob Horn) or by directly updating the directory.
  2. First consideration by the committee. If CP is accepted it is given a CP #, assigned an editor, renamed to CP-ITI-xxx-00.doc and placed in Assigned. If CP is rejected it is moved to Rejected and submitter is informed of explanation for rejection. Likely reasons for rejection are: duplicate, merged, withdrawn or not enough information to understand the request. Rejected CPs can be resubmitted with more information for reconsideration.
  3. Committee works with editor to draft the CP. Versions are kept in Assigned directory and numbered -00, -01, -02, etc.
  4. Committee decides CP is ready for ballot. Latest version of CP is moved to Completed diretory and old versions are moved to old_versions.
  5. Co-chair collects Completed CPs into a ballot. The Ballot directory will be used for this.
  6. Ballot is released to the general community for voting
  7. Votes and comments are collected. All yes votes means the CP passed ballot and moved to FinalText. No votes are resolved by the committee. Sometimes CP is withdrawn, sometimes NO voter changes to yes vote after explanations. CP may be updated in this process. If updates are insignificant (clarification only) the CP is considered passed. If updates are significant the CP is submitted for another ballot.
  8. CP approved in ballot are put in FinalText and scheduled to be integrated into the Technical Framework or Supplement.

Directory Structure

As CPs are processed through various statuses they move from one directory to another. The directories invoved are:

contains CPs that have been assigned an editor and are being actively worked on by the committee, i.e. Assigned status
contains Ballots that have been released for voting by the general community
contains CPs that have been canceled, i.e. Canceled status
contains the last version of a CP that is in Completed status. It is waiting to be put in a ballot
contains the last version of a CP that is in FinalText status. It is has been approved by ballot and is waiting to be integrated into the TF.
contains the version of the CP that was integrated into the TF.
contains CPs which have been submitted but have not been assigned a CP number or an editor. This is the place that new incoming CPs are placed prior to the first stage of processing by the committee.
Contains old versions of Completed and FinalText CPs
CPs that have been submitted by rejected by the committee
contains spreadsheets describing the status of CPs.

Archived Change Proposal pages

Ongoing work on CPs is placed on the current year CP page. Prior years work can be accessed at:

ITI CP Tracking

All Change Propoposal management is in ITI CP ftp site. The tracking spreadsheet can be accessed at Status directory. It is the file with the most recent date in that directory.

Integrated CPs

These CPs have been integrated into the Version 7.0 These CPs have been integrated into the Version 7.0 of the Technical Framework and the 2010 version of Supplements.

Final Text CPs

These CPs are ready for integration into the Technical Framework and Supplements.

CP Title Profiles Affected Date
188 XDSFolder.codelist inconsistent XDS August 2010
308 PDQv3 specify what fuzzy search means PDQV3 August 2010
310 Assign profile #s to PIXV3 and PDQV3 PIXV3 / PDQV3 August 2010
364 Make query continuations optional PDQV3 August 2010
377 XDR Doc Recipient not documented in ITI-41 XDR August 2010
391 What does R2 mean for a PIX Manager PDO August 2010
398 BPPC clarification of terms BPPC August 2010
403 ATNA Encoding of Query Content PIX, PDQ, XDS August 2010
405 BPPC clarification of consent template BPPC August 2010
406 BPPC codes BPPC August 2010
413 XDS Metadata SHA1 encoding XDS August 2010
415 XDS Stored Queries of non-patient returning different patients XDS August 2010
417 ATNA SYSLOG-Protocol ATNA August 2010
418 XDS Remove Query Column From XDS(.b) Metadata tables XDS August 2010
419 Clarify repositoryUniqueId and URI may be rejected by Repository XDS August 2010
420 XCA Remove WS-Adressing action for Asynchronous Web Services Exchange Async, XCA, XCPD August 2010
424 More lost XDS Off-line mode text XDS August 2010
427 ATNA: ITI 14: Source UserID of ATNA message is not specialized, but required XDS.b August 2010
429 ATNA: ITI-18 Consumer: HomeCommunityID cannot be set in the defined way XDS.b August 2010
431 Clean up references to ATNA Encryption option ATNA August 2010
432 Clean up NAV dependencies table NAV August 2010
433 HL7 inconsistencies in Vol 2 transactions and Appx. C many August 2010
434 Volume 2 Appendix Cleanup XDS August 2010
435 Remove XDS.a from all TF and TI XDS.a August 2010
436 Secure Application does not have Radiology Audit trail as an option ATNA August 2010
438 Update XUA profile by removing not used information material XUA August 2010
439 Missing formatCodeDisplayName in document metadata table XDS August 2010
440 High Accuracy SNTP CT August 2010
441 Extra XDS-SD option and References to PCC TF are all wrong in BPPC & XDS-SD BPPC, XDS-SD August 2010
442 IHE Support for application acknowledgments PIV August 2010
444 Update XCA to reflect udpates to referenced text/profiles XCA August 2010
445 Description of SOAP faults in RFD is based on wrong SOAP version RFD August 2010
446 Missing transaction for ATNA Secure Node ATNA August 2010
447 Patient ID param formatting MPQ August 2010
448 Clarify Options for BPPC BPPC August 2010
449 Delete out-of-date note in ITI-41 XDS.b August 2010
450 Queries of unknown or invalid patient identifiers should be allowed to return an error XCA August 2010
452 List of Document Content supported needs to be updated XDS.b August 2010
453 Wrong actor in the introduction to ITI-53 DSUB August 2010
456 EntryUUID single value XDS August 2010
457 Multiple Classification Documentation XDS August 2010
461 XCA use of XDS error codes XCA August 2010
462 Wrong UUID in typeCode example XD* August 2010
463 PAM encounter management - Upgrade ZBE-7 datatype from CWE to XON PAM August 2010
465 Clarify usage of <ReplyTo/> as a UserID XDS.b August 2010
466 Consistent displayName for ITI-41 event type code XDS.b August 2010
467 Adjust federated wording to consider XCA XCA August 2010
468 Appendix V WS-Addressing url points to unapproved standard Many August 2010
469 XCPD communication of internal community errors XCPD August 2010
470 XCPD wording about caching is confusing XCPD August 2010
471 XDM ITI-32 Expected Actions references non-existant open issues list XDM August 2010
472 XDR and replacement of documents XDR August 2010
475 Scrambled sentence describing node authentication ATNA August 2010
476 Incorrect TF reference for ATNA encryption option ATNA August 2010
477 Syslog over TLS fixes ATNA August 2010
478 Removing reference to Null Cypher in ATNA ATNA August 2010
479 Improve error reporting for XDS, XCA, XDR XCA, XDS, XDR August 2010
482 New text not properly added to ITI-30 in PDO supplement PDO August 2010
483 Finish removing Document Registry from ITI-30 for Pediatric Demographics option PDO August 2010
484 Typo in example in RFD RFD August 2010
486 NAV sections auto F35and manually numbered NAV August 2010
487 NAV typo example contains target not Target NAV August 2010
488 RFD unclear optionality within workflow data RFD August 2010
489 XCPD incorrect section references XCPD August 2010
490 Retrieve Example is out of date XDS August 2010
491 Update Document Relationships Table XDS August 2010
494 Permit Secure App in XCA XCA August 2010
495 Link in Appendix C points to out-of-date page on HIMSS website Appx C August 2010
497 Secure Application definition missing from Vol 1 Appendix A ATNA August 2010
499 XCPD incorrect interaction and trigger event references XCPD August 2010
500 Stored Query Value Coding XDS.b August 2010
501 Remove invalid base64binary requirement XDS.b August 2010
502 Remove update of NAV section from XCA Supplement XCA, NAV August 2010
503 Ignore unknown status values in Query requests XDS.b August 2010
511 Update Documentation on UUIDs XD* August 2010
513 Typo in reference SVS Trial Implementation Supplement 2009-08-10 August 2010
CP Title Profiles Affected
188 XDSFolder.codelist inconsistent XDS
308 PDQv3 specify what fuzzy search means PDQV3
310 Assign profile #s to PIXV3 and PDQV3 PIXV3 / PDQV3
364 Make query continuations optional PDQV3
377 XDR Doc Recipient not documented in ITI-41 XDR
391 What does R2 mean for a PIX Manager PDO
398 BPPC clarification of terms BPPC
403 ATNA Encoding of Query Content PIX, PDQ, XDS
405 BPPC clarification of consent template BPPC
406 BPPC codes BPPC
413 XDS Metadata SHA1 encoding XDS
415 XDS Stored Queries of non-patient returning different patients XDS
418 XDS Remove Query Column From XDS(.b) Metadata tables XDS
419 Clarify repositoryUniqueId and URI may be rejected by Repository XDS
420 XCA Remove WS-Adressing action for Asynchronous Web Services Exchange Async, XCA, XCPD
424 More lost XDS Off-line mode text XDS
427 ATNA: ITI 14: Source UserID of ATNA message is not specialized, but required XDS.b
429 ATNA: ITI-18 Consumer: HomeCommunityID cannot be set in the defined way XDS.b
431 Clean up references to ATNA Encryption option ATNA
432 Clean up NAV dependencies table NAV
433 HL7 inconsistencies in Vol 2 transactions and Appx. C many
434 Volume 2 Appendix Cleanup XDS
435 Remove XDS.a from all TF and TI XDS.a
436 Secure Application does not have Radiology Audit trail as an option ATNA
439 Missing formatCodeDisplayName in document metadata table XDS
440 High Accuracy SNTP CT
441 Extra XDS-SD option and References to PCC TF are all wrong in BPPC & XDS-SD BPPC, XDS-SD
442 IHE Support for application acknowledgments PIV
444 Update XCA to reflect udpates to referenced text/profiles XCA
445 Description of SOAP faults in RFD is based on wrong SOAP version RFD
446 Missing transaction for ATNA Secure Node ATNA
447 Patient ID param formatting MPQ
448 Clarify Options for BPPC BPPC
449 Delete out-of-date note in ITI-41 XDS.b
450 Queries of unknown or invalid patient identifiers should be allowed to return an error XCA
453 Wrong actor in the introduction to ITI-53 DSUB
457 Multiple Classification Documentation XDS
461 XCA use of XDS error codes XCA
462 Wrong UUID in typeCode example XD*
463 PAM encounter management - Upgrade ZBE-7 datatype from CWE to XON PAM
465 Clarify usage of <ReplyTo/> as a UserID XDS.b
466 Consistent displayName for ITI-41 event type code XDS.b
467 Adjust federated wording to consider XCA XCA
468 Appendix V WS-Addressing url points to unapproved standard Many
469 XCPD communication of internal community errors XCPD
470 XCPD wording about caching is confusing XCPD
471 XDM ITI-32 Expected Actions references non-existant open issues list XDM
472 XDR and replacement of documents XDR
475 Scrambled sentence describing node authentication ATNA
476 Incorrect TF reference for ATNA encryption option ATNA
477 Syslog over TLS fixes ATNA
483 Finish removing Document Registry from ITI-30 for Pediatric Demographics option PDO
484 Typo in example in RFD RFD
486 NAV sections auto and manually numbered NAV
487 NAV typo - example contains target not Target NAV
488 RFD - unclear optionality within workflow data RFD
489 XCPD - incorrect section references XDPD
490 Retrieve Example is out of date XDS
491 Update Document Relationships Table XDS
495 Link in Appendix C points to out-of-date page on HIMSS website Appx C
499 XCPD - incorrect interaction and trigger event references XDPD

Completed CPs

Ballot 5 CPs

Ballot Open Date: January 29, 2010
Ballot Close Date: February 26, 2010
Ballot Results Posted: Yes - all PASS, some minor updates

CP Title Profiles Affected
433 HL7 inconsistencies in Vol 2 transactions and Appx. C many
435 Remove XDS.a from all TF and TI XDS.a
436 Secure Application does not have Radiology Audit trail as an option ATNA
442 IHE Support for application acknowledgments PIV
450 Queries of unknown or invalid patient identifiers should be allowed to return an error XCA
453 Wrong actor in the introduction to ITI-53 DSUB
461 XCA use of XDS error codes XCA
463 PAM encounter management - Upgrade ZBE-7 datatype from CWE to XON PAM
466 Consistent displayName for ITI-41 event type code XDS.b
467 Adjust federated wording to consider XCA XCA
468 Appendix V WS-Addressing url points to unapproved standard Many
469 XCPD communication of internal community errors XCPD
470 XCPD wording about caching is confusing XCPD
471 XDM ITI-32 Expected Actions references non-existant open issues list XDM
476 Incorrect TF reference for ATNA encryption option ATNA
477 Syslog over TLS fixes ATNA

Ballot 6 CPs

Ballot Open Date: March 26, 2010
Ballot Close Date: April 23, 2010
Ballot Results Posted: PASS with editorial revision, except CP-368 which needs significant revision

CP Title Profiles Affected
368 SMTP clarifications for XDS.a and XDM - FAILED ATNA
391 What does R2 mean for a PIX Manager PDO
440 High Accuracy SNTP CT
457 Multiple Classification Documentation XDS
462 Wrong UUID in typeCode example XD*
465 Clarify usage of <ReplyTo/> as a UserID XDS.b
472 XDR and replacement of documents XDR
475 Scrambled sentence describing node authentication ATNA
483 Finish removing Document Registry from ITI-30 for Pediatric Demographics option PDO
484 Typo in example in RFD RFD
486 NAV sections auto and manually numbered NAV
487 NAV typo - example contains target not Target NAV
488 RFD - unclear optionality within workflow data RFD
489 XCPD - incorrect section references XDPD
490 Retrieve Example is out of date XDS
491 Update Document Relationships Table XDS
495 Link in Appendix C points to out-of-date page on HIMSS website Appx C
499 XCPD - incorrect interaction and trigger event references XDPD

Ballot 7 CPs

Ballot Open Date: May 17, 2010
Ballot Close Date: June 11, 2010
Ballot Results Posted: Yes - 211 Fail, others PASS, some minor updates, several new CPs issued

CP Title Profiles Affected
211 PIX/PAM Integration PIX and other HL7 transactions
438 Update XUA profile by removing not used information material XUA
452 List of Document Content supported needs to be updated XDS.b
456 EntryUUID single value XDS.b
478 Removing reference to Null Cypher in ATNA ATNA
482 New text not properly added to ITI-30 in PDO supplement PDO
497 Secure Application definition missing from Vol 1 Appendix A ATNA
500 Stored Query Value Coding XDS.b
501 Remove invalid base64binary requirement XDS.b
502 Remove update of NAV section from XCA Supplement XCA, NAV
503 Ignore unknown status values in Query requests XDS.b
511 Update Documentation on UUIDs XD*
513 Typo in reference SVS Trial Integration 2009-08-10

Ballot 8 CPs

Ballot Open Date: 17 September 2010
Ballot Close Date: 10 October 2010
Ballot Results Posted: All CPs passed. Minor typos in CP-ITI-479 corrected

CP Title Profiles Affected
479 Improve error reporting for XDS, XCA, XDR XCA,XDS,XDR
494 Permit Secure App in XCA XCA
512 XDSDocumentSet.intendedRecipient XD*
518 XCPD comments XCPD
531 XCA specify passthru of query request/response content XCA
534 Wrong wrappers for ITI-55 XCPD
535 XCPD: one and only one actOrderRequired element XCPD

Ballot 9 CPs

Ballot Open Date: 20 November 2010
Ballot Close Date: 20 December 2010
Ballot Results Posted:

CP Title Profiles Affected
368 SMTP clarifications for XDS.a and XDM ATNA
459 ExternalIdentifier Clarification XD*
460 SourcePatientId example wrong XDS
481 Section references in table without a table title PWP
509 XDS Stored Query which associations to return XDS.b
510 soapAction deprecation Appendix V
521 ExternalIdentifier Clarification XD*
542 Introduction section is missing for PDQ V3 PDQ
544 Correct type for On-Demand DocumentEntries object type XDS
546 Delete reference to ITI-16 XD*
548 Document Registry or Document Recipient audit message XD*
549 HPD Duplicate OID 549

Assigned CPs

CP assignment

For a list of CPs as they are currently assigned see the latest CP-ITI-Tracking-2010-nn-nn.xls file in the Status directory.

Agenda and Minutes from CP discussions

December 10, 2010

0830h Central


  • CPs ready for discussion
    • 485-02.doc (George Cole)
  • New CPs
    • iti-bill-sq_case_sensitive
    • iti-bill-wsdl_binding
    • iti-bill-xdm_detadata_format
    • iti-BPPC-code
    • ITI-CO-HPD-feedback
    • ITI-JP-XCPD-problems
    • ITI-KS-retrieve-homecommunity-case



November 12, 2010

1130h Central


  • CPs ready for discussion
    • CP-ITI-460 (Majurski)
    • CP-ITI-509 (Majurski)
    • CP-ITI-459 (Majurski)
    • CP-ITI-521 (Majurski)
    • CP-ITI-541 (Horn)
    • CP-ITI-510 (Horn)
    • CP-ITI-356 (Horn)
  • New CPs
    • cp-iti-bbolduc-... (was assigned 544 last tcon)
    • cp-iti-bill-doc_delete...
    • cp-iti-bill-getrelated-uid
    • cp-iti-bill-mu-suppress-docAvailability
    • cp-iti-db-typo-MU-audit-msg
    • cp-iti-gec-additional-xds-errorcodes
    • cp-iti-ks-hpd-duplicate-oid
    • cp-iti-kw-on-demand-persistence
    • cp-iti-kw-xds.a
    • cp-iti-mm-reference-element-URI-in-dsg
    • cp-iti-xxx-pixmgr-removeconfigurablefallback... (revisions to CP 541)
  • Ballot List
    • CP-ITI-368
    • CP-ITI-481
    • CP-ITI-542
    • CP-ITI-544
    • CPs added today



October 15, 2010

0830h Central


  • Ballot Comments
    • Felhofer
      • Assign placeholder CP for error codes
      • Typo CP 479
  • Discuss Assigned
    • Majurski
      • CP 520
      • CP 437
      • CP 460
      • CP 492
      • CP 458
      • CP 508
      • CP 509
    • Horn
      • CP 481 (easy)
      • CP 510 (easy)
      • CP 536 (easy)
      • CP 356
      • CP 368
    • Felhofer
      • CP 542
  • Discuss Incoming


  • Primarily discussion of CPs.
    • Three CPs considered ready:
      • CP 368 SMTP clarifications for XDS.a and XDM
      • CP 481 Section references in table without a table title are incorrect
      • CP 542 Introduction section is missing for PDQ v3
      • CP 544 Correct type for On-Demand Document Entries object type
  • New CPs
    • Priority CP
      • 544 Correct type for On-Demand Document Entries object type
    • Other CPs Postponed for next tcon

September 10, 2010

1130h Central


  • Deal with incoming
    • CP-ITI-SR-healthcareFacilityCode
    • CP-ITI-KW-XDS.a-reference
  • Discuss assigned
  • Re-schedule Query for Documents in Submission tcon



August 11, 2010


  • Deal with incoming
    • CP-ITI-MM-XCPD-Wrong-wrappers-for-ITI-55
    • CP-ITI-UC-XCPD-actOrderRequired
    • ICW_2010-06_PAM_JustTwoTypos_01
    • ICW_2010-06_PDQ_EmptyPID3_01
    • ICW_2010-06_PDW_UndividableCaInQuery_01
    • ICW_2010-06_PDQv3_AllowWildcards_01
    • ICW_2010-06_PIX_erroCase5-ErrRepetition_01
    • ICW_2010-06_PIX_PixManagerConfig_01
  • Discuss assigned
    • CP-ITI-518-02 XCPD Comments
    • CP-ITI-494-01 Permit Secure App in XCA
    • CP-ITI-479-01 Improve error reporting for XDS, XCA, XDR
    • CP-ITI-512-01 XDSDocumentSet.intendedRecipient


  • Incoming CP Assignments
    • CP-ITI-534 Wrong wrappers for ITI 55 (was CP-ITI-MM-XCPD-Wrong-wrappers-for-ITI-55)
    • CP-ITI-535 XCPD: one and only one actOrderRequired element (was CP-ITI-UC-XCPD-actOrderRequired)
    • CP-ITI-536 Datatype typose (was ICW_2010-06_PAM_JustTwoTypos_01)
    • CP-ITI-537 No PID segment in PDQ response if PID-3 is empty (was ICW_2010-06_PDQ_EmptyPID3_01)
    • CP-ITI-538 Handle CS datatype as undividiable in PDQ query. (was ICW_2010-06_PDW_UndividableCaInQuery_01)
    • CP-ITI-539 Allow wild cards in PDQv3 (was ICW_2010-06_PDQv3_AllowWildcards_01) This may overlap with CP-ITI-454.
    • CP-ITI-540 PIX Query, repeated ERR segment for Case 5 (was ICW_2010-06_PIX_erroCase5-ErrRepetition_01)
    • CP-ITI-541 Update requirements for PIX Manager Configuration
    • CP-ITI-542 Introduction Section is missing for PDQ v3
    • CP-ITI-543 Add error codes for XDR
  • Ready for Ballot
    • CP-ITI-518-02 XCPD Comments
    • CP-ITI-494-01 Permit Secure App in XCA
  • Ready for Ballot when editing is complete. (These edits were discussed and resolution reached.)
    • CP-ITI-479-01 Improve error reporting for XDS, XCA, XDR
      • This was split into a portion that is ready for ballot, a new CP to deal with XDR error reporting, and a wiki page to discuss best practices.
    • CP-ITI-512-01 XDSDocumentSet.intendedRecipient
  • New CP and Wiki pages
      • CP-ITI-543 Add error codes for XDR
        • Created for the portions of CP-ITI-479 that require more discussion and analysis.
      • A wiki page for best practices in error messaging.
        • Some of the CP-ITI-479 discussion moved into the overall realm of what is the best practices for managing error messaging. This wiki will be a place to capture these practices, discuss them, and may result in CPs or practice changes by ITI.

June 16, 2010



  • Advancing PIX/PDQ to final text

The CPs needed have not been prepared, and it will not be possible to advance this profile to Final Text. This was formally approved by vote.

  • Final Text process

The process and dates were discussed. A series of directories were set up on the ftp server for the starting versions, internal review, and other stages for the release.

Note, it was requested that the sponsors ensure that Frameworks and Supplements have both date and version in header or footer. Telephone and other discussions usually include discussions of versions, and this will avoid confusion.

  • Ballot #7 comment resolution
    • CP-ITI-211 failed. Time will be set aside in the face to face to make some progress on issued raised.

The following CPs were approved, with negative comments resolved.

    • CP-ITI-438
    • CP-ITI-452
    • CP-ITI-456
    • CP-ITI-478
    • CP-ITI-482
    • CP-ITI-497
    • CP-ITI-500
    • CP-ITI-501
    • CP-ITI-502
    • CP-ITI-503
    • CP-ITI-511
    • CP-ITI-513

May 12, 2010


  • Deal with incoming
    • cp-iti-bill-update_uuid_documentation
      • CP-ITI-511 ready for ballot with changes
    • CP-ITI-KB-intendedRecipient
      • CP-ITI-512 to discuss larger issues, directly fix typos in TI standard to have proper transaction numbers
    • CP-ITI-LF-SVS-incorrect-reference
      • CP-ITI-513 ready for ballot
  • CP-ITI-211-04 and cp-iti-211-04-attachedText.doc
  • CP-ITI-452-01
  • CP-ITI-473-01
  • CP-ITI-482-01
  • CP's already identified as ready for ballot
    • CP-ITI-456
    • CP-ITI-469
    • CP-ITI-500
    • CP-ITI-501
    • CP-ITI-502
    • CP-ITI-503
  • Other CPs ready for ballot (if any)or discussion
    • CP-ITI-438
    • CP-ITI-478
    • CP-ITI-497


  • Dealt with incoming
    • cp-iti-bill-update_uuid_documentation
      • CP-ITI-511 ready for ballot with changes
    • CP-ITI-KB-intendedRecipient
      • CP-ITI-512 to discuss larger issues, directly fix typos in TI standard to have proper transaction numbers
    • CP-ITI-LF-SVS-incorrect-reference
      • CP-ITI-513 ready for ballot
  • The following were discussed, minor edits made, and will be issued as Ballot #7
    • CP-ITI-211 and cp-iti-211-attachedText.doc (to be issued as CP-ITI-211) This one needs special emphasis to co-chairs because it potentially affects all HL7 v2.x transactions.
    • CP-ITI-438
    • CP-ITI-452
    • CP-ITI-456
    • CP-ITI-478
    • CP-ITI-482
    • CP-ITI-497
    • CP-ITI-500
    • CP-ITI-501
    • CP-ITI-502
    • CP-ITI-503
    • CP-ITI-511
    • CP-ITI-513
  • Other CPs
    • CP-ITI-473 cancelled This change was a misunderstanding. Oasis was using a URL format as a URI, so it is appropriate (although confusing) for the URL to be invalid.

May 5, 2010





April 29, 2010

During f2f: 1-3 pm central


Incoming resolution


  • CP-ITI-MR-StoredQuery.doc
    • Assign 509 to Bill Majurski
  • CP-ITI-Forcare-XDS.b-RemoveTracesOfBase64Binary.doc
    • Assign 510 to Rob Horn

April 27, 2010

During f2f: 8:30-10 am central to allow European participation


  • Incoming from European Connecathon
  • Ballot #6 resolution


  • CP-ITI-ESL_Stored_Query_Value_Coding.doc
    • Assign 500 to Bill
  • CP-ITI-Forcare-XDS.b-RemoveTracesOfBase64Binary.doc
    • Assign 501 ready for ballot
  • CP-ITI-KW-MoveNavOutOfXCA.doc
    • Assign 502 ready for ballot
  • CP-ITI-KW-Query-unknown-status-ignored.doc
    • Assign 503 ready for ballot Karen's local copy
  • CP-ITI-KW-XDR+Async.doc
    • Assign 504 Teddy
  • CP-ITI-Forcare-PIX_PDQv3_supplement-ImproveExamples.doc
    • Assign 505 to Vassil.
  • CP-ITI-Forcare-PIX_PDQv3_supplement-ProfileUseOfCodingSystems.doc
    • Assign 506 to Vassil
  • CP-ITI-Forcare-PIX_PDQv3_supplement-ReconsiderUseOfSRCH.doc
    • Assign 507 to Vassil
  • CP-ITI-XDSRegistry_Metadata Rollback.doc
    • Assign 508 to Bill
  • Ballot #6 Results: Reviewed Ballot6.results.xls
    • 391 - remove italics and * and then approve
    • 440 - with a median absolute value of error of less than one second (add absolute value of). Also need to update Vol. 1 to add "abolsute value of" to text with the same phrase
    • 472 - Karen to provide a version -04 to be approved, no reballot needed
    • 486 - Lynn to update CP to make suggested additions
    • 487 - remove box around changes as suggested
    • 488 - comment not persuasive and will move forward without change
    • 368 - fail, rework by editor to consider comments
    • 496 - Lynn to fix additional incorrect link

March 18, 2010


  • CP Ballot #5 Results - all pass. Editorial updates in:
    • 435
    • 442
    • 453
    • 461
    • 467
  • General CPs for discussion
    • 391-02 - Alean
    • 400 - Alean
    • 458-01 - Bill (if update is available)
    • 402-05 - Rob
    • 474 - Rob
    • 489-01 - Karen XCPD section reference Ready for Review
    • 472-02 - Karen XDR replace/folder ready for review
    • 479-01 - Karen Ready to discuss error table and what should be added/changed
    • 488-01 - George ready for review
    • 485-01 - George ready for review
  • Incoming from prior review
    • CP-ITI-PMA_ATNA_ITI9_PIXManager_UndefinedFieldParticipantObjectID.DOC - is this a duplicate? If no, who should it be assigned to.
    • CP_ITI_MM_XCPD_incorrect_interaction_and_trigger_event_refenreces.doc - waiting for feedback from Vassil
  • New Incoming
    • cp-iti-bill-retrieve_example.doc
    • cp-iti-bill-update_doc_relationship_table.doc
    • CP-ITI-ESL_DocRegistry_can_limit_number_of_LeafClass_entries.doc
    • CP-ITI-ESL_New_Audit_Specifications.doc
    • CP-ITI-ESL_Permit_Secure_App_in_XCA.doc
    • CP-ITI-JWM_order_by_clause_addition_to_FindDocuments.doc
    • CP-ITI-LF-link-to-out-of-date-page.doc
    • CP-ITI-LF-Secure-App-missing-from-actor-list.doc


  • 458-01 - Bill
    • no update
  • 474 - Rob
    • no update
  • cp-iti-bill-retrieve_example.doc
    • Previous retrieve examples were not coded with MTOM, updated examples include appropriate MTOM encoding. Ready for Ballot CP 490.
  • cp-iti-bill-update_doc_relationship_table.doc
    • Ready for ballot CP 491
  • CP-ITI-ESL_DocRegistry_can_limit_number_of_LeafClass_entries.doc
    • Accept, assign to Bill CP 492
  • CP-ITI-ESL_New_Audit_Specifications.doc
    • First concern should be fixed in DICOM. Rob will fix in DICOM. Partial success should probably just be logged as success. Assign to Rob CP 493. Consider that success and failure are security and privacy related success and failure.
  • CP-ITI-ESL_Permit_Secure_App_in_XCA.doc
    • Assign to Karen 494
  • CP-ITI-JWM_order_by_clause_addition_to_FindDocuments.doc
    • Reject, would be good white paper material and/or submitted as a new work item
  • CP-ITI-LF-link-to-out-of-date-page.doc
    • Ready for ballot CP 495
  • CP-ITI-ANA-secure-commmunications-option.doc
    • Assign to John 496
  • CP-ITI-LF-Secure-App-missing-from-actor-list.doc
    • Assign to John 497
  • 402-05 - Rob
    • Agreed to change audit msgs to not specialize UserIsRequestor and add text in vol. 2 to explain the RFC definition for UserIsRequestor. For UserID still not agreed on a solution.
  • CP-ITI-PMA_ATNA_ITI9_PIXManager_UndefinedFieldParticipantObjectID.DOC
    • Assign to Rob 498
  • 391-02 - Alean
    • Editorial work, 03 ready for ballot
  • 400-02 - Alean
    • Lynn will review, then ready for ballot
  • 485-01 - George ready for review
    • After the tcon a review of Appendix V confirms that the current values are correct and no update is needed. Email confirmation with submitter revealed that the examples are incorrect, sections and This CP will thus be used to fix those examples instead of its current formulation.
  • 488-01 - George ready for review
    • Ready for Ballot
  • 489-01 - Karen XCPD section reference Ready for Review
    • Ready for ballot
  • 472-02 - Karen XDR replace/folder ready for review
    • Minor update to editing. Check that expected actions on response states that source shall appropriately process errors and warning received in the response. Check indicates that reference to errors and warnings is clear. After that ready for ballot.
  • 479-01 - Karen Ready to discuss error table and what should be added/changed
    • Ran out of time
  • CP_ITI_MM_XCPD_incorrect_interaction_and_trigger_event_refenreces.doc
    • Accept as a correct fix and Ready for Ballot 499

February 19, 2010


  • Bill
    • 456-01 - Bill
    • 457-01 - Bill
    • 458-01 - Bill
    • 460-01 - Bill
    • 462-01 - Bill
  • Alean
    • 391 - Alean
    • 400 - Alean
  • Rob
    • 356 - Rob
    • 368 - Rob
    • 402 - Rob
    • 474 - Rob
    • 475 - Rob
  • Incoming
    • CP-ITI-KW-ImprovedErrorCodesForXDR-00.doc
    • CP-ITI-KW-MergSupplementOutOfDate.doc
    • CP-ITI-KW-PWP-Section-references-wrong.doc
    • CP-ITI-LF-improve_wording_for_PDO_in_iti-30.doc
    • CP-ITI-LF-remove_doc_reg_from_ITI-30-PDO.doc
    • CP-ITI-PMA_ATNA_ITI9_PIXManager_UndefinedFieldParticipantObjectID.DOC
    • CP_ITI_GC_RFD_typo_in_example.doc
    • CP_ITI_JJ_RFD_unclear_URN.doc
    • CP_ITI_LF_NAV_section_refs_screwed_up.doc
    • CP_ITI_LF_NAV_typo_in_example.doc
    • CP_ITI_LF_RFD_unclear_optionality.doc
    • CP_ITI_LF_XCPD_incorrect_section_reference.doc
    • CP_ITI_MM_XCPD_incorrect_interaction_and_trigger_event_refenreces.doc


  • 456-01 - Bill
    • Fixed minor wording improvements
    • Change Cg to R in optionality column
    • Bill to produce a new version with above updates and then ready for ballot
  • 457-01 - Bill
    • Ready for Ballot
  • 458-01 - Bill
    • Improving the wording to state only that an error will result. Also fix error statements that when one document is in error return partial error
    • Re-review with these wording fixes
  • 460-01 - Bill
    • MInor change 02 ready for ballot
  • 462-01 - Bill
    • Ready for Ballot
  • 356-03 - Rob
    • Minor wording changes in 04 (updated 03 version from last Fall). 04 ready for ballot (Rob has this version)
  • 368-01 - Rob
    • Update to vol/sec #s in heading (02). Email review by John & Manuel. Ready for ballot.
  • 402-01 - Rob (not on ftp site)
    • A lot more edits than the original CP had indicated. Rob will make consistent with RFC and in some cases the changes may impact implementations. Rob will do the work of identifying all the errors. Plan to ballot in May to avoid confusion of implementors.
  • 474 - Rob
    • Request for V3 expert to help answer specific question. Lynn will send an answer via email.
  • 475-01 - Rob
    • Ready for ballot
  • 465-01 - Mark
    • First editorial box gets deleted. 02 Ready for Ballot.
  • CP-ITI-KW-ImprovedErrorCodesForXDR-00.doc
    • Change title to be "improve error reporting for XDS, XCA, XDR". Assign to Karen 479. Also discuss extensions of error code - allowed?
  • CP-ITI-KW-MergSupplementOutOfDate.doc
    • Assign to Bill 480. Should be considered in light of Metadata Update Supplement. Plan to re-release for public comment.
  • CP-ITI-KW-PWP-Section-references-wrong.doc
    • Assign to Rob 481 to determine what the correct references should be.
  • CP-ITI-LF-improve_wording_for_PDO_in_iti-30.doc
    • Improve explanation of what needs to be changed - use yellow highlighting to indicate changes from PDO. Verify with Alean. Assign to Lynn 482.
  • CP-ITI-LF-remove_doc_reg_from_ITI-30-PDO.doc
    • Assign to Lynn 483, Ready for Ballot
  • CP-ITI-PMA_ATNA_ITI9_PIXManager_UndefinedFieldParticipantObjectID.DOC
    • Mark will review and let Karen know if needs a number of duplicate of existing CP.
  • CP_ITI_GC_RFD_typo_in_example.doc
    • Add title: "Typo in example in RFD" assign George 484 Ready for Ballot.
  • CP_ITI_JJ_RFD_unclear_URN.doc
    • Assign to George 485. Update to have official CP notation. Check urn is correct.
  • CP_ITI_LF_NAV_section_refs_screwed_up.doc
    • Assign to Lynn 486 - Ready for Ballot
  • CP_ITI_LF_NAV_typo_in_example.doc
    • Assign to Lynn 487 - Ready for Ballot
  • CP_ITI_LF_RFD_unclear_optionality.doc
    • Assign to George 488 to add wording explanations.
  • CP_ITI_LF_XCPD_incorrect_section_reference.doc
    • Assign to Karen 489 to investigate correct section references.
  • CP_ITI_MM_XCPD_incorrect_interaction_and_trigger_event_refenreces.doc
    • Assign to Karen after check with Vassil
  • 391 - Alean - ran out of time
  • 400 - Alean - ran out of time

February 3, 2010


  • 391 - Alean
  • 400 - Alean


  • 391-01 update and and re-review at next CP call (feb without Alean then if needed in march with)
  • 400 needs editor work, vassil & alean to work on that on friday, then ready for ballot

February 2, 2010


  • 472-01 - Karen
  • 440-01 - Rob


  • 440
    • PCD has withdrawn the request documented in this CP. Another issue was intertwined with this and Rob will check into that and then Merge 464 into 440 and 440 is ready for ballot.
  • 472
    • Lengthy discussion on validation of content submitted through XDR.
    • Expected Actions: if you do keep track of submissions and if you get something that is illegal in that context you are allowed to reject it. If you do not have the context to determine if the requested action is legal or not (replacement, folders) then a warning should be returned and the rest of the content processed as normal. This new warning, to be created in this CP, will allow the source to detect when the replace/folder/etc. request was not acted on. A new warning is needed since the current errors are too generic.
    • Lengthy discussion regarding whether new options should be declared to indicate when the source and recipient may support the behavior. Followon discussion of this is needed.

January 8, 2010


  • 442-01 Ready to Review - Yongjian
  • 433-02 Ready to Review - Yongjian
  • 477-01 Ready for Review - Rob
  • 440-01 High Accuracy SNTP - Rob
  • 435-02 Ready for Ballot - Karen
  • 468-01 Ready for Ballot - Karen
  • 469-01 Ready for Ballot - Karen
  • 450-02 Ready to Review - Karen
  • 461-01 Ready for Review - Karen
  • 472-01 Ready for Review - Karen
  • Incoming


  • 433-02 Ready to Review - Yongjian
    • Reviewed changes in CP. Requested improved editor instructions, give volume and section #s etc. Remove change tracking. New change proposed by Rob S. will be in a new CP, Yongjian will submit. Yongjian to make updates to editor instructions and then ready for ballot.
  • 442-01 Ready to Review - Yongjian
    • Wording improvements provided in version -02, Karen to send to Yongjian who will fix editor instructions and then ready for ballot
  • 477-02 Ready for Review - Rob
    • Changes discussed with Rob editing. Version -03 edited and ready for ballot.
  • 440-01 High Accuracy SNTP - Rob
    • PCD will discuss at their next meeting. Defer until an answer from PCD.
  • 435-02 Ready for Ballot - Karen
    • Update for new version of Vol. 2a in version -03. Ready for ballot.
  • 468-01 Ready for Ballot - Karen
    • Ready for Ballot
  • 469-02 Ready for Ballot - Karen
    • Ready for Ballot
  • 450-02 Ready to Review - Karen
    • Ready for ballot
  • 461-01 Ready for Review - Karen
    • 461-02 Ready for ballot
  • 472-01 Ready for Review - Karen
    • More implementor input desired on whether options should be specified on the Source. Also potentially put options on the Recipient. Plan to discuss during f2f. Karen to send summary of issue to Lynn to distribute to implementors.