Basic Image Review

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Basic Image Review (BIR) defines a set of baseline features and user interface relevant to the simple review of DICOM images.


Compliant software must provide a predictable user interface and functionality sufficient to review images for the purpose of clinical decision-making by ordering physicians:

  • display of grayscale and color images from any modality
  • visual navigation of the available series of images through the use of thumbnails
  • side-by-side comparison of at least two sets of images (with synchronized scroll, pan and zoom for cross-sectional modalities)
  • annotation of laterality, orientation, and spatial localization
  • annotation of demographics, management and basic technique information for safe identification and usage
  • simple measurements of linear distance and angle
  • cine capability for images that involve cardiac motion (e.g., cardiac US, XA, 500 CT or MR)

BIR is not intended to be a reading workstation.


<List the key benefits the profile provides (e.g. error reduction, increased throughput) and how they come about (e.g. SWF reduces patient errors due to mistyped demographics at the modality by transfering demographics electronically from the Order Filler). Consider using a bullet list for readability>

It is common practice for imaging facilities to distribute images on CDs, and for receiving physicians to review those images using a viewer included on the CD. Physicians have increasingly expressed frustration that frequently:  viewers do not run successfully, 85  viewers do not load the images successfully,  the viewer loads too slowly,  the viewer claims to be "not of diagnostic quality,"  functions critical to review are missing from the viewer or  the various viewers encountered on CDs have unique graphical user interfaces that do not 90 provide obvious access to basic functions. The impact is delayed care, inaccessible information, repeat examination and irradiation, and poor use of valuable clinician time. Creators of CDs may be unaware of the problems encountered by the physicians receiving the CDs and thus critical feedback about these issues is not communicated to the vendor of the system. 95 Working closely with representatives of the American Medical Association and the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, the IHE Radiology Technical Committee has developed this profile to define the appropriate baseline functionality and behaviors for image viewing software on CD.


<A few paragraphs, if appropriate, providing more details (mostly in user-speak, not tech-speak) on what the profile does and how it works.>

The initial default layout shall include:  a strip or panel of series thumbnails (see Navigation)  after the user selects the series to display, one or more viewports open, each with a single tile populated with an appropriate default image from a default series (e.g., the first or middle image of the first series), full image size scaled to fit the tile, 655 appropriately windowed (see Windowing and Rendering) and appropriately decorated with annotations (see Annotation of Demographics, Location, Timing and Technique) and with the Scrolling tool activated  a toolbar, palette or panel of tools to access the functions described in using the icons described in 660  optionally, a tool to trigger a change in layout to “advanced” functionality For studies that contain multiple series that are not spatially correlated, the default shall be display of a single series in a single viewport. For studies that contain multiple series of spatially correlated information (e.g., multiple transverse MR series), the default shall be display of two series in side by side viewports. If 665 the series share the same DICOM Frame of Reference UID, the viewports shall by default  be synchronized with respect to scrolling (see Scrolling),  be synchronized with respect to panning and zooming (see Zooming and Panning),  have cross-referencing active (see Laterality and Spatial Cross-670 Referencing) Which two spatially correlated series to choose for the default is at the discretion of the implementer. A Layout Multiple Viewports tool shall be provided to allow the user to select the number and arrangement of the viewports. At least two layouts shall be supported: 675  a single viewport, and  two vertical viewports side by side.

  • basic grayscale or color rendering (i.e., without additional image processing like pseudo-coloring, multi-planar reconstruction, fusion or volume rendering)

<If the user might be familiar with the mechanisms used by the profile, you can mention them here. E.g. Evidence Documents is based on DICOM Structured Report (SR) Templates.>

The Basic Image Review Profile defines a specific, simplified set of functions for the Image 640 Display actor to make available to the user, using only the prescribed user interface elements

does not address application or modality specific requirements, such as may be needed for primary interpretation of mammography by radiologists, or primary interpretation of nuclear medicine image, which are addressed by other profiles.

<If the user might have an appreciation for the problems addressed in the profile, you can mention them here, but keep it short. E.g. Mapping HL7 Order fields to DICOM Modality Worklist attributes can be inconsistent in the marketplace, so Scheduled Workflow provides vendors with more detailed instructions.>

Systems Affected

<List (in user terms) the types of systems they might expect to have implemented actors from this profile, e.g. RIS, PACS, HIS, CAD Workstation, etc. and for each, how it would participate.>

  • PACS systems may store, manage, and/or display Evidence Documents.
  • Display systems may query, retrieve and display Evidence Documents.
  • Reporting workstations may retrieve, process and include details from Evidence Documents in reports

Actors & Transactions:

<Insert an actor-transaction diagram, and or list of Content Definitions>


Profile Status: Final Text <Replace "Final Text" with "Trial Implementation" or "Public Comment" as appropriate.>


<Provide direct links to the specific volumes or supplements, and list the volume sections relevant to this profile. This is a simple inventory of official normative and informative text. If you would like to provide a reading guide or walkthrough of what is in each of the different sections for implementers or users, do that in the Profile FAQ or the Profile Implementation Page linked below. If the profile uses transactions from multiple Tech. Frameworks, repeat the structure below.>

IHE Radiology Technical Framework:

  • Vol. 1 - Section 5 (SWF Profile)
  • Vol. 2 - Sections 4.8 to 4.10, 4.14 to 4.19, and 4.23
  • Vol. 3 - Appendix E

Underlying Standards:

<list all the standards on which the profile is based; if possible with links to sources>

See Also

<The following sections can be left out if there is nothing to point to. This is just to show where such information can go.>

Related Profiles

<List profiles this one depends on, profiles that depend on this one, profiles that are synergistic with this one. Start with the name of the other profile as a link and then explain the relationship.>

Consumer Information

The Profile FAQ Template answers typical questions about what the Profile does. <Replace the link with a link to the actual FAQ page for the Profile>

The Profile Purchasing Template describes considerations when purchasing equipment to deploy this Profile. <Replace the link with a link to the actual Purchasing page for the Profile>

Implementer Information

The Basic Image Review Implementation provides additional information about implementing this Profile in software. <Replace the link with a link to the actual Implementation page for the Profile>

Reference Articles

<List References (good and bad) (with link if possible) to Journal Articles that mention IHE's work (and hopefully include some analysis). Go ahead, Google: IHE <Profile Name> abstract or something. You might be surprised. >

This page is based on the Profile Overview Template