Care Management Profile

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Revision as of 10:22, 9 October 2008 by Lkm13 (talk | contribs)
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The Care Management Profile provides a mechanism for EHR and other HIT systems to communicate information to Care Management systems in support of specialized care programs through the use of evidence based guidelines.


The Care Management Profile (CM) supports the exchange of information between HIT systems and applications used to manage care for specific conditions. Examples of these systems include Cancer Registries, Chronic Disease Management Systems, Disease Registries and Immunization Information Systems.

The Cross-Enterprise Sharing of Medical Summaries Integration Profile solves the problem of transferring summary patient information between providers in different clinical settings.


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Systems Affected

EHR Systems




Profile Status: Trial Implementation

See Also

The Patient Care Coordination Framework is the official master document for this Profile.

The Medical Summaries FAQ answers typical questions about what the Profile does.

The Medical Summaries Purchasing describes considerations when purchasing equipment to deploy this Profile.

The Medical Summaries Implementation provides additional information about implementing this Profile in software.

This page is based on the Profile Template